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Wednesday 10 July 2024

Meeting 1155 "Talking Toastmasters"

 "What is Toastmasters?"  It is a question that we are likely to be asked at some time. 

Toastmaster of the evening Marlene called on several members during the meeting to answer the question and stressed that we need to be able to explain it clearly to anyone who asks about our organisation. 

Some meeting participants

More meeting participants

George proposed a toast (his first time) to "The King." 

In Chris's absence, Gail H presented the word that he had chosen for the evening, "Solitude." It seemed a challenge to use the word with the theme of "Talking Toastmasters" but several members used it at least once, even in the prepared speeches and Trish used it 13 times.

Round Robin Master Carmy asked "What were you looking for when you joined Toastmasters?" There was a wide variety of answers.

Round Robin

There were 3 prepared speakers - Shaun, Narelle and Trish. Trish even presented an extra speech at the last minute when one of the speaking slots became vacant.


Shaun's speech "Chasing the Dream" was an inspiring account of how he used a serious setback as an opportunity to build willpower. 

Narelle used humour in her speech "Persuasion" and gave us some helpful suggestions on what to do when an objector interrupts your speech.

Trish's 2 speeches "None so Blind" and "Introvert to Unicorn" were an inspiring account of how she built her business as a Speaker Trainer.

Evaluators were Helen, Gail H, Jonathon and Gail W.

Gail H

Gail W

Gail W provided a popular raffle - a complete meal which she had prepared, including Spaghetti Bolognaise, pasta etc, and strawberries and cream for dessert.  Even the containers and cold bag were included. The lucky winner was Narelle.

Gail's raffle

Tickets sold fast

Supper was provided by Shaun and Helen.

Table Topics Master Arun had some Toastmasters themed topics for Paul, Jonathon, Carmy Gail W, Narelle, Helen and Gail W.

Arun TT Master
Paul - "First Impression of TM"

Jonathon- "First Experience of TM"
Carmy - "Most Improved Skill"

Gail W - "Most challenging part" 
Helen - "What Life Skill learned"

Gail H - "Most Memorable Event"
John T -Timekeeper

John T was Timekeeper for the evening. The timing lights were not working, so John improvised with coloured mugs and bowls.

The Table Topics were evaluated by Rosie.

Christiane arrived late on her way home from the airport and was given a Table Topic, "What is Toastmasters?" which she answered very satisfactorily.

General Evaluator Paul had some commendations and some helpful suggestions eg. Evaluate in third person rather than address the speaker, set up props before the speaker is announced, and the Toastmaster needs to lead the applause. 

Paul also conducted a Listening Quiz and found that everyone had listened very well during the meeting.

Gail H presented the club with a Presidents Distinguished Ribbon that had just been received in the mail - for last year!  Our club has gained Presidents Distinguished (the highest award) again this year, so we should receive another ribbon soon.

Winners of the evening were Trish (Best Speaker,) Gail W (Most Improved,) and Jonathon (Best Table Topic and Best Evaluation.)

Award winners 9th July 2024

Next Meeting on the 23rd July will be a Draw Meeting. All roles (except the prepared speeches, raffle & supper providers) will be drawn on the night, so be prepared!

Don't forget Club Officer Training on Saturday 13th July and the Einbunpin Festival on the 28th July.

So ... What is Toastmasters?
Watch this video
The Toastmasters Club Experience

1 comment:

  1. What a shame I only caught the last 15 minutes - it seems I missed yet another fun meeting.
