"Changes" was an appropriate theme chosen by John for the meeting, because we are nearing the end of our Toastmaster year and will soon have a new Executive team. We also had some unexpected changes to our meeting programme.
S.A.A Helen called the meeting to order and President Gail opened the meeting.
Helen |
Gail |
Toastmaster of the evening John had some inspiring quotes to start the meeting on a high note.
Tracey presented the toast, "Embracing change and endless possibilities."
John |
Tracey |
Wordmaster Peter had a new challenge for us - to avoid the word "learnings" with a penality of 2 points if used and 1 point gained for using the words "lessons" "learned" "insights" and "wisdom."
Peter |
Russell |
Russell presented the Round Robin warm up session with the question, "Who would you like to change places with for one day?" Some of the answers were, Shakespeare, Helen Keller, a Tour Guide, Taylor Swift, David Attenborough, and Jonathon's cat George.
In the absence of two prepared speakers on the programme, John rose to the occasion and presented one of his humorous speeches from a past meeting, "How John Saved Brighton" and Helen gave an impromptu speech on "Changes."
John |
Helen |
John's speech was evaluated by Will. (Will's first time as Evaluator) and Helen's speech was evaluated by Gail H.
Will |
Gail H |
Marlene presented an Educational Session on "When you are Table Topics Master."
Her main points were:
Keep the topic questions brief. No more than one simple sentence.
Give topics to member without a meeting role or with a minor role before calling on those with a major role.
Have easy topics for new members.
Arun was the Timekeeper.
Arun |
Thanks to Peter for the delicious supper.
Helen & John enjoying supper |
Peter provided supper |
This was followed by a Table Topics session run by Amy (Her first time as TT Master.)
Amy |
"What childhood trend or fashion would you like to bring back?" Narelle
"What childhood superstition or belief did you have?" Marlene
"Advice to your younger self" Peter.
"What in your childhood do you wish you could make come back?" Gail H
"What is a favourite childhood memory and what makes it special?" Tracey
"What was the most embarrassing thing you did as a child?" Will
"What did you do as a kid and wish you could still do?" Jonathon
Can't remember what Arun's topic was.
Tracey |
Arun |
Will |
Jonathon |
Peter |
Gail W |
Helen |
Jonathon gave a thorough evaluation of the entire meeting.
Jonathon |
Club Officer Training will be held on the 13th July at the North-East Baptist Church, Nundah.