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Sunday 31 March 2013

Meeting 896 "Easter"

Liz Wo was presented with 25 yr badge
Congratulations to long serving member Liz Wo, who received a badge commemorating 25 years in Sandgate Toastmasters Club. Annette presented the badge at the beginning of the meeting. Liz has served in most of the executive positions at least once, competed in contests and mentored new members. It was because of Liz that I joined our club. She was Vice President Public Relations at the time and it was through reading Liz's articles in the local paper, telling what went on at the meetings, that I realised that this was a club that had fun and would welcome ordinary people like me.

John T
And our last meeting was fun! Annette had decorated the tables with small Easter eggs - enough for everyone. Toastmaster John T really entered into the spirit of Easter and arrived wearing his Easter hat. He kept the meeting lively with appropriate Easter jokes and a lot of information about the origins of  many Easter traditions. It was John's first time as Toastmaster.

Our new member Ron proposed the Toast, reminding us that Easter is a time of hope, and Inge read the Mission Statement.

Annette conducted the Round Robin, asking "What does Success mean to you?" There were some light hearted answers such as "waking up in the morning still breathing" and some more profound, eg "Leaving the world a better place," "Being happy with what you've got." "Being married to the right person." Interestingly, no one mentioned wealth or fame.


Table Topics was another lively session. Liz Wo's topics were
"What do you remember about Easter as a child?" 
"Do you believe in the Easter bunny?" 
and "Why are Easter Buns hot and cross?" 

Elizabeth had also prepare three topics -
"The tradition of self discipline during Lent," 
"How do you feel when you see the full moon?"
 and "Is the Australian Bilby a suitable substitute for the Easter Bunny?"  

The topics were answered by Liz We, Leesa, Sharyn, John S, Marlene and Inge. The Evaluators were Annette and Del.

Our first speaker was unable to attend the meeting, but Jonathon filled in with an entertaining session on how to answer a Table Topic by telling a story. He used the white board to write the formula.

Start with a situation -
"Once upon a time -  create issue.
"And everyday" - problem.
"So one day" - resource.
"Because of that"- benefit.
"And then finally - resolution.
"Ever since." - happily ever after.


Dave presented a speech from the "Speaking to Inform" Manual. The title of his speech was "Ouch!" and
was a fascinating history of the development and use of anaesthesia in medical practice.

Dave's speech was evaluated by Terry.

Sharyn conducted a "soopa doopa" Educational Session on Evaluation. Some of her main points were,
"Be specific - with feedback,"
"Acknowledge - what is good."
"Speak for your self - personal opinion"
"Build self esteem of the speaker"
"Stretch your Evaluation vocabulary - use descriptive words. (eg soopa doopa!)
"Your opinion matters."


Robert had some more trivia about Easter in a brief "Did you Know?" spot.

Leesa read a short inspiring poem by Leo Marks, "The Life I Have is all that I Have"

Some of us were caught out and fined during June's Listening Quiz.

Liz We's Raffle, a book and a bottle of wine, was won by Terry.

Liz We

Terry wins raffle
John S

General Evaluator John S had some good advice and commendations. He demonstrated how to write on the white board from the side, to avoid turning away from the audience.

Guests Nick and Jim said they had enjoyed the meeting. We were sorry to hear that Rhys is taking a break for 6 months. We will miss him & look forward to the time when he comes back.

The evening's awards went to Dave (Best Speech,) John T (Best Contribution,) Terry (Best Evaluation,) Marlene (Best Table Topic,) and Ron (Personal Best.)

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