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Thursday 15 November 2018

Meeting 1027 - Leadership

Carmy capably brought the Meeting to Order and read the Mission Statement. President Christiane welcomed guest Toastmasters Annette M from Adventurers Club, Eliza from Pines Club and Area Director David. Peter's Son Steven was also a guest, and Skye was welcomed back.

Vaughan and Christiane
New Member Vaughan was then inducted into the Club by Christiane. Also Liz was presented with her 30 Year Service badge from District 69.

Toastmasters Darryl gave us a definition of Leadership and named some famous leaders during the evening.

The Toast by Vaughan was to "Leadership and John Monash".

Word Master Carmy selected "Direction" as the Word and gave examples of its various meanings.

Chris conducted the Round Robin segment, with the theme of "Who is your Inspirational or Motivational Leader". Many and varied people were named as great Leaders, from world famous to local heroes.

Stephen spoke on "Good Friends and Humility" and was evaluated by Trevor.

Stephen with Mango Wood bowl and Trevor
 Gail gave us "The Biggest Work in Progress" (Crazy Horse Monument) and was evaluated by John.

Gail and John
Kirsty gave her 10th Speech in the Competent Communicator Manual - Inspire your Audience - with a speech titled "Knowledge". It was evaluated by Liz. Congratulations Kirsty on reaching this milestone.

Kirsty and Liz
 The Raffle was a dual prize event and was presented by Marlene. Winners were Gail and Stephen.

Marlene with Raffle Prizes
 Timer for the evening was Peter who gave accurate and precise reports.

A Business Meeting then was chaired by Stephen.

Table Topics presented was Blake, who posed an interested array of topics for David, Annette M, Carmy, Annette T, Peter and Trevor.

Blake and Monica
 Evaluators were Chris and Monica.

Grammarian Christiane highlighted the over-use of ums and ahs, and praised good grammar and phrases.

General Evaluator Marlene presented her report on how the evening shone and how to improve some areas.

Area Director David gave a brief report, then the Awards were announced:


Best Speech - Kirsty
Best Evaluator - Liz
Best Table Topic - Peter
Most Improved - Stephen

Stephen, Peter, Kirsty and Liz

Monday 12 November 2018

Area Conference 2018

The Area Conference was held on the 11th November - Remembrance Day. Nearly everyone bought and wore a red poppy in memory of those who died in the war. 

It was a successful day, thanks to all those who organised or took part. 
Christiane came third in Evaluation and Humorous Speech contest. Darryl came third in Table Topics and first in Evaluation ( representing his other club, Redcliffe Club).

We are also proud of our new members Stephen and Eileen, who competed in the contests. 

Most of these photos were taken from where I was seated in the audience. There are some really good ones on Redcliffe Toastmasters Facebook page, taken by their photographer Kris. 

Gail at registration table

Area Council meeting

Humorous speech contestants

Humorous Speech place getters

Morning tea

Raffle prizes

Table Topics Contestants

Darryl & Christiane

Guest Speaker Terri Tonkin
(click for more info)

Division Director Rod
presented Leesa with 15 year badge
Congratulations Leesa!

Kirsty chaired Evaluation contest

Test speaker Helen with Kirsty

Evaluation Contest participants

Evaluation place getters

John T chaired International Contest
Area 8 Director Dave
Kris from Redcliffe Toastmasters has put much better photos on their Facebook page. Be sure to check out both Part 1 and Part 2.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Meeting 1026 "Halloween" Speechfest

"Halloween" was the theme of our speechfest night. Peter's  jack-o-lantern pumpkin watched over the proceedings.

The Toastmaster was Marlene.

We were pleased to welcome back guests John A and Skye.

Wordmaster Gail chose the word "macabre" meaning gruesome, ghastly horrifying or pertaining to death. It was easy to use the word with our meeting's theme.

Round Robin Master Peter asked "What are you afraid of?" Everyone admitted to a fear of some kind or related a scary experience.

There were 6 prepared speeches. Christiane and Stephen repeated the speeches they will present at the Area Humorous Speech Contest and received feedback from all the members. The evaluations were led by Gail and Blake.

Trevor presented a speech from the Technical Presentations manual and told how he had successfully proceeded with a business venture in spite of  being told it wouldn't work.

John T  assumed the role of "John the Local Aussie Hero" and told a humorous fictitious tale of how he had saved Sandgate.

John T
Trevor's and John's Speeches were evaluated by Darryl and Eileen.


Time for a break
After a delicious supper provided by Blake, Christiane presented her International Contest speech and received some helpful suggestions from Carmy and the rest of the club.

Darryl gave an inspiring talk about his experiences competing in contests.

Peter announced the winner of the raffle. Stephen was the lucky winner who took home the jack-o-lantern together with bags of treats for any children who might come to his door.

Kirsty evaluated the meeting, with commendations on what had worked well and gave suggestions for improvement.

Thanks to time keeper Chris, the meeting finished on time.

Chris, Eileen, Blake, Carmy
President Christiane presented the evening's awards to Eileen (Best Evaluator and Most Improved,) and John T (Best Speech.)

Award winners 30th Oct 2018
We wish our competitors success in the Area Contest on the 11th November.

Please note: Next meeting will not be held on our usual night as our meeting room will not be available that night. Instead we will meet on Wednesday, 14th November.