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Monday 30 January 2017

Meeting 982 "Travel"

It was our first meeting for the year. We were pleased to welcome 6 guests - Nicole, Deb, Peter, Chris, Blake and Area 15 Director Annette M. (There were 3 Annettes at our meeting!)

Our president Steve was absent, so V.P.E. Annette T opened the meeting and handed control to Toastmaster Reza.


Wordmaster Paul introduced the word "Anticipation."

Round Robin Master Kirsty  asked "What are you going to do in 2017?"  which prompted some ambitious ideas.

Tim presented a speech on "Bullying." and was evaluated by Dave.


In her 5th project speech, Christiane spoke about her fear of dogs and spiders.


It was evaluated by Annette T.

Annette T

Jonathon had prepared Table Topics about travel for Dave, Annette T, Marlene, Blake, Leesa, Carmy, Paul, Blake and Chris.


Dave - "Where to go."

Annette T + "Trip from Hell"

Blake - "20 cents a day"

Leesa  - "Romantic Trip"

Carmy - "Jet lag remedy"

Paul   - "Itinerary ."

Chris - "visit 3 heroes"
The Table Topics were evaluated by Annette W and Darryl.

Annette W

Area 15 Director Annette M spoke about the coming Metropolitan Division Conference, which will be held on Saturday 11th March 2017 at the Tavernenetta Function Centre, Carseldine.

Annette M -  Area 15 Director

In her Show and Tell segment, Leanne used the projector to show pictures of the exciting event she had attended - and had been presented with an award for Sales Development Manager of the Year!


Marlene was Grammarian and Carmy conducted a Listening Quiz.
Karen was time keeper.


In her book review, Leesa explained why she loves "Poldark."

Christiane's  "mystery" raffle was won by Leanne.

The General Evaluation of the entire meeting was presented by Liz.


The evenings awards were presented to Blake (Personal Best,) Annette T (Best Table Topic,) Reza (Best Contribution,) Darryl (Best Evaluation,) and Christiane (Best Speech.)

Award Winners 24 Jan 201
It will be an extra week until the next meeting, as there were 5 Tuesdays in January. See you on the 14th February.

Saturday 31 December 2016

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

See you at our first meeting for the year on the 24th January, 2017.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Christmas Break Up 2016

Lots of fun at our Break Up Dinner.  Here are the photos. Merry Christmas to all. See you on the 24th January.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Meeting 980 "Fashion"

Toastmaster Leanne invited everyone to "Strike a Pose" before performing their role. Some of the poses were very imaginative and caused some merriment. (Sorry, I didn't get a clear photo of any of them.)

We were delighted to welcome our Area Director Ajit to the meeting, also Blake and Chris for their second visit.

Our new member Nikki was inducted by President Steve.

Steve inducted Nikki

John T spoke briefly about the exploitation that sometimes occurs in the manufacture of clothing and proposed a toast to "Fair Fashion Practices."

Word Master Carmy chose the word "Convention."

Round Robin Master Tim introduced a continuing story, with each person continuing from the last word of the previous person. It involved a black cat (which turned grey and then ginger as the story evolved) 2 men with a barrel of coal and somehow included Bindi Irwin and Russell Crowe.

Jim presented a speech, "Comfort Zones - For and Against" Jim's point was that it is not always a good idea to step outside one's comfort zone.

Christiane presented her 4th Manual Speech, "Achilles Heel." She demonstrated how a Vacoped boot can help with achilles heel injuries.


Christiane with Vacoped

Paul's speech was also his third. He spoke about "Eggs - Where Do They Really Come From?" He explained the difference between cage eggs, barn laid eggs, free range and organic, particularly the difference it makes to the hens.

The speech evaluators were Reza, Trish and Leesa.




Tim's raffle was a bag of goodies - wine, Christmas pudding, chocolate biscuits etc.
It was won by Jonathon.
Leanne offered a second prize - one of her fashion items, a mankini! Liz was the unlikely winner, but she presented it to a male member who is going to send us a photo???

Leanne with mankini. Steve looking doubtful.
Dave had Table Topics for Anette T, JohnT, Chris, Liz, Nikki, Tim, Jonathon and Marlene.


Annette- men's  dress for summer

John T - wife's outfit

Chris - daughter's skimpy wedding dress

Liz - expensive or cheap outfit?

Nikki - casual dress at opera?

Tim - dress code in pubs

Jonathon - length of hemlines
Marlene - tailored slacks for business women

Table Topics Evaluators were Steve and Darryl.


Darryl - striking a pose
Area Director Ajit spoke about the District Convention to be held in Chinchilla from 28th April to 1st May 2017 and encouraged all to attend.

Area Director Ajit
Jonathon presented a "Show and Tell" segment, and used the projector to show how he visited the Rughubari Project and ate from a plate made from a leaf.

Jonathon - Show and Tell

 John T presented a review of a movie he had enjoyed, "I Daniel Blake."
John T


Karen gave an in depth General Evaluation of the evening.

Awards were presented to Darryl & Trish (tie for Best Evaluation) Leanne (Best Contribution,) Christiane & Paul (tie for Best Speech) Jonathon (Best Table Topic) and Nikki (Personal Best.)

award winners 22 November 2016

I think I got photos of everyone except Nick - Oh, there he is!

Our Christmas Break Up Dinner is on the 13th December. If you haven't yet paid for your mail, please contact Jim at least a week before.
Remember to bring a Secret Santa gift (approx value $10) suitable for male or female.
Please bring an item for our Christmas Hamper raffle.