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Monday 30 April 2012

Meeting 876 "Anzac"

We were glad to have acting Area Governor Asoki at our meeting. Asoki inspired us with her presentation about the Toastmasters motto, "Toastmasters, where leaders are made."

There were also three other guests, Narelle, as well as John T and Terry who had been before.

It was the eve of  Anzac Day, so there were many references to the sacrifice & bravery of our soldiers who have fought for our country.

Toastmaster Liz, shared some history and interesting facts about Anzac Day. Wordmaster Leesa, challenged us to use the word "Courage."

While introducing her Round Robin, Inge told how her family in Germany had suffered under the Nazis and invited us to share stories & memories of the war. Nearly everyone spoke over the allotted 30 seconds.

Jennine's Table Topics, which also related to Anzac Day were more of a challenge. Rhys,  Leesa,  Dave and Nicole rose to the occasion.

Melissa evaluated the Table Topics in great detail. It was her first time as evaluator.

Nicole presented her 5th speech, titled "The Thief." using a appropriate gestures to make it come alive. It was evaluated by Dave.

Visiting Toastmaster John T evaluated Harry's speech, "Business Proposal."
John T

Marlene presented the speech she will be using in the Humorous Speech Contest at the District Convention, and received a group evaluation with some helpful suggestions.

Trish recited two poems, Anzac Day by D Hunter, and For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon, with the familiar & well loved verse,

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
 Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them." 

Amanda's raffle was won by Maureen (First Prize) and Ernie. (Second Prize.)

Del reported on the Ums & Ahs used during the meeting.

The General Evaluation was conducted by Asoki.

Timekeeper John reported that most of the segments had gone overtime, but somehow, miraculously our meeting finished almost on time.

The evening's awards went to Melissa (Personal Best,) Harry (Best Speech,) Nicole (Best Table Topic,) John T (Best Evaluation,) and Liz (Best Contribution.)

 Officer Elections next meeting. Please consider taking on an executive role. It's a wonderful opportunity to develop leadership skills.

"You are the person who has to decide 
Whether you'll do it, or toss it aside. 
You are the person who makes up your mind 
Whether you'll lead, or linger behind. 
Whether you'll try for the goal that's far 
Or just be contented to stay as you are. 
Take it or leave it, here's something to do, 
Just think it all over - it's all up to you."

--Edgar A. Guest.

1 comment:

  1. Trish Springsteen4 May 2012 at 11:59

    Love the poem by Edgar A Guest - certainly sums it all up - don't miss out on the opportunities that come by - they may not come again.
