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Wednesday 26 September 2018

Meeting 1023 - Evaluation and International Speech Contests

Contest night is always exciting and a chance to showcase our Member's talents.

Carmy called the Meeting to order and a warm welcome by President Christiane was extended to the visiting Toastmasters attending our Contest night.

Carmy and Christiane
Gail proposed a Toast to "The Contestants" and wished them well for the Contests.

Leanne as Evaluation Contest Toastmaster introduced Stephen to present the Joke, before commencing the Evaluation Contest.


Mahia from Bunya Club presented the Test Speech, entitled "Pop and Poppy".

Leanne and Mahia
Contestants were Christiane, Eileen, Stephen and Jonathon.

Congratulations to first place Christiane, second place Eileen and third place Stephen. Both Christiane and Eileen will represent Sandgate Club at the Area Contest.

Casey convinced us to buy raffle tickets with a chance to win "brain power" in the form of chocolate and other mind improving goodies. It was won by Chris.

The International Speech Contest Toastmaster was Jonathon.

Contestants were Blake, Christiane, Chris and Darryl.

What a wonderful range of speech topics and all were delivered with flair, passion and humour.
Place Getters were: first Christiane, second Darryl and third Chris. Both Christiane and Darryl will compete for Sandgate Club at the Area Contest. Well done Christiane as winner of both Contests.

A great effort by all Members who assisted throughout the evening taking on roles as Tally Counters, Timers and Sargent at Arms. A big thank you also to our guest judges Alan, Jenny, Rodney, Daniel.


  1. You missed a great night!
    Thanks Liz for writing the blog so quickly.
