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Friday 28 October 2016

Meeting 978 "Place Your Bets"

This meeting was fun! Here are the photos.

Toastmaster Jim - dressed for the part

Wordmaster Trish - "Aftermath"

Darryl - Round Robin
Gambling with 50 Grand.

Reza -  speech "My Passion"

Christiane - speech "Nomen Est Omen"

Leanne - speech 

Evaluator Liz

Evaluator Paul
Evaluator - Annette
Reza with Time Keeper Dave





John T 



TT Evaluators Steve & Marlene

Trish's Mystery raffle
Annette won the raffle

Grammarian Jonathon

Carmy - Quiz
Karen - Book review
"Truama" by Prof Gordon Turnbull
Leesa - General Evaluator

Award winners 27 Oct 2016

Next meeting 8th November.

Monday 17 October 2016

Come to our Area 8 Conference

5th November is the date for our the Area 8 Conference. It will be in the HACC Training room at Prince Charles Hospital.  There's plenty of free parking if you come in the entrance on Hamilton Road.

Come and support Annette, Trish , Darryl and Steve as they represent our club in the contests.

Click for larger size
Come and learn from top speakers from  Healthy Chatterers, Peninsula, Powerlink, and Sandgate Toastmasters Clubs. Be inspired by World Champion 2009 Speaker Mark Hunter.

Meet old friends and make now ones in our extended Toastmasters family.

Bring your family and friends so they can see what Toastmasters is all about.

Meeting 977 "Sew it Seams"

Past President John T & President Steve
Our club is Select Distinguished! President Steve presented the new ribbon to John T, who was president during the period our club earned the award. The ribbon will be added to our banner.

Steve welcomed our guest Nikki to our meeting.

The theme was "Sew it Seams" and Toastmaster Christiane had decorated the tables with examples of her craftwork.

Toastmaster Christiane & President Steve
Darryl proposed a toast to his Auntie Marg who had passed away.

Wordmaster Annette T chose the word "Serendipity." which means "good luck in making fortunate discoveries by chance."

Wordmaster Annette T
Round Robin Master John T asked us to describe a patchwork quilt depicting different aspect of our lives. The responses were varied and imaginative.

Tim presented a speech on Childhood Sleep Apnea. It was evaluated by Marlene


Nick spoke about Stuttering. He was evaluated by Dave.



Our third speaker was absent, so John T who has recently returned from an overseas trip, told us why we should visit Canada. He was evaluated by Darryl.

John T


Jonathon dramatically presented the raffle that Leesa had donated - Scratchie cards.  It was won by Karen. Jonathon even made the timers report sound exciting!


The Business Session was chaired by Steve.
Chairman Steve

Carmy provided an entertaining session with Table Topics for Dave, Jim, John T, Annette T, Jonathon, Marlene and Steve. If you missed it, ask Jonathon what he did with his mother's dart!

Jim - ear pick?
Carmy - TT Master
Dave - constructing a shelter

John T - standing out from class
Jonathon - what is a dart?
Annette - hates fancy dress

Steve - costume for school play
Darryl - sewing on buttons
Marlene - quilt
The Table Topics were evaluated by Karen and Trish.

Grammarian Darryl commented on the use of filler words and warned us to avoid saying "could of" instead of "could have."

Daryl - Grammarian

Jim summed up the meeting with his General Evaluation.

Jim - General Evaluator
Awards for the evening went to Carmy (personal best,) Tim (best speech, Trish (best evaluation) Jonathon (best table topic,) and Christiane (best contribution.)

Award winners 11 th Oct 2016
Next meeting 25th October. We are looking forward to seeing some members who have been away. 

Don't forget to let Jim know if you are coming to the Area 8 Conference on the 5th November. You'll get the early bird rate if you register by the 21st. Come and support our contestants!

Saturday 1 October 2016

Meeting 976 Eval & International Contests

 Congratulations to all who took part in our contests last meeting, especially to our place getters.

Trish won the Evaluation Contest, with Annette in second place and Steve third.

Trish, Steve, Annette
Jonathon's speech "A Letter to Me" won him first place in the International Speech Contest. Darryl came second with "The Mr Look Formula, and Trish was third with her speech "The Three C's"

Trish, Darryl, Jonathon

Thanks to the judges  Ajit, Jenny, Terry, Rose, Rod and test speaker Greg.
Judges and Test Speaker -Ajit, Jenny,Terry,Rose, Rod, Greg

Toastmaster of the evening was Leesa. 


 Contest Toastmasters were Marlene and Steve

Steve interviewing Jonathon

 Jokemaster Jim
Paul's raffle
Thanks to all the contestants Trish, Annette, Darryl, Steve, Dave, Paul, and Jonathon
and Timekeepers, Tally Counters and Sergeant Arms,  Leesa, Nick, Reza, Leanne, Jim 

Our Area Contests  representatives
Jonathon, Steve,Trish, Annette, Darryl
The first and second place getters will represent our club at the Area 8 Conference on the 5th November in the HACC room, at the Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside.

Come and bring your friends to support our contestants.

There will be an early bird discount on registration fees, which can be paid next meeting.