What a fun meeting - most of us went home with a different brain - or so we were told.
President Annette inducted new Member Stephen and welcomed him to the Club. She also welcomed guests Casey and Charlene, as well as welcoming back Kirsty and former Member Sharyn.
Marlene was Toastmaster and she sprinkled jokes and comedy (intended and sometimes unintended) through the meeting. In fact General Evaluator Jonathon observed no less than 15 amusing tales.
Lien toasted Comedy in all its forms.
Gail was the Wordmaster and offered Facetious, which means joking or amusing in an inappropriate way. Gail also drew our attention to the fact that all 5 vowels appear in the word in alphabetical order. There were some facetious comments throughout the night.
Nick introduced Round Robin or Warm Up session by asking "what really made you laugh recently" and was rewarded with a delightful array of stories which all seemed to happen to Members during this week.
First Speech was by Robyn, as introduced by Karen. The title was "Age is a State of Mind". Robyn truly encapsulated this theme with examples of seniors who have achieved great things. As this was only her second speech to the Club, we can be assured she will continue to impress with her talents.
Karen was very insightful in her evaluation which commended Robyn in so many areas and for achieving all objectives.
Christiane introduced Chris with the topic of "Water On". He was able to relate so much more of what happens on a fire truck, and certainly knew his subject. Christiane offered helpful suggestions to enhance this speech.
Peter presented his Humorous Speech Contest speech again to seek feedback from a group evaluation led by Liz.
The raffle was provided by John - and it was a book of Australian jokes, together with bottles of wine and a scratchie. Lucky winner was Jonathon.
After supper, the Business Session was chaired by Blake. Despite some interjecting and clarification of Motions and Amendments, the desired outcome was carried. Well done Blake for your first time as Chairman.
Table Topics were prepared by Paul. He kept with the theme by asking about such topics as your favourite comedian, favourite comedy TV show, is laughter the best medicine etc. The 6 recipients all spoke easily on the topics.
Carmy kept the meeting running to the program with her excellent timer's reports.
Darryl and Nikki evaluated the Table Topics offering points for improvement and praising good structure.
Towards the conclusion of the meeting, a demonstration was given by Marlene and Annette, on the correct way to pass the gavel and shake hands at the same time.
Awards: Best Speech - Robyn, Best Evaluator - Darryl, Best Table Topic - Annette,
Most Improved - Peter.
Sandgate Club is pleased to have Sharyn re-join as a Member. Every night will be comedy night now.