Because of the Changeover Dinner on Monday night, we didn't have our regular meeting this week, but we had an informal "Fun Night" for those who wished to come.
It's just as well it wasn't a regular meeting, because when we arrived, we found that our room was being used by another organisation and we had been delegated to the much smaller boardroom upstairs. There were only 13 of us, so we fitted comfortably around the large table.
It was good to have our previous, guests Liz, Leonie and Nicoholas back again, as well as Inge who came for the first time.
Liz started us off with a Round Robin, then Del presented a speech from the Interpretive Reading manual, which we evaluated as a group.
After tea and coffee and chocolate biscuits, we divided into 3 teams for a challenging fast-talking game of Articulate.
Some of the clues required deep concentration.
Raider & Nicholas
Rose & Del
Leesa & Leonie
Don't forget, there are three Tuesdays in this month, so it will be three weeks till our next meeting on the 13th July.