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Wednesday 14 April 2021

Meeting 1081 - Werner Langer

 This Meeting was able to proceed during Covid Restrictions as Safe Social Distancing was observed.

Acting Sergeant at Arms Tony opened the Meeting right on time and handed control to President Leanne.

Leanne and Josh

Kylie and Dana

Guests Kylie and Dana and return guests JP and Narelle were welcomed, followed by the Induction ceremony for Josh.

Control was handed to Toastmaster for the Meeting, Peter. He explained the theme - who Werner Langer was and had also included some of his Artwork around the Room. Throughout the evening we learnt more about this local artist's contribution to the Sandgate community.


Josh gave the toast to "Community".


Wordmaster Ed gave us "Artfully" for use throughout the Meeting.

Round Robin was conducted by Christiane, with the topic "What was your best Artwork ever". This was a delightful lighthearted topic which enabled all to supply an answer, what an artful lot we are!


Leanne introduced Tony who spoke on "It's all Greek to Me".


Hazel introduced Gail whose title was "Anything but Cushy".


Evaluator Darryl introduced Christiane whose humourous speech was entitled "Indirectness in Australia".


Rafflemaster Gail - themed item again with a Paint by Numbers project, as well as Roses Chocolates. It was won by Gokul.


Timer Chris handled the job efficiently and with humour.


Monica introduced the Table Topics segment with humour and imaginative topics. It lit up vivid imaginations and many tall tales.


Speakers were - John T, Josh, Narelle, Ed, Dana and Liz.


These were evaluated by Trish and Marlene, who were both sympathetic to speakers with wise suggestions for future presentations.


A very time efficient Business Meeting was chaired by Gokul, who was totally in charge of the Session and conducted it with dignity and professionalism.


Christiane gave us insights into her Executive role as Secretary, in preparedness for the upcoming Executive changeover.

Grammarian Hazel in her presentation highlighted the cream of speech tonight. She was prolific in her observations of all segments. 

General Evaluator of the entire Meeting was conducted by Liz.


Awards: Best Speech: Christiane, Best Evaluator: Trish, Best Table Topic: Liz, Most Improved: Christiane.

Trish, Christiane and Liz

Next meeting 27th April.

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Meeting 1080 - Poetry

 This Meeting was suddenly promoted to a Zoom only, following Covid restrictions being in place. 

As Toastmasters we are adaptable and Leanne's good management skills saw 11 Members on line as well as one very well behaved guest cat.

Dan welcomed all and read the Mission Statement then Leanne introduced the Toastmaster Monica.

In line with the theme, Monica read a poem by Pam Ayres to start proceedings. Throughout the Meeting Monica included a variety of poems, including the very humourous "Oh I wish I'd looked after me Teeth".


Dan toasted "New Members and Guests" followed by the Word by Tony, superfluous, meaning more than enough.


Round Robin by Liz allowed our poetic skills to come to the fore - by reciting either a poem, haiku or limerick of choice. 


Tony stepped in as Timer for the evening and did an amazing job considering his busy other roles.


John was using the "Engage your Audience with Humor" series and his topic was "Let's change the Anthem". It was evaluated by Marlene.



Leanne spoke from the "Vocal Variety" series on the topic "They Should Have asked my Husband" which was another Pam Ayres poem. This was evaluated by Gail.



Darryl also used the "Vocal Variety" platform, his topic was "Green and Gold Malaria" and was also presented in the form of a poem by Rupert McCall. Dan was his Evaluator.



Table Topics by Trish were also themed, and answered by Marlene, Tony, Liz, Gail, Leanne and Daniel.


The Table Topics Evaluators Tony and Leanne provided feedback which was helpful to all participants. 

Grammarian Gail observed that Zoom Meetings seem to diminish the use of gestures, and that we lose the full dimension resulting in presentations being a bit flat at times.

Paul presented the General Evaluation, and confirmed Gail's comments. He complimented all on being able to multi-task to keep the Meeting buoyant.


Best Speech: John, Best Evaluator: Dan, Best Table Topic: Tony; and Most Improved: Tony.

Thursday 25 March 2021

Meeting 1079 - Hawaiian Luau

 A true Hawaiian welcome by President Leanne greeted Members and guests as they arrived at this Meeting, with the presentation of Leis for all to wear.



New Members Ed and Tony were inducted and guests Narelle, Josh, Ted and JP were welcomed.

Tony and Ed's Induction

Leanne also fulfilled the role of Toastmaster and entertained us with interesting facts and even a film clip of an Elvis Hawaiian movie.

Ed proposed a Toast to "Sandgate Toastmasters".


Marlene presented the Word - a multiple use one - "Lay and Lie" and explained the correct usage of each. Lay as to Place and Lie to Recline.


Round Robin was conducted by Tony with the theme - Hawaiian Pizza - is it okay to put pineapple on pizza - yes or no? Everyone had a definite opinion of their preference.


Speech 1 by Hazel "Buddhism" was introduced by Evaluator Paul.



Speech 2 by Darryl "The Heckler in my Head" was Evaluated by Trish.



Timer Gail provided the timing of segments during the Meeting so efficiently we finished early.


The Raffle was promoted by Hazel and the lucky winner was Ed. 


John introduced the Table Topics: They included Hawaiian shirts (Tony), Where to Travel next (Ted), Planning a Luau (Hazel), What to do in Hawaii (Ed), Which Island - Iceland or Hawaii (Liz), Surfing in Hawaii (Josh), Hawaii or Queensland beaches (Paul) and Is Hawaii over commercialized (Trish).


Guest Ted

The Table Topics Evaluators were Monica and Gokul, who both gave positive feedback with points for improvement.



Marlene gave an overview of the Executive role of the Public Relations Vice President, emphasizing that it is a team effort with assistance provided if taking on this position.

Grammarian Liz gave examples of good phrasing and alliteration used by speakers, and a reminder of using pause to prevent overuse of ums and ahs.


General Evaluation by Dan gave an overview of the evening with pointers to enhance the experience.



Best Speech: Hazel, Best Evaluator: Trish, Best Table Topic: Paul, and Most Improved: Hazel.

Paul, Trish and Hazel

Thursday 11 March 2021

Meeting 1078 - Friendship

After welcoming Guests Graham, Ted and Joshua, plus brand new Members Tony and Edward, President Leanne handed control to Toastmaster of the Meeting, Gokul.


Gokul explained why he chose the theme of Friendship - as it held his values of kindness, honesty and loyalty, and in his opinion was one of the strongest bonds of all.

A Toast to “Friends” was given by Hazel.


Paul presented the word “Empathy” - and its derivatives Empathetic and Empathise. Gokul provided the most usage during the Meeting.

Round Robin segment as conducted by Monica with the topic “Tell us about a friend who meant something to you”; which all Toastmasters and guests could readily answer.


John T’s speech from “The Role of Mentoring” was introduced by Evaluator Darryl. The title was “The Mentor from Hell”.

John T.


Leanne’s Speech entitled “What Animal Are You” was introduced by Liz Wo. and evaluated by Tony.



Christiane kept control of the progress of the Meeting with regular timing reports.


Raffle by Monica promised that Money makes the World Go Around - so by participating in the raffle you could win money via scratchies. The lucky winner was Ted.



Table Topics:

Chris H. presented some challenging topics, which were evaluated by Gail and Marlene.

Chris H.


Participants were Paul, Darryl, Ted, Liz, Tony, Monica, Ed and Josh.

Liz Wo.



Leanne gave a presentation about Executive the role of Vice President Membership, for all to consider for the July changeover of Executive positions in the Club.

Listening Quiz was introduced by Gail with quick questions to test our listening skills throughout the Meeting.

Trish gave a full outline of the evening with the General Evaluation. Trish praised all participants and gave relevant feedback and practical recommendations in areas to elevate to a higher level.



Best Speech - Leanne; Best Evaluator - Tony; Best Table Topic - Paul, who also was awarded the Most Improved.

Leanne, Paul and Tony

In closing, Leanne reminded everyone to watch on Zoom the Moreton Division Contest this Saturday from 8am. Member John T. is representing our Club in the Humourous Contest.