Meeting 855 was once again a challenging, informative and interesting night. The theme allowed each of us to speculate whether our zodiac sign matched our personalities, and that of other club members.
Liz Wel as Toastmaster, her first time in this role, did an excellent job, having researched comments to make between segments, introducing the next segment and keeping the meeting moving. Well done.
Dave Y as acting sargeant at arms, and Trish as acting acting president fulfilled their roles with style. Jennine and Harry were voted in and will be inducted at the next meeting.
With confidence and enthusiasm Kerry offered us the opportunity to win a bag of Tupperware Treats, and this Piscean was tempted to display some "rare out of control behaviour with serious consequences" when the winner was announced to be John instead of herself.
June challenged Kerry, Tony and Raider with themed table topics; evaluated well by Dave H.
Trish with her speech Tears of the Moon and a little town from an advanced communicator manual had us all throughly looking forward to our stay in Broome; and Kylie presented five key photography techniques, concluding that If all else fails, read the instruction manual.
John gave an educational about introducing a guest speaker, and an outline will be included in a future newsletter. The key points to include are: why this speaker, why this time, why this subject and why this audience. Annette provided a great example.
Annette's delivery of Henry Lawson's The Teams was delightful.
Trophies were presented to (with photo by Sharyn - didn't she listen carefully to the photography tips!)
Table Topics - Kerry
Speech - Kylie
Evaluation - Liz Wood
Personal Best - Kylie
Contribution - Liz Wel
Kylie you have done an outstanding job on the write up's on our blog, it really is a great way to keep up to date on what we miss at our meetings......Welcome back President Marlene !!!!