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Wednesday 29 May 2024

Meeting 1152 "Laughter is the Best Medicine"

 We always  have a laugh at our meetings, but this one was especially dedicated to laughter. Our Toastmaster of the evening Chris had chosen the theme "Laughter is the Best Medicine." He was equipped with plenty of jokes and funny stories.


Marlene proposed a toast to "The gift of Humour."

In the absence of our Word Master, Rosie came up with the word "Eloquence" (not "elephants" as someone thought she had said) and it was eloquently used at least once by most members. Trish managed to use it 14 times!

There were more laughs when Marlene introduced the Round Robin, inviting everyone to share something that had made them laugh.



Gail W presented an amusing speech titled "Hutcheson Street." As she described them, we could easily picture the characters who had inhabited the street where she grew up. This speech completed Level 1 of the Presentation Path that Gail is working on. It was evaluated by Peter.

Gail W

John's speech "The Perils of Long-Haul Flights" was another laugh provoking action filled speech.
It was the " Know Your Sense of Humour" project from the Motivational Strategies path.
Paul evaluated John's speech.


The timekeeper was Carmy. 

Carmy and Paul
John provided the raffle, consisting of  a bottle of Rosette wine, Chocolates, Scratchit Tickets and a book on Public Speaking  by Ralph Smedley. The lucky winner was Jonathon.

Supper provided by Arun and Tracey was enjoyed by all.

Supper (Gail & Trish in foreground)

A short Business session was held by President Gail H to ratify the new executive members and to elect a President for the coming Toastmaster year. (1st July 2024 - 30th June 2025)

Helen was elected as President.

Helen - Our incoming President

Other positions are: 
Vice President Education - Christiane
Vice President Membership - John T
Vice President Public Relations - Marlene
Secretary - Gail H
Treasurer - Will
Sergeant-at-Arms - Narelle

The merriment continued with Table Topics selected by Jonathon for Marlene, Tracey, Peter D, Gail W, Rosie, John T, Paul and Trish.

1. What is the funniest thing you've ever heard a child say?

2. Describe the funniest thing you have seen on social media.

3. Imagine you've just been involved in a funny incident at supper tonight. Tell us about what happened.

4. Brisbane council has decreed that all residents must laugh out loud for 5 minutes each day. Are you for or against this and why?

5. If you were a stand up comedian, what would your act be about?

6. You've been granted a comical super power. What is it and how would you use it?

7. Sometimes a catastrophe is funny after the fact. What's something that went horribly wrong for you , that hindsight has made amusing?

8. What is the most ridiculous fashion trend you've ever tried?

Gail W



They were evaluated by Arun.


 Helen  presented an evaluation of the entire meeting. She reminded us to stay at the lectern to hand control to the next speaker and demonstrated this by staying to hand control back to Toastmaster Chris.

President Gail presented the awards to the winners for the evening: Tracey (Most Improved,) Arun (Best Evaluation,) Trish (not in photo - Best Table Topic,) and John (Best Speech.)

Award Winners 28th May.
Next meeting: Tuesday 11th June.

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