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Thursday 25 March 2021

Meeting 1079 - Hawaiian Luau

 A true Hawaiian welcome by President Leanne greeted Members and guests as they arrived at this Meeting, with the presentation of Leis for all to wear.



New Members Ed and Tony were inducted and guests Narelle, Josh, Ted and JP were welcomed.

Tony and Ed's Induction

Leanne also fulfilled the role of Toastmaster and entertained us with interesting facts and even a film clip of an Elvis Hawaiian movie.

Ed proposed a Toast to "Sandgate Toastmasters".


Marlene presented the Word - a multiple use one - "Lay and Lie" and explained the correct usage of each. Lay as to Place and Lie to Recline.


Round Robin was conducted by Tony with the theme - Hawaiian Pizza - is it okay to put pineapple on pizza - yes or no? Everyone had a definite opinion of their preference.


Speech 1 by Hazel "Buddhism" was introduced by Evaluator Paul.



Speech 2 by Darryl "The Heckler in my Head" was Evaluated by Trish.



Timer Gail provided the timing of segments during the Meeting so efficiently we finished early.


The Raffle was promoted by Hazel and the lucky winner was Ed. 


John introduced the Table Topics: They included Hawaiian shirts (Tony), Where to Travel next (Ted), Planning a Luau (Hazel), What to do in Hawaii (Ed), Which Island - Iceland or Hawaii (Liz), Surfing in Hawaii (Josh), Hawaii or Queensland beaches (Paul) and Is Hawaii over commercialized (Trish).


Guest Ted

The Table Topics Evaluators were Monica and Gokul, who both gave positive feedback with points for improvement.



Marlene gave an overview of the Executive role of the Public Relations Vice President, emphasizing that it is a team effort with assistance provided if taking on this position.

Grammarian Liz gave examples of good phrasing and alliteration used by speakers, and a reminder of using pause to prevent overuse of ums and ahs.


General Evaluation by Dan gave an overview of the evening with pointers to enhance the experience.



Best Speech: Hazel, Best Evaluator: Trish, Best Table Topic: Paul, and Most Improved: Hazel.

Paul, Trish and Hazel

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for writing the blog. Sounds like an awesome meeting I missed!
    Great theme - and I love the accessories.
    Thank you to Marlene for making it easy to remember when to use 'lay' and when to use 'lie'.
