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Thursday 27 June 2024

Change Over Meeting 25th June 2024

Change Over Programme

The Toastmaster year is from 1st July until 30th June the following year, so this was the final meeting before beginning our new Toastmaster year.    

Suresh, Kirsty
David, Suzanne


Special Guests were Outgoing Moreton Division Director Suresh,  
Incoming Moreton Division Director Kirsty, 
Outgoing Area Director Suzanne 
and Incoming Area Director David.


In her Outgoing Club President's speech, Gail H spoke about the main events of the past TM year, including our recent 50th Anniversary celebrations, the speech contests and Conferences, and our participation at the Einbunpin Festival. She mentioned that our club has achieved the President Distinguished level (the highest ranking) and she thanked all members for their support and hard work.

Carmy presented a brief history of Toastmasters International and its founder Ralph Smedley in 1924 then she proposed a toast to "Toastmasters International."

Narelle presented the Round Robin warm up session, inviting us to speak for 20 seconds on personal growth - particularly through travelling. This resulted in some hilarious travel tales. 


Trish delivered an Invocation, with a beautiful Irish blessing. "May you have enough..."

Helen conducted a short business session. The main items for discussion were changing the signatories for the club's bank account and our information stall at the upcoming Einbunpin Festival.


Raffle Master Chris enticed us with a selection of items to combat the chill of winter .
It was won by Helen.

Raffle prize

Instead of our usual Changeover Dinner this year, (because we had recently had our 50th Anniversary Dinner) we had pizza for supper and an extended time for socializing. The pizza was so delicious that there were just a few pieces left when the incoming VPPR remembered to take a photo.

With pineapple - yay!

Back in the meeting, Outgoing Area Director Suzanne dismissed and thanked the outgoing Club Officers.


Incoming Area Director David presented an inspiring speech and inducted the new Club Executive members. Helen (President) Narelle (SAA,) Will (Treas) Gail H (IPP) Marlene (VPPR) John (VPM.)
Christiane (VPE) was unable to be present.

Executive Team 1st July 24 - 30th June 25

Trophies were presented to the "Most Improved" Toastmaster" and "Toastmaster of the Year"


"Most Improved" is decided by vote by the outgoing and incoming Executive Teams and was awarded to Carmy.

Gail with Carmy (Most Improved)

"Toastmaster of the Year" is decided by points earned during the year within the club as well as participating in other Toastmasters events. It was awarded to Gail H. 

(TM of the Year) Gail receiving trophy from Helen 

 Gail had also achieved 100% attendance.

 David presented our club with a certificate of congratulations "for 50 years of continuous service."

David and Helen

Helen presented an inspiring Incoming President speech. She is full of good ideas for the incoming year.

Jonathon had some thought-provoking Table Topics for Arun, John T, Shaun, Kirsty, Peter, Rosie, Will, and Marlene to complete the evening.

John T




The meeting was closed by new President Helen.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, 9th July.

Club Officer Training will be held on Saturday 13th July.

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