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Friday 15 May 2020

Meeting 1059 "Innovation"

Our third online meeting. Some of these photos don't do justice to the subjects owing to the angle and reflections of light on the screen. Most of us are better looking in real life!

 President Gail welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially our returned traveller Liz Wo, whose recent trip had taken an unexpected turn.

Casey was Toastmaster for the evening.


Chris proposed the toast, and Jakob introduced the word "Innovation."
Round Robin Master Peter asked "What is your favourite innovation or invention?"

Trish presented the first speech of the evening, titled " Sixty Seconds of Insane Courage."

It was evaluated by Eileen.

The second speaker was JP who took us on an ancestral journey with his speech "Who Am I?"
Marlene evaluated JP's speech.

The fourth speaker Darryl, spoke about his former employer who had been an inspiration and mentor to him. The speech was evaluated by Liz (UK.)

Liz (UK)

In his speech "Breathe Easy" Gokul gave a a demonstration and some helpful tips for a healthier life through correct breathing. It was evaluated by Liz Wo.

Liz Wo

Gail was Timekeeper.

Table Topics Master John T called on Leanne, Jakob, Carmy, Liz Wo, Jonathon and Peter to speak impromptu on the topics he had prepared.

The topics were:
1. Do you see yourself as an innovative person?
2. What is something you would like to see invented.
3.What do you wish had never been invented?
4. Have modern inventions made us smarter or lazier?
5. What do you consider the most important thing ever invented?
6. What is something you have learnt or doing more since Covid-19?

The Table Topics were evaluated by Chris H and Trevor.

The Business Session was conducted by Annette. After the reports and general business, Annette handed control to Christiane to conduct the Election of Club Officers for the coming new Toastmasters Year, July 2020 - June 2021.
All positions were filled as follows:

President: Leanne
Vice President Education: Gail
Vice President Membership: Annette
Vice President Publicity: Marlene
Secretary: Christiane
Treasurer: Chris H
Sergeant at Arms: Dan
Parliamentarian: Trish

After the Business Session, Grammarian Monica gave a report on the use of words and grammar during the meeting.

Jakob reported how often the word of the evening had been used.

A new meeting role, Screen Master was conducted by Jonathon who had some helpful tips for presenting on screen.

 Christiane gave a thorough evaluation of the entire meeting.

The awards for the evening went to Trish (Best Speech,) Liz Wo (Best Evaluator,)  Jonathon (Best Table Topic,) and Gokul (Most Improved.)

Trish, Jonathon, Gokul (Liz had already left meeting)
Award winners 12 May 2020
Next Meeting Tuesday 26 May. Visitors welcome. Email us for online meeting link.

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo! Congratulations to the new executive for 2020/2021 Sandgate Toastmasters especially to our incoming President 'Leanne'. Enjoy the year ahead :)
