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Wednesday 16 June 2010

Meeting 834 Theme - "Winter"

Rhys was voted best speaker last meeting, with his speech "Train Trips and Reality." It was a very clever speech inspired by the title of a book a fellow passenger was reading on a recent train trip.

Dave brought along one of his model planes and explained the principles of flight. Dave is working from the "Speaking to Inform " manual.

Sharyn presented a helpful educational session on "How to conclude a speech."

Del has come back from her trip and she competently performed the role of Toastmaster.

The business session was chaired by Tony. It was his first time as Chairman and he handled it well, with a bit of advice from John.

Another first timer was Jacqui, in her role of General Evaluator. 

It was good to see past member Nicholas again, as well as several other visitors. 

There will be no regular meeting next time, because the Change Over Dinner is on the night before. However, we will have an informal night with games & maybe a speech or two for anyone who wants to come along. 


  1. I have missed quite a few meetings, I blog is a great way for memembers to catch up on what is happening while their away, great job Marlene.

  2. Apologies for spelling errors, I think I need another cuppa.
