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Saturday 12 November 2016

Meeting 979 "Pets"

The theme of the meeting was chosen by Paul's cat, when she walked across his keyboard. It proved to be an excellent theme for a Toastmasters meeting.

We were pleased to welcome first time visitors Kit, Blake and Chris as well as Nikki who had been to a previous meeting and has decided to become a member.

Toastmaster Paul kept us entertained and informed about pets. (Did you know, there are more  pets than people in the world?)


Wordmaster Marlene chose the word PETrichor, which is the name given to the pleasant smell of rain after a dry spell.

Round Robin master invited us tell tell about an unusual pet we have had.

There were three prepared speeches.

Kirsty's speech was about an important change she had made in her life.


Darryl spoke about the advice given to him in his first job, and how he has applied it to his life.


Karen's speech, "To Craft or not to Craft" was about crafting a speech.


Speech Evaluators were Leanne, Liz and Christiane.



John T's raffle was popular. It was a bag of goodies, including a "Whodunnit" book, a bottle of lager, and various yummy things. It was won by Paul.

John T
John was also Time Keeper.

The business session  was effeciently chaired by Jonathon. The main business discussed was our Break Up dinner on the 13th December.

Jonathon and Paul
(messy store room in background.)

Table topics master Tim called on Annette T, Trish, Carmy, Christiane, Marlene, Liz, John T, and Leanne.

Topics master Tim
Annette - pet's birthday party

Trish - ugliest pet

Carmy - introduced to friend's pet snake
Christiane - favourite animal

Liz - encounter with barking dog
John T - kitten up tree

Leanne - cat hair on new clothes
Grammarian Steve commented on good word usage, alliteration and repetition.

Annette W
Annette W had some good tips in her General Evaluation.

Voting for the evenings awards was very close, with three people tying for Table Topics.
The winners were Kirsty (Personal Best,) Paul (Best Contribution,) Christiane, John and Liz (Best Table Topic,) Liz (Best Evaluation,) and Darryl (Best Speech.

Award winners 8th Nov 2016

Next meeting will be n the 22nd November. You will need to pay then if you are coming to our Christmas Break Up Dinner on the 13th December.

High School Awards

Steve had the honour of presenting awards to the local High School Debating Team on their awards night.

Another photo from Area 8 Conference

Kris has sent a photo he took of our club members at the Area 8 Conference. Thanks, Kris!

Click for large size.

Back row: Steve, Leanne, Chris, Darryl
Next row: Leesa, Marlene, Annette T, Annette W,  Christiane
Front: Trish

Monday 7 November 2016

Area 8 Conference 2016

Trish -winner of  Evaluation contest
photo by Kris Kamusinski

Congratulations to our Sandgate members who did so well at the Area 8 Contests last Saturday.
Trish won first place in the Evaluation Contest and Annette came second.

 Evaluation place-getters Annette & Trish with Michael from Peninsula Clu

Darryl also represented our club and took third place in the International Speech contest

International Speech contest
 Darryl (left) with Allan (Peninsula Club) & Jenny (Healthy Chatterers)

and Annette Thompson took third place in both the Humorous Speech and Table Topics contest.

Humorous Contest
Annette with Greg (Healthy Chatterers) & Michael (Peninsula)

Our club hosted the Evaluation Contest. Although a relatively new member, Leanne took on the role of Contest Toastmaster and gave a professional performance.

Leanne with MC Alan H.

We got a better photo of her afterwards!
Other members, Chris, Christiane, Marlene, Leesa, Steve filled the roles of ushers, time keepers, sergeant-at- arms and ballot counters.

Educational sessions were presented by our Metro Division Director Mark Snow and World Champion  Speaker 2009 Mark Hunter.

Metro Division Director

Mark Hunter

A delicious lunch was served in the courtyard outside.


Area Director Ajit 

Here are the winners again -  with Darryl
Click for larger size

Thanks to our sponsors Brisbane Truck School,   PanicATAX and Luke Howarth MP  Fed Member for Petrie.

And of course, our brave test speaker, judges, and all who helped to make it a successful Conference.

(This is a rather biased report, focusing mainly on Sandgate Toastmasters, because I haven't got  permission from everyone in the other clubs to use their photos.)

Sunday 6 November 2016

Silent Night at Sunset

Remember Peter V, who used to come to our meetings? We always loved to hear him sing!  He and his brother Andy have launched a new CD "Silent Night at Sunset." If you would like to buy one, you can contact Peter or visit this website.

Friday 28 October 2016

Meeting 978 "Place Your Bets"

This meeting was fun! Here are the photos.

Toastmaster Jim - dressed for the part

Wordmaster Trish - "Aftermath"

Darryl - Round Robin
Gambling with 50 Grand.

Reza -  speech "My Passion"

Christiane - speech "Nomen Est Omen"

Leanne - speech 

Evaluator Liz

Evaluator Paul
Evaluator - Annette
Reza with Time Keeper Dave





John T 



TT Evaluators Steve & Marlene

Trish's Mystery raffle
Annette won the raffle

Grammarian Jonathon

Carmy - Quiz
Karen - Book review
"Truama" by Prof Gordon Turnbull
Leesa - General Evaluator

Award winners 27 Oct 2016

Next meeting 8th November.

Monday 17 October 2016

Come to our Area 8 Conference

5th November is the date for our the Area 8 Conference. It will be in the HACC Training room at Prince Charles Hospital.  There's plenty of free parking if you come in the entrance on Hamilton Road.

Come and support Annette, Trish , Darryl and Steve as they represent our club in the contests.

Click for larger size
Come and learn from top speakers from  Healthy Chatterers, Peninsula, Powerlink, and Sandgate Toastmasters Clubs. Be inspired by World Champion 2009 Speaker Mark Hunter.

Meet old friends and make now ones in our extended Toastmasters family.

Bring your family and friends so they can see what Toastmasters is all about.