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Friday 15 May 2020

Meeting 1059 "Innovation"

Our third online meeting. Some of these photos don't do justice to the subjects owing to the angle and reflections of light on the screen. Most of us are better looking in real life!

 President Gail welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially our returned traveller Liz Wo, whose recent trip had taken an unexpected turn.

Casey was Toastmaster for the evening.


Chris proposed the toast, and Jakob introduced the word "Innovation."
Round Robin Master Peter asked "What is your favourite innovation or invention?"

Trish presented the first speech of the evening, titled " Sixty Seconds of Insane Courage."

It was evaluated by Eileen.

The second speaker was JP who took us on an ancestral journey with his speech "Who Am I?"
Marlene evaluated JP's speech.

The fourth speaker Darryl, spoke about his former employer who had been an inspiration and mentor to him. The speech was evaluated by Liz (UK.)

Liz (UK)

In his speech "Breathe Easy" Gokul gave a a demonstration and some helpful tips for a healthier life through correct breathing. It was evaluated by Liz Wo.

Liz Wo

Gail was Timekeeper.

Table Topics Master John T called on Leanne, Jakob, Carmy, Liz Wo, Jonathon and Peter to speak impromptu on the topics he had prepared.

The topics were:
1. Do you see yourself as an innovative person?
2. What is something you would like to see invented.
3.What do you wish had never been invented?
4. Have modern inventions made us smarter or lazier?
5. What do you consider the most important thing ever invented?
6. What is something you have learnt or doing more since Covid-19?

The Table Topics were evaluated by Chris H and Trevor.

The Business Session was conducted by Annette. After the reports and general business, Annette handed control to Christiane to conduct the Election of Club Officers for the coming new Toastmasters Year, July 2020 - June 2021.
All positions were filled as follows:

President: Leanne
Vice President Education: Gail
Vice President Membership: Annette
Vice President Publicity: Marlene
Secretary: Christiane
Treasurer: Chris H
Sergeant at Arms: Dan
Parliamentarian: Trish

After the Business Session, Grammarian Monica gave a report on the use of words and grammar during the meeting.

Jakob reported how often the word of the evening had been used.

A new meeting role, Screen Master was conducted by Jonathon who had some helpful tips for presenting on screen.

 Christiane gave a thorough evaluation of the entire meeting.

The awards for the evening went to Trish (Best Speech,) Liz Wo (Best Evaluator,)  Jonathon (Best Table Topic,) and Gokul (Most Improved.)

Trish, Jonathon, Gokul (Liz had already left meeting)
Award winners 12 May 2020
Next Meeting Tuesday 26 May. Visitors welcome. Email us for online meeting link.

Friday 1 May 2020

Meeting 1057 "Auslan"

We were pleased to see first time visitors Hazel and Caren as well as past member Kirsty. President Gail welcomed them to our meeting.

Toastmaster Christiane used the "Auslan" sign language to introduce the theme.

Marlene proposed a toast to our traveller member Liz Wo, who has finally arrived home after difficult conditions due to the Covid-19 crisis. We hope to see Liz next meeting.

Word Master introduced the word "Dactylogy" which is the use of fingers and hands to communicate, as used by hearing impaired and speech impaired people.

Round Robin Master Annette invited all to tell how they are coping with the isolation and social distancing restrictions.

Trevor presented his speech "The Fear" and told why he doesn't fear the Virus.
He was evaluated by Gail.

Dan spoke about "Online Retail" and was evaluated by Leanne.

John's speech was an acceptance speech on receiving an award. It was evaluated by Paul.

Darryl's speech  "Move like Jagger" was evaluated by Chris H.

Time Keeper Casey was well prepared with big coloured cards.

Monica presented the Table Topics session and called on Stephen, Eileen, Chris D, Gail, and Liz UK to speak impromptu for 1 -2 minutes.  The topics (paraphrased) were:

"Would you consider learning sign language?"
"What is your opinion of the Covid-19 tracking app?"
"How are you spending your time in isolation?"
"Should sign language be taught in schools?"
"Will your future holidays include a cruise?"

The table topics were evaluated by Gokul and Carmy.

In Show and Tell, Stephen showed his soccer ball and told a story to explain why it was special to him.

Liz UK delivered an impassioned Soap Box rant about people parking in the cul-de-sac where she lives.

Grammarian Kirsty mentioned some of the descriptive word pictures used, especially during the speeches.

General Evaluator Jonathon commended Christiane on her use of the Auslan language, and commented on the increased energy displayed by participants who stood to deliver their presentation. He also gave some good tips for evaluations.

Leanne was voted best evaluator, Liz UK best table topic, Dan most improved, and John best speech.

Winners 28 April 2020

Next meeting on the 12th May, we will be holding our club officer elections. Please consider taking on a role. You will find it a rewarding experience.

Visitors will be welcome to join us. Just email us for instructions.

Thursday 16 April 2020

Meeting 1057 "Transformation"

Social distancing rules during the Covid-19 crisis, have presented our Toastmasters Club with new challenges. Thanks to Jonathan’s expertise, we are now able to hold online meetings using the Zoom platform.

Our first online meeting was held this week and was voted by all a success. We were thrilled to see  members Liz UK and John S who have been unable to attend our normal meetings in person.

Thanks to Leanne for this photo

President Gail opened the meeting and handed control to Toastmaster Jonathon.
Carmy proposed an inspiring toast. Marlene presented the word for the evening, “Morph” meaning to gradually change from someone or something from one thing to another.

Round Robin master Chris D spoke about “Hope” and invited everyone to tell what they were hoping for.

There were two prepared speeches. John T entertained us with a speech from his “treasure trove of golden teaching memories” about a school camping trip.

Liz Uz presented a “Thank You” speech and spoke about her experience joining our club.

The speeches were evaluated by Christiane and Trish.  The time keeper was Annette.

There was a short supper break which allowed everyone to make themselves a cup of coffee or tea.

The meeting was called back to order and Christiane chaired a short business session. A motion was passed that Executive reports are to be sent before 5 pm the day before the meeting to give everyone time to read them.

Table Topics Master Chris H called on Vaughan, Darryl, Trish, Trevor, Dan, Christiane, Gail and Liz to deliver a 2-3 minute impromptu speech.

The topics (paraphrased) were:
 “If you could teach something, what would you teach?”
“What are you looking forward to next week?”
“ What kind of music do you like to listen to?”
“How are you dealing with loneliness and isolation?”
“What have you done that is worth remembering?”
“Favourite fictional story.”
“What word describes the way you spent last week?”

The Table Topics were evaluated by Casey and Stephen

Grammarian Gail commented on some descriptive word usage during the meeting.

 Monica gave a General Evaluation of the entire meeting.

Jonathon conducted a poll for us to vote for
Best Speaker: John T
Best Evaluator: Trish
Best Table Topic: Trish
Most Improved: Dan

Guests will be welcome to attend our next online meeting on Tuesday, 28th April.
Contact us by email for details.

Screen shot toward end of meeting.

Thursday 12 March 2020

Meeting 1055 "Autumn"

President Gail welcomed guests Philomena, Eric and Thomas.

New members Jose (JP) and Chris D were inducted.

Mentor Christiane, JP, President Gail, and Chris D

 President Gail with new members JP and Chris D

Dan's Icebreaker speech


John & Annette

Winners of the evenings awards were Darryl (Best Evaluation,) Gokul and Daniel (Most Improved - tie,) and John (Best Table Topic.)

Award winner 10 Mar 2020

Thanks to Chris H for the photos.

Next Meeting Tues 24th March. Don't forget Semi Annual fees are due.

Moreton Division Conference 21st March.

Thursday 27 February 2020

Meeting No 1054 -Storytelling

Award winners for the evening - Most Improved - Carmy, Best Evaluation - Jonathon

Best Speech - Eileen, Best Table Topic - Leanne 

Eileen captured our attention with her winning speech

President Gail and Area 8 Director Dan with winners

Moreton Division Training 2019-2020

Photo from Moreton Division Facebook 
Sandgate Executives attended Moreton training last Saturday 22nd February at the Moreton Bay Intergrated Centre at Redcliffe Hospital

Secretary - Casey, President - Gail, V.P.Membership - Eileen, V.P. Public Relations - Leesa
V.P. Education - Stephen

Training session comes with a club officer  workbook

Monday 17 February 2020

Meeting 1053 - Valentines Day

This Meeting had a twist - most of the program roles were drawn on the night! So all Members had to be prepared, apart from the set Speeches.
After Darryl's warm welcome to guests Tyson and JP, Gail introduced Stephen for the Program agenda to be announced. Gail had drawn Toastmaster, so continued to provide snippets of information about Valentines Day during the program.


The Toast was presented by Peter - in which he asked us to toast "the Toast".

Word Master John gave the word "Flirt" in keeping with the Meeting's theme, and there was quite a bit of Flirting in a Flirtatious way.

Eileen was introduced by Leanne.

Evaluator Leanne for Eileen's Speech

Christiane was introduced by Annette.

Evaluator Annette for Christiane's Speech

Christiane is dressed for Operating Theatre
Casey was introduced by Carmy.

Evaluator Carmy for Casey's Speech

Timer was Stephen who efficiently provided the speech times.
Stephen also presented the raffle, which of course had to be chocolates for this occasion. It was won by Leanne.

A Sweet Raffle by Stephen
Table Topics was drawn by Jonathon, and Evaluators Darryl, Peter and Liz provided feedback.

A Business Meeting was conducted very efficiently by Jonathon.

Listening Quiz by Chris made sure we had all paid attention to all speakers.

Soap Box was ably tackled by Gokul, followed by a dramatic Book Review by Darryl.

As General Evaluator, Paul provided very educational feedback, before time restraints meant he had to shorten his presentation.

Best Speech: Christiane, Best Evaluator: Leanne, Best Table Topics: John Topping, and Most Improved: Gokul.

Feedback from Members indicated the different structure of the meeting meant an interesting and fun evening.

Saturday 1 February 2020

Meeting 1052 "Resolutions"

Our first meeting for 2020 got off to a good start with president Gail presenting Peter and Stephen with their recently earned Competent Communicator badge.

Peter & Stephen received CC badges 

Gail also welcomed our guests Deborah, Hayley, Jose and Shane.

Toastmaster Jonathon had chosen the word "Resolutions" as the theme of the meeting.
Leesa presented a toast to the victims of the terrible bushfires we have been having in Australia.


In the absence of the Wordmaster, Jonathon suggested the word "Purpose." Our guest Hayley volunteered to keep track of how many times it was used during the evening.

Christiane introduced the Round Robin, by beginning a story about a rat (it's the year of the rat) and each person added to it, making it a very improbable tale involving a hallucinating rat that somehow travelled between India and Queensland and ended up back at The Full Moon Hotel.


We heard 3 excellent speeches. Paul's speech "What is the Coronavirus?" was very authoritative and would have allayed any fears that anyone might have about the virus.

It was evaluated by Gail


Darryl's speech "Give Peas a Chance" was light-hearted and created some laughs while conveying in-depth information about peas.

Leanne (his wife) managed to give an unbiased evaluation.


Chris, who is a fire fighter gave us an insight into the work he is doing and some of his aspirations in his speech "Level Up."

It was evaluated by Blake.


Raffle Master Peter kept us laughing and guessing what next he would pull out of his bag of Australian goodies. It was won by Jose, one of our guests.

Timekeeper Dan reported that the meeting was running on time.


Supper, provided by Carmy, was a good time to mingle.

Supper time

Supper time

Table Topics Master Monica had prepared some theme related topics and called on Christiane, Leesa, Stephen, and Peter as well as guests Jose and Hayley (who had bravely volunteered) to deliver a 1-2 minute impromptu speech.




The Table Topics were evaluated by Casey and Peter.


Marlene presented a story telling segment, by reading a familiar story "Ladle Rat Rotten Hut" which was written in different words to show the importance of correct intonation when telling a story.

Liz was General Evaluator and gave a report on had what worked well and what could be improved during the meeting.


President Gail presented the evenings awards to Paul (Best Speech,) Blake (Best Evaluator  - not in photo. He left early.) Christiane (Best Table Topic) and Stephen and Chris (tie - Most Improved.)

Paul, Chris, Stephen, Christiane, Gail. Awards 28 Jan 2020

Next meeting on the 11th February will be a "Draw" meeting. All meeting roles (except prepared speeches) will be drawn from a hat or other suitable container, so come prepared to do anything!