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Wednesday 13 April 2022

Meeting 1103 - Different Perspectives

 Another Hybrid Meeting which was opened by Josh with a joke. President Trish welcomed guest Karen, who was introduced by Christiane. 


Trish carried out the induction of David as a new Member of our Club, with Dan becoming his mentor


Control handed to Toastmaster Paul, giving a little background about Different Perspectives.


A Toast to "Divergent Thinking" was proposed by John T.

Wordmaster David gave the word "Empower" and promised to take note of its users as well as grammar and good word usage.

Timers were Christiane and Peter D.

Shane conducted the Round Robin very well, with both on screen and venue Members. His topic was "How would you spend your first day as Prime Minister". It provided lots of humourous answers.



Arun spoke from Level 2 Pathways on Effective Communication, and the Speech was evaluated by Josh.


John T. gave a speech from Level 2 Visionary Communication on the topic of "Different Perspectives on Leadership". This was evaluated by Trish.


John T.

A Show and Tell segment by Monica gave insights into General Sir John Monash, as depicted on a DVD that she had watched recently. 


The Raffle was provided by Gail which included wine glasses and a bottle of red wine. Winner was Arun.


After the break, the Business Session was chaired by Gail. Hazel joined on Zoom to participate in this part of the Meeting. 

Table Topics were on the theme and presented by Christiane. Participants were Shane, Leanne, David and Tony. Evaluators were Liz and Carmy.




In view of upcoming Executive elections, VPM Tony and VPPR Leanne explained the role and urged Members to take on an Executive position.



General Evaluator Dan gave a comprehensive wrap up on the entire Meeting.



Best Speech - John T, Best Evaluator - Trish, Best Table Topic - David, and Most Improved - Arun.

David, John T., Arun, (Trish not present)

Thursday 24 March 2022

Meeting 1102 - Dreams

 For the first true hybrid Meeting this year, there were very few glitches and the on site Members were happy to meet in person once again. They were joined by 7 Members on Zoom.

Stand In Sergeant-at-Arms Liz We. opened the Meeting and handed control to President Trish. She congratulated Tony for his achievements of winning both the Evaluation and Table Topics Competition at Division Conference last weekend. Also congratulations to John T. for an his excellent speech. Trish inducted new Member Shane into Sandgate Toastmasters Club.



Toastmaster for the evening Gail introduced her theme of dreams with much information on the nature of dreams and their meanings.


A Toast by Peter D. was to "Dreams".


 Wordmaster Shane gave the word "Cognisant" and defined its meaning as having knowledge or awareness of something.


Carmy started the Round Robin with the sentence - I fell asleep and I had a dream - and each person then had to complete the sentence. It invoked many varied responses about our dreams.



Leanne as Evaluator introduced Marlene, who was presenting her Ice Breaker in the Pathways Engaging with Humour.



Liz Wo. as Evaluator introduced Trish with her speech entitled "Networking Experiences" from the Level 3 Pathways on "Make Connections Through Networking".



Hazel presented a short overview of her thoughts on attending the recent Division Conference, which were all very positive. She gained so much that she has urged fellow Members to try to attend Conferences at any opportunity in the future.


Timing for the Meeting was shared by Liz We. and Monica.

Liz We.


A "Real" Raffle was presented by Gokul, with something to help our dreams - wine and beer!


Table Topics were by Hazel, all with a "Dream" theme, and participants were Liz Wo, Narelle, Arun, Christiane, John T. and Carmy.



These were evaluated by Gokul and Arun.

Two short "Job Description" segments were presented by President Trish and Education Vice President Marlene, on what to expect in that role. This is in view of the upcoming change of Executive and asking for Members to take up the challenge. Both emphasized what you will get out of it, rather than what it entails.

Tony as Grammarian highlighted the use of alliteration and great descriptive words used by participants.

General Evaluator Paul provided great feedback for the entire Meeting. He had great suggestions for improvement, especially with the hybrid logistics, and commended the technical team for their commitment and knowhow.



Best Speech: Marlene, Best Evaluator: Leanne, Best Table Topic: John T, Most Improved: Arun.

Thursday 10 March 2022

Meeting 1101 "International Women's Day"

Whilst the first hybrid Meeting for 2022 had a few hiccups with connectivity, it was a great opportunity to sort out the issues and hopefully work out solutions. Thanks to the Team of Josh, John T, Tony, Arun, Gokul and Darryl at The Hub for your efforts.


President Trish opened the Meeting and welcomed guest David. 

Liz Wo.

Control was handed to Toastmaster Liz Wo. The Meeting was interspersed with information about the origins of International Women's Day, including the theme for 2022, the meaning of the colours purple, green and white and the role women around the world play in all aspects of society.

Josh presented the Toast to "Women's Gender Equality".

Peter B. provided the Word for the evening - Humility. 

Peter B.

Table Topics segment was conducted by Peter D. and Monica. The topics were in line with the theme, and answered by Peter B, Gail, David, Trish, Hazel and Marlene.


Peter D.

The Table Topics Evaluator was Liz We.

Liz We.

Speech 1 was introduced by Hazel. Arun's speech was from the Leadership Style project, and was titled "Effective Leadership".



Timers Dan and Marlene provided updates on time progress throughout the Meeting.

Speech 2 by John T. was introduced by Trish. Entitled "The Gift of Life", John used the opportunity to rehearse his Contest Speech for the upcoming Moreton Division Conference on 19 March.

John T.

A Group Evaluation was held to assist John in honing the best aspects of his speech, with many useful tips being provided.

Speech 3 was by Darryl W, entitled "Up in Flames". This was introduced by Gail. This was also a rehearsal for his Contest Speech. 


A Round Robin style Group Evaluation was conducted at its conclusion.

The Club wishes them both success at the Contest.

A General Evaluation of the Meeting was provided by Chris H, giving incite into both well done aspects and areas for improvement.

Chris H.

Best Table Topic was awarded to Marlene, and Trish awarded Hazel the Best Evaluator award.


All Members to can or wish to attend the next hybrid Meeting - can join us at The Hub, or if not an option, via Zoom.

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Meeting 1100 - Building Bridges

 An opening address by President Trish welcomed Area Director Mark, and return guest Shane. This was a fully Zoom conducted Meeting, owing to the usual venue still observing restricted access.

Liz We. was Toastmaster, and what she doesn't know about bridges, their history, location and variety, isn't worth knowing. Our edification was extensive.

Liz We.

Toast by John T. was to "The Importance of Building Bridges in our Lives".

John T.


Wordmaster Hazel provided the meaning and extensive examples of the word "Collaborate" and it's derivatives. Liz We. used it the most.

Paul conducted Table Topics, and posed the question - describe a memory associated with your favourite bridge.


Timer Leanne adeptly monitored the times with a set of traffic lights making it easy for Members to keep an eye on the timing.



Josh was introduced by Evaluator Gail, the title of his speech "Preventing Waste through a Circular Economy". It was from Level 1 Researching and Presenting. Congratulations Josh on completing Level 1 of Pathways.



Gokul's speech entitled "The Opportunity" was evaluated by Arun. Congratulations also to Arun for completing Level 1 of Pathways.



Trish presented a speech entitled "My Mentoring Experience" from Level 2 Visionary Communication. It was evaluated by Liz Wo.

Liz Wo.

Area Director Mark addressed the Members, and presented Tony with his 15 year service Award, if not in person, in spirit.


Table Topics segment was a joint effort by Carmy and Tony. Participants Marlene, Trish, Gail, Paul Leanne and Gokul gave interesting responses to "bridge" related questions. The topics were evaluated by Paul and Hazel.




Peter B. used his Show and Tell segment to tell of his love of Music and playing guitar. He had a particular Music Book to assist his learning journey. His advice - start at the beginning.

Peter B.

General Evaluation was presented by John T, dissecting our progress and reflecting on the Meetings progress.

Awards: Best Speech: Trish; Best Evaluator: Paul; Best Table Topic: Leanne; Most Improved: Arun.

Best Quote of the night: Go Build a Bridge - and Get Over It.