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Tuesday 10 May 2011

And the winners are ...

Introducing the club executive team for 2011 - 2012

President - Sharyn
Vice President Education - Trish
Vice President Membership - Leesa
Vice Presient Public Relations - Annette
Secretary Minutes - Rhys
Secretary Correspondence - Nicole
Treasurer - Liz Wood
Sargeant at Arms - Liz Wel
Bulletin Editor - Meriel
Parliamentarian - John
Website Coordinator - Marlene
Auditor - John

Thank you to all of you for accepting these roles, essential for club viability and an opportunity to learn or hone leadership skills.

The current executive team will continue in their roles until 1 July, with the changeover dinner and celebration on Tuesday 28 June.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great team you have Sharyn (President Elect)
