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Thursday 11 October 2018

Meeting 1024 - The Life of John Lennon

Tonight Stephen was in his role as Toastmaster. His knowledge of the theme was impressive, and he kept the Meeting moving along with stories of the Beatles.

President Christiane welcomed back guest Vaughan.

The Toast was to "Music Writers" and was delivered by Stephen.

Monica gave us the Word of  "Imagine" for use throughout the Meeting. It was easy to incorporate into most segments, but of course the award for most usage, as usual, went to Trish.


Round Robin was also John Lennon themed, Gail asking each Member to speak about their Beatles experience.

Prepared Speeches were by:
Paul "A Buzz of Excitement", evaluated by Casey.

Paul and Casey

 Jonathon "What's Your Frame", evaluated by Eileen.

Jonathon and Eileen

 Kirsty "Awareness and Choice", evaluated by Darryl.

Kirsty and Darryl
 The Raffle (another mystery prize - just use your imagination) introduced by Christiane, was won by Trish.
A highly efficient and educational Business Meeting was conducted by Trish within the time frame allocated. Well done.

Annette presented the Select Distinguished Club Ribbon for 2017/18 to Christiane. Well done all Members to achieve this award.

Christiane and Annette
Table Topics - Annette also themed the topics, and participants Monica, Christiane, Liz, Gail, Trevor, Stephen and Leanne suitably answered. Only Leanne could excel at delivering the John Lennon Song "Imagine". They were evaluated by Marlene and Carmy.


Marlene and Carmy
 Grammarian Gail offered suggestions about using ums, and overall was pleased with the word usage.
General Evaluator Christiane also provided excellent feedback for improvement of our Meetings.

Best Speech: Kirsty
Best Evaluator: Darryl
Best Table Topic: Leanne
Most Improved: Eileen

Kirsty, Leanne, Eileen and Darryl

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Meeting 1023 - Evaluation and International Speech Contests

Contest night is always exciting and a chance to showcase our Member's talents.

Carmy called the Meeting to order and a warm welcome by President Christiane was extended to the visiting Toastmasters attending our Contest night.

Carmy and Christiane
Gail proposed a Toast to "The Contestants" and wished them well for the Contests.

Leanne as Evaluation Contest Toastmaster introduced Stephen to present the Joke, before commencing the Evaluation Contest.


Mahia from Bunya Club presented the Test Speech, entitled "Pop and Poppy".

Leanne and Mahia
Contestants were Christiane, Eileen, Stephen and Jonathon.

Congratulations to first place Christiane, second place Eileen and third place Stephen. Both Christiane and Eileen will represent Sandgate Club at the Area Contest.

Casey convinced us to buy raffle tickets with a chance to win "brain power" in the form of chocolate and other mind improving goodies. It was won by Chris.

The International Speech Contest Toastmaster was Jonathon.

Contestants were Blake, Christiane, Chris and Darryl.

What a wonderful range of speech topics and all were delivered with flair, passion and humour.
Place Getters were: first Christiane, second Darryl and third Chris. Both Christiane and Darryl will compete for Sandgate Club at the Area Contest. Well done Christiane as winner of both Contests.

A great effort by all Members who assisted throughout the evening taking on roles as Tally Counters, Timers and Sargent at Arms. A big thank you also to our guest judges Alan, Jenny, Rodney, Daniel.

Friday 21 September 2018

Our Sister Club turns 40

Some of our members attended the 40th Anniversary Celebrations of our sister club, Peninsula Toastmasters and had a wonderful evening.The meal was delicious and there were a a couple of amazing speakers. Everyone was so busy talking to one another, I only managed to get a couple of photos.

There are some lovely photos on their Facebook page.

Charter Member Annette K and Doris S

Leesa & Annette

One of Peninsula Club's Suzanne H is a bush poet, and she shared a poem that sums up the way we feel about Toastmasters.

What Toastmasters Means to Me

Each fortnight, when we come to meet
you'll find a friend who'll always greet
you with respect. They're so sincere
with feedback on the words they hear.

You learn to listen, learn to lead.
At Toastmasters it plants the seed
to be the best that you can be -
at least that what it seems to me.

A place where I can make the choice
to share my words, or hear your voice.
I come to take, but learned to give
and found a better way to live.

Thursday 13 September 2018

Meeting 1022 - Gardening

President Christiane welcomed guest Skye then presented Liz with her Life Member Award for being a Toastmaster Member for over 30 years.

Award presented by Christiane to Liz
Toastmaster Casey was handed the gavel and confidently conducted the evening's program, along with giving various snippets about gardening.

Toastmaster for the night Casey
Steve presented the Toast - sadly this is Steve's last Meeting before he moves to Scotland. We will miss his friendly face, expertise and humour. The Toast was to Sandgate and Sandgate Toastmasters.

Steve's Farewell Toast
Annette challenged us to use the word "Ubiquitous" - meaning everywhere/global/universal.

Round Robin was commenced by Carmy, with a story set in the garden. Each person had to continue the story, which took on a life of its own.
Best quote of the night from Marlene "Give a weed and inch and it will take a yard".

Prepared speeches were presented by Chris (Two Wheeled Death Machine), Christiane (Letterbox Therapy) and Trish (Mindset Lessons).

Chris, Christiane and Trish

These speeches were evaluated by Darryl, Eileen and Monica

Darryl, Eileen and Monica

The Raffle was declared a mystery by provider Annette - and was revealed when the winner (Christiane) was drawn. It was a dinner voucher for the Full Moon Hotel.

Timer Leanne did a great job by keeping us ahead of time all night.

The Business Meeting was Chaired by Gail, and was kept quick and precise.

Table Topics presenter Marlene called on "experts" to give their answers to vexing garden problems. Evaluators were Liz and Stephen.

Stephen and Liz

Grammarian Blake highlighted the best of word usage from Members.

  General Evaluator Leesa gave a valuable run down on the entire Meeting.


Best Speech Trish, Best Table Topics Paul and Darryl (tie), Best Evaluator Liz, Most Improved    Casey.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Meeting 2021 - Contest Night

Carmy opened the Meeting and read the Mission Statement. President Christiane welcomed all Members and guest Vaughan, as well as visiting Toastmaster Judges Jenny, Maria and Allan.

Carmy and Christiane

Maria, Jenny and Allan

Casey took the role of Toastmaster, introducing Annette who raised a Toast to "All the Contestants"
Casey and Annette
Blake provided two jokes which set the mood for a fun night, one of the jokes had a great punchline.

Steve was Contest Toastmaster for Table Topics.

The Table Topics Contestants were Darryl, Leanne, Christiane and Chris. The placings were:
First Leanne, Second Darryl and Third Christiane.

Christiane, Leanne and Darryl, and Chris
Leanne was Contest Toastmaster for the Humorous Contest.

The Humorous Speech Contestants were Christiane and Stephen. The placings were:
First Stephen, Second Christiane.

Christiane and Stephen
First and Second Place Getters will represent Sandgate Club at the Area Conference later this year.

The Raffle was sold by Liz, and the lucky winner was Casey.

A great Contest night and Congratulations for all participants.