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Friday 15 March 2019

Meeting 1033 Etymology

President Christiane was glad to be back at a Meeting and she welcomed guest Diane.
Christiane also congratulated Gail who was recognized at a breakfast on International Women's Day for her contribution to community organisations.

Toastmaster Liz asked who had to look up the meaning of the theme of tonight's Meeting (it means an explanation of what our words mean and their history and derivation), and who confused it with Entomology (the study of insects). She also introduced the words Lexophile (a word to describe those who have a love for words), and Onomatopoeia (a word that actually looks like the sound it makes (e.g. babble, gurgle, plop, swish, purr).

A Toast to the late great interviewer "Mike Willesee" was a timely choice by Darryl.

Stephen chose the word "Naughty" for the word, and gave a complete background of how it's meaning has changed over the years.

Darryl and Stephen
Kirsty stepped in to conduct the Round Robin, with a theme of What One Word would you use to describe your year so far.
Speech 1 by Jonathon, entitled "Wheel of Life" was evaluated by John T.

Jonathon and The Wheel of Life diagram

John T
Speech 2 by Eileen, entitled "My Communication Style" was evaluated by Paul.

Eileen and Paul
Trevor was a diligent Timekeeper all evening.

Christiane gave a presentation on the Moments of Truth survey results, which showed our Club as well above the average in most areas. Suggestions that were made have been taken on board by the Executive and will be introduced where possible.

Carmy was the Raffle presenter, lucky winner being Gail.

Chairman of the Business Session, for the first time, was Casey. She really threw herself into the role and enjoyed bringing order to the session. Well done.

Casey with gavel in action
Table Topics presenter Monica gave single word topics, which participants then had to create a mini speech around.

Darryl (oranges), Marlene (hate), Leesa (shoes), Stephen (confidence), Gail (shock) and Kirsty (family). The topics were evaluated by Peter and Gail.

Peter and Gail

Marlene gave some tips in her Grammarian session which all Members could take on board.

General Evaluator was Annette who gave a comprehensive overview of the Meeting, and reminded all Members to speak up so as to be heard.


Best Speech: Jonathon, Best Table Topic: Leesa, Gail and Kirsty (shared), Best Evaluator: Gail, Most Improved: Casey.

Jonathon, Gail, Leesa, Kirsty and Casey

1 comment:

  1. Glad to be back!
    It was a fun night (as always) - and I learned so much about words (and why I'm still struggling with the English language).
    Here is to more Toastmasters meetings to improve my Aussie slang.
