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Saturday 18 May 2019

Meeting 1037 "Numbers"

Christiane opened the meeting and introduced two guests; her husband Shane and Houng who had found the club online the same day that she attended.

Christiane handed control over to Darryl who was Toastmaster of the evening and as you will see throughout the Blog he was a lot more than that...

Darryl dressed very dapper for the evening and while his fellow toastmasters just thought he was taking his role very seriously, we later found out that he was dressed in his best because with Leanne being away and the washing piling up Darryl only had his best left to wear (someone might have to do an educational on washing and ironing at another meeting).

With Mothers Day having only just passed Carmy gave a toast "To Mums"

Using numbers as his theme Stephen used the word "Estimation" as the word for the meeting. According to estimates it was not used as much as estimated.

Skye led the Round Robin and in keeping with the theme, highlighted the importance of age as a number and asked her fellow toastmasters to tell us about a favourite birthday memory. Surprise parties seemed to be some of the most memorable birthdays.

Stephen delivered the first speech of the evening. His goal was to persuade the audience to "See your doctor" and after educating his audience about Sleep Apnea and the severe impact it can have on one's life. Stephen's speech was evaluated by Blake who may have been persuaded to see the doctor after listening to the speech and realising that he might actually have Sleep Apnea too.

The 10th Speech

Christiane delivered her 10th Speech as part of the Confident Communicator Manual entitled "Scam."
Annette gave the evaluation for Christiane's speech and said she wasn't sure how a speech entitled Scam could be an inspirational speech but was blown away by Christiane's "unnerving speech" that inspired the audience to stand up against con men and put your family first. 
Christiane's speech was received with a standing ovation from the audience.  

Darryl came to the rescue and gave the third speech of the evening. Darryl inspired the audience with details of his experience at the District 69 Convention he attended the previous weekend. He expressed his disappointment about attending the convention for the first time without his mentor Annette. Darryl detailed the three key ingredients to get the most out of your Toastmasters experience:
1) Have fun (tick)
2) Come to meet your friends (tick)
3) To work hard at the craft and keep speaking (tick tick)
He also stipulated that you will not get fined or go to jail if you make a mistake at Toastmasters (Phew!)
Paul evaluated Darryl's speech and told the audience how he had been inspired to attend a convention in the future. 

The business meeting was postponed as a quorum was not present to continue with a meeting. 

Election of officers did go ahead and with a bit of encouragement all executive positions were filled as follows:
President - Gail
Vice President of Education - Stephen 
Vice President of Membership - Eileen
Vice President of Public Relations - Leesa 
Treasurer - Paul
Secretary - Casey
Sergeant at Arms - Darryl

Paul was Table Topics Master and keeping with the theme of the evening asked unsuspecting audience members to talk on topics like; Lucky numbers, number one food cuisine, holiday destination, movie, sport etc.

Table topics were evaluated by Casey and Leesa. 

Following on, Darryl stepped up to the lectern again and gave an Educational, encouraging his fellow Toastmasters to focus on their strengths as a way to captivate their audience and to make sure your audience can understand what it is you're talking to them about. He said "Keep talking and get feedback."

Carmy was Grammarian for the evening and kept tabs on all the um's and ah's throughout the evening... declaring Casey the winner of the most um's said during the evening!!!

Casey kept time for the evening and won the raffle!!! The raffle was kindly donated by Marlene and included a risque deck of cards. 

Eileen undertook the general evaluation for the evening. She commended Darryl as Toastmaster for helping create a fun meeting despite the small turn out. 

Winners are grinners!

Best Speech - Christiane
Best Evaluation - Annette 
Best Table Topic - Stephen 
Most Improved - Skye 


  1. Great write up Casey! Congratulations Christiane on completing your CC.

  2. Hey, let's make sure the ribbon banner is hanging straight next time!

  3. Congratualtions Casey on your 'Blog' a great update on what happened for our members who couldn't make it. Congratulations to our President 'Christiane' for presenting her 10th speech, it was a very humbling & a very thought provoking speech, it must of been very hard to write Christiane.
