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Sunday 28 July 2019

Einbinpin Festival 2019

Every year, have an information stall at the local Einbunpin Festival. This year it was organised by Eileen.

Christiane, Leesa, Eileen

Paul, Einbunpin Bunyip, Christiane

Stephen, Leesa, Paul

Marlene, Trish, Einbunpin Bunyip

John & Trish

Peter, John & Trish (getting too shady for clear photos)

 Packing up. How do we dismantle  this?


  1. Big shout out to Eileen for being the coordinator for our presence at the Einbunpin Festival...loved the lollies and so did everyone else :)

    1. I concur wholeheartedly!
      Thank you for the fun - let the guests pour in and let them enjoy in our meeting(s).
