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Thursday 25 October 2018

Meeting 1025 - Poetic Rhymes

This Meeting offered variety and the scope for developing interesting segments as the novel theme  brought out Member's inner poet.
A warm welcome was extended to guests John and Kathy by Toastmaster Leesa. She kept the happy friendly manner throughout with lots of rhymes.

A Toast to "Limericks" and also presenting one herself was Monica.

Wordmaster Trevor was a bit flummoxed with his choice of "Quintessential" which at first appeared with a variation of the spelling. The meaning is the very essence of something.

Trevor with Version One

Version Two
Round Robin by Marlene, asked Members to remember a rhyme from their childhood, which tested some with recall. Marlene wrapped it up well by presenting her own humorous rhyme.

Speeches were presented by: Carmy "Going Home" and evaluated by Gail.

Carmy and Gail
 Peter spoke on "Highlights" from his recent overseas holiday, and was evaluated by Eileen.

Peter and Eileen
 "Cut to the Core of the Problem" was a serious speech by Darryl, which was evaluated by Christiane.

Darryl and Christiane
Chris cleverly wove a rhyme around the raffle prize, also for the raffle draw. Blake was the winner.

Poetic Chris
Kirsty led Table Topics with a twist. She introduced one of her favourite poems, then called on a Toastmaster to extend this as their topic. It challenged all to speak off the cuff in a slightly different manner. Trish and Blake were Table Topics evaluators.

Monica was vigilant as Timekeeper and accurately recorded and reported during the Meeting.

A Movie Review was next on the agenda, by Chris. The movie was titled "District 9".
Chris gave a great description and recommended it to any Sci Fi buffs. It was obvious that he is a fan.

A Soap Box segment was presented by Trevor. He made an impressive opening by rolling out a long scroll of paper to emphasize his point about safety issues of the Flu Vaccine.

Trevor and his "notes"
Grammarian Trish gave us 3 points in an educational overview of common pitfalls of our speaking manner. Avoid clichés, avoid the word "but" and use an "active" voice rather than a "passive" one.
Good advice for all.

Trish making her point
Marlene was Listening Quizmaster and tested our recall of the Meeting.

Marlene and Liz

General Evaluator Liz covered the Meeting in record time, highlighting the many well done segments and presenters. Congratulations to all who provided a Poetic Rhyme and wove the theme around their presentations.

Best Speech Award - Darryl
Best Table Topic - Marlene
Best Evaluator - Eileen
Most Improved - a tie for Carmy and Eileen

Carmy, Eileen, Marlene and Darryl
Reminder: Next Tuesday is a 5th Tuesday in the month, so there will be a Meeting on 30th October.


  1. Thank you fellow toastmasters for your wonderful creative "Poetic Rhymes', I was very impressed and we all had a great laugh. It was a great meeting, I am still laughing about Chris's movie review about Sci Fi.... 'District 9' and great photo of Trevor's Soap Box ! So proud of you Carmy with presenting your speech 'Going Home'

  2. Thank you Leesa for selecting this topic! It was fun to hear all those rhymes and it is great to see that we have so many talented poets in our club.
