Peter was called upon for the Toast - to Children's Stories.
Trevor presented the Word - Efficacy - which can be rather hard to pronounce, however it was used several times and the most appropriate user was Christiane.
Round Robin by Jakob asked everyone to describe their favourite book.
Speech 1 - Gail - Evaluated by Liz Wo. It was a Pathways Social Speech, and Gail chose a Eulogy to her Aunt, Ida Betts.
Speech 2 - Jonathon - Evaluated by Liz We. The title was “Leaders - Born or Made”.
The Raffle Master was John, who enticed us with a set of coffee mugs and bottle of wine. The winner was Leanne.
Timer Dan provided accurate records of all speeches and evaluations and kept the meeting running on time.
Table Topics presented by Leesa involved an Enid Blyton story. Speakers were John, Annette, Gokul, Carmy, Philomena, Chris D, Trevor and Jakob.
Table Topics Evaluators Leanne and Darryl gave supportive encouragement to all participants.
Annette provided feedback in her role as Grammarian. She particularly commented on the number of ums.
Marlene provided the General Evaluation, commenting that the sound did prove difficult for the Zoom participants, however it is all a learning curve.
Best Speech - Jonathon. Best Evaluation - Leanne. Best Table Topic - Philomena. Most Improved - Jakob.