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Wednesday 14 September 2011

Meeting 863 Spring Hats

The theme of the meeting was "Spring Hats" and a few members arrived wearing a decorated hat. (Sorry, I should have taken a photo!) Maybe the rest of the club was confused by the programme, which said "Spring Hates!"

Elizabeth and Melissa were inducted into the club. It was good to see our new members each taking on a Table Topic and handling it very well.

Harry and Chelsea each presented their Ice Breaker speech. In his speech, "Choices" Harry gave a vivid account of a skiing injury that led to him meeting his wife Jennine. Chelsea spoke about the "Super Heroes" in her life.

Liz presented an entertaining speech entitled "The Best Things in Life are Tea" and Nicole's speech, "A Place Like No Other" was about Fraser Island.

The speeches were evaluated by Annette, Sharon, Dave, & Rhys.

One of the Evaluators mentioned something about "making use of floor space." Homer, Robert's guide dog demonstrated how to make the best use of floor space!

The Business Session was chaired very efficiently by Annette, and proved to be a learning experience as a motion was moved and amended.

 A lively listening quiz was conducted by Kerry.

Awards for the evening were presented to Chelsea (Personal Best,) Harry (Best Speech,) Melissa  (Best Table Topic) Annette (Best Evaluation) and Marlene (Best Contribution.)

1 comment:

  1. Speedy, informative and fun reading! Well done Marlene, it is great to have a regularly updated blogsite. Much appreciated, Kylie.
