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Wednesday 25 July 2018

Meeting 1018 - The Great Outdoors

Immediate Past President Annette welcomed guest Rusty and handed to Toastmaster Chris, who related many tales of his outdoor experiences during the evening.

A Toast proposed by Stephen was "to be Aware of Danger in the Outback".

Wordmaster Trevor came up with possibly the longest Word our Club has know, in Pusillanimous - meaning Lack of Courage. It was used mainly used by Trish who gained the honour once again.

John provided the Round Robin topic by asking to describe your scariest outdoor experience. We heard of adventures near and far by all Members.

Speech 1 by Peter entitled "Animal Expressions" was introduced and evaluated by Leanne.

Peter and Leanne
Speech 2 by Casey describing the flu season precautions, was introduced and evaluated by Carmy.

Casey and Carmy
Timer throughout the evening was Annette, who kept us on our toes to keep the evening on time.

Table Topics presenter was Paul, and he kept with the theme asking questions on the Great Outdoors. The recipients were able to draw on personal experience and we had humourous and fun answers by Steve, Carmy, Annette, Trevor, John, Stephen, Gail and Marlene.


Steve, Carmy, Annette, Trevor, John, Stephen, Gail and Marlene - in the Great Outdoors
Evaluators of the Table Topics were Liz and Blake, who both provided helpful comments for development and improving skills.

Liz and Blake

The Raffle was sold by Marlene, and lucky winner was a very happy John.

Speech 3 entitled "How a curry changed my life" by Darryl, described how his journey to Toastmasters began. The Evaluator was Jonathon.

Darryl and Jonathon
We were then educated by Trish with her project entitled "Checklist for Effective Meetings" and I am sure all Members learned a great deal on how to be prepared for taking charge of Meetings.

Leesa gave a review of the movie "It's Complicated" and explained the plot and how much she had enjoyed it. (available now on DVD for those interested).

Grammarian Gail was keeping tally throughout the meeting, and gave feedback on the good and not so good grammar and word usage.

General Evaluator Kirsty gave an excellent overview of the Meeting, with suggestions for improvement in some areas and commendation on a good effort in others. All was most helpful.

Awards were presented:   Best Speech Darryl, Best Evaluator Jonathon, Best Table Topic John, Most Improved Casey.

Casey, Jonathon, Darryl and John
A reminder for Einbunpin Festival this Sunday, for those rostered to assist at the Toastmasters Stand.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Meeting 1017 - Ancestors

New Sergent at Arms Carmy called the Meeting to Order. Immediate Past President Annette opened the Meeting and presented the trophy for Most Improved to Toastmaster Chris. Gail had managed to keep this a secret this past two weeks since the Change Over Dinner. Annette also welcomed back Leanne and Peter who have been absent for a while.

Most Improved 2018 Award presented to Chris
Toastmaster for the night Monica kept the Meeting flowing and firstly introduced Gail, who proposed a Toast to All our Marvellous Ancestors.

Toastmaster Monica

Gail and Trish
 This was followed by Trish's word of the evening - Parentage. It was not used frequently during the meeting, despite being within the theme, much to Trish's disappointment.

The first of the 4 prepared speeches was presented by Carmy, entitled "Christmas Shopping in July".
It was evaluated by John.

Second speech entitled "Suicide Involves Everyone" was presented by Stephen and Evaluated by Liz.

Carmy, John and Stephen
Casey presented Table Topics, which an interesting range of topics concerning our Ancestors.

Leanne, Paul, Annette, Blake, Trish and Leesa all provided insightful responses, with Blake as usual providing a most amusing tale about red heads in his family.

Blake or is that "Red Beard"
Marlene and Peter (first time in this role) presented the Table Topics Evaluations.

Marlene and Peter
 Round Robin session was conducted by Annette, with the Topic "Where did the majority of your ancestors come from". The answers were varied and apart from claims to royal blood, provided us with increased knowledge of Members' backgrounds.

The Raffle was well thought out by Paul, and the lucky winner was Peter.

Paul and a brazil nut candle to read by
 Speech 3 by Steve was entitled "The Full Moon" and was not about the hotel where we meet, but about the different names of the full moon around the world. It was evaluated by Leesa.

Speech 4 entitled "Organisational Health" by Jonathon was based on his requirement to present a Report to the audience. He used both hand-outs and projection screen to enhance his speech. It was evaluated by Darryl.

Leesa, Steve, Jonathon and Darryl
The Business Meeting was chaired by John, and finished within time allocated. Eileen was Time Keeper and gave Timers Reports through the evening.

Chris presented the General Evaluation, noting all areas performed throughout the evening.

 Awards: Best Speech: Jonathon, Best Evaluator: Darryl, Best Table Topic: Blake, and Most Improved: Carmy.

Blake, Jonathon, Carmy and Darryl
Annette reminded Members that there will be a third Meeting on July 31st.