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Saturday 13 November 2021

Meeting 1095 "Hobbies"

Toastmaster of the Evening Monica had chosen "Hobbies" as the theme of the meeting.

The word for the evening was "Blue" with all its different meanings and uses. Trish was the one who used the word the most - so many times that Wordmaster Ted was unable to count them all.

Dan proposed a toast to our club members John, Tony and Christiane who had done our club proud at the Area Conference by winning 3 first prizes and a second prize in the contests.

The Round Robin was conducted by Vaughan


There were two prepared speeches. Narelle spoke about the "Imposter Syndrome" - the feeling of self doubt and feeling like a fraud. She had some suggestions on how to overcome it.
Her speech was evaluated by Paul.


Arun's speech was titled "What Could go Wrong?" with the message that things don't always work out as we intended, but are often better in the long run.


The raffle prize introduced by Marlene was a laminator, and was won by Leanne, who kindly gave it to Christiane because she needed one.

 Supper was supplied by Paul and Christiane and provided an opportunity to relax and chat.

Josh called the meeting back to order and Leanne conducted the business session. The main topic for discussion was our Dinner on the 30th November to Celebrate District 69's 50th Anniversary.
The session was chaired by Leanne.


Ted presented a short "Did You Know?" segment with some fascinating facts about Fraser Island (Did you know that Captain Cook believed it was part of the mainland, and that a ship was washed ashore into the Botanic Gardens during a flood in 1890?)


Another short segment was  JP's "Show and Tell." We were surprised when he revealed what it was - a large roll of duct tape! JP explained how it was used during World War 2 and how it was used to save the lives of the Astronauts during the Apollo 2 mission.  JP had an extra surprise for us - he had brought enough rolls for each of us to take home.


Josh had some creative and challenging Table Topics for Leanne - My Embarrassing Hobby,” Vaughan - “How basket weaving changed my life,” Trish - “ Should you be good at your hobbies?”  Marlene “Why my tree shaping skills upset my neighbours,” Hazel - “Should hobbies be a source of income?” and Ted - “The day my hobby got me arrested.”




Timer keepers were Carmy and Christiane.

Carmy & Christiane

The Table Topics were evaluated by Trish and Gail.


Grammarian Tony commented on some descriptive words used during the meeting.

John presented a General Evaluation of the entire meeting, with some commendations and recommendations.


President Trish president presented the evenings awards to Gail (Best Evaluator,) Marlene (BestTable Topic,) JP (Most Improved) and Narelle (Best Speech.)

Award winners 9th November

Our next meeting on the 23rd November will be the final one before our Christmas Break Up on the 14th December, so don't miss it!

And don't forget to register  for our Celebration Dinner on the 30th November. 

1 comment:

  1. Huge is the right description. I followed JP's instructions and gave the duct tape promptly to my husband. Only to be congratulated on buying such a great brand (Bear = expensive) and such a big roll (lots of metres). So thank you, JP, of making me aware how I can make my husband happy :)

    Both speeches were amazing and relevant to me. It's great to see that our new members are stepping up.
