We were pleased to see first time visitors Hazel and Caren as well as past member Kirsty. President Gail welcomed them to our meeting.
Toastmaster Christiane used the "Auslan" sign language to introduce the theme.
Marlene proposed a toast to our traveller member Liz Wo, who has finally arrived home after difficult conditions due to the Covid-19 crisis. We hope to see Liz next meeting.
Word Master introduced the word "Dactylogy" which is the use of fingers and hands to communicate, as used by hearing impaired and speech impaired people.
Round Robin Master Annette invited all to tell how they are coping with the isolation and social distancing restrictions.
Trevor presented his speech "The Fear" and told why he doesn't fear the Virus.
He was evaluated by Gail.
Dan spoke about "Online Retail" and was evaluated by Leanne.
John's speech was an acceptance speech on receiving an award. It was evaluated by Paul.
Darryl's speech "Move like Jagger" was evaluated by Chris H.
Time Keeper Casey was well prepared with big coloured cards.
Monica presented the Table Topics session and called on Stephen, Eileen, Chris D, Gail, and Liz UK to speak impromptu for 1 -2 minutes. The topics (paraphrased) were:
"Would you consider learning sign language?"
"What is your opinion of the Covid-19 tracking app?"
"How are you spending your time in isolation?"
"Should sign language be taught in schools?"
"Will your future holidays include a cruise?"
The table topics were evaluated by Gokul and Carmy.
In Show and Tell, Stephen showed his soccer ball and told a story to explain why it was special to him.
Liz UK delivered an impassioned Soap Box rant about people parking in the cul-de-sac where she lives.
Grammarian Kirsty mentioned some of the descriptive word pictures used, especially during the speeches.
General Evaluator Jonathon commended Christiane on her use of the Auslan language, and commented on the increased energy displayed by participants who stood to deliver their presentation. He also gave some good tips for evaluations.
Leanne was voted best evaluator, Liz UK best table topic, Dan most improved, and John best speech.
Winners 28 April 2020 |
Next meeting on the 12th May, we will be holding our club officer elections. Please consider taking on a role. You will find it a rewarding experience.
Visitors will be welcome to join us. Just email us for instructions. sgatetm@gmail.com