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Thursday 1 October 2015

Meeting 952 Interational & Eval Contests

Contest nights are always exciting.

Preheat, Chris, Del, Sharney, Jenny

Thanks to the. Judges - Preeta, Chris, Del, Sharkey and Jenny for giving their time and skills.

Test speaker Rod

And to our test speaker Rod for telling and showing us that "Bowls is a really great game."

Trish & Jenny
Meeting Toastmaster Trish kept the evening flowing smoothly.

SAA Nick

Sergeant at Arms Nick called the meeting to order and Jim proposed a toast to "The Spirit of Competition." 

 The Contest Toastmasters were Rose and John T.

John T

The Contestants were all interviewed.

John S





and the winners announced.....

Harry & Annette
 Harry won the International Speech Contest with Annette coming second.

Reza, Annette & Steve
Place getters in the Evaluation contest were Annette in first place, Steve second and Reza third.
It was Reza's first ever evaluation. Watch out for him next year!

Congratulations to all! And thanks to the Timers, Ballot Counters and Contest Sergeant at Arms.

   Jonathon  presented the raffle - a sandwich maker  that Rose had donated. It was won by Marlene. (That's me - yippeee!!!)

Remember last meeting, we didn't get a photo of Tammy with the Best Speech Trophy?

Here she is! Congratulations Tammy!

Don't forget, there were 5 Tuesdays in September, so it will be an extra week till the next meeting, on the 13th October. The theme will be Super Heroes and it would be great if you can dress for the part. This might be your only opportunity to wear your undies on the outside!

Monday 14 September 2015

Meeting 951 "Sports and Sports People"

Sports Enthusiast Darryl was in his element as Toastmaster. There were no awkward pauses between segments as Darryl had a continuous supply of  information, stories and jokes abut sporting heroes.

The jokes were appreciated.

That was a funny joke
another one


Nick chose the word "Commitment" as word of the evening.


Tammy received a standing ovation for her Icebreaker Speech "It's a Dog's Life." She didn't need to use notes as she told us about the special dogs in her life.
It was evaluated by Harry.



Lisa presented her second speech. and told us how we can use some simple steps to change our thinking.

Her speech was evaluated by Jonathon. 

John T

John T's Impromptu Speech "My Country - Does the Rhyme live up to the Reality?" was evaluated by Marlene.

Chairman Dave kept the Business Session under control and finished on time.

Table Topics Master Reza was unable to attend, but he had sent his topics, which were presented by Nicole and Jim.  The participants were Jonathon, Lisa, Tim, Darryl, Nick and Annette

Nicole & Jim

 Jonathon - Champion Snufflepopper

Lisa - Inventor of Underwater Football
Tim -Dinner with a Sport Star
Darryl -motivational team leader

Nick - sporting hero
Annette - lessons from sport

The Table Topics were evaluated by Peter and Leesa.



Sharyn's Raffle (a bag of goodies) was won by Nicole.

Sharyn also provided supper.

Jim Conducted a Listening Quiz and collected some fines to swell the coffers.

 Grammarian Annette warned against some common grammatical errors.


Rose conducted a thorough General Evaluation of the entire meeting.

High Five
At the end of the meeting, Darryl ran around the room giving everyone a high five.

Our guests Annette and William said they had enjoyed the meeting.

 Tammy won the award for best speech, but she had to leave early and missed being in the photo.

Other winners were Nick (Personal Best,) Darrel (Best Contribution,) and Jonathon (Best Table Topic and also Best Evaluation) 

Winners 8 Sept

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Meeting 950 TT and Humorous Contests

Annette, Steve, Liz and Peter
Congratulations to the winners of the Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests.

The Table Topic was "If you could be any age for one week, what age would you choose and why?"

The contestants, Dave, Amanda, Lisa, Steve, Annette and Darryl all had a thought provoking or amusing answer. The winner was Annette, with Steve second.

The Humorous contest was entertaining with some really funny speeches. The winner, Liz took us back into the past with her speech "Enough to Make your Hair Curl." while Peter's speech "I think Therefore I am." with a modern theme  came second. Another funny speech was Steve's "How did I get Here?"

The contest toastmasters were Jonathon and Rosanne.

Thanks to our District Director Jenny and Bunya Toastmasters Marilyn, Miles and Petra for coming to judge our contest.

Mariilyn, Miles and Petra

Thursday 20 August 2015

Meeting 949 "Show Time"

August is the month when the Brisbane Show or Ekka is held, so it was a good theme for our meeting.
August is also the month when there are a lot colds and flu going around, so some members were not able to attend the meeting because of sickness or other reasons. I was one of them, so I don't have any photos this time.

I have been told it was a good meeting. This is what the programme looked like. (I have deleted the surnames, because we only use Christian names on this blog.)

Next meeting will be our Table Topics and Humorous Speech Contest. There is still time to enter. Give it a go!

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Edupreneur Award for Trish

Congratulations to Trish who has received the National Edupreneur Award in the Professional Speaking Category

The Edupreneur awards recognise those who use training and education as a medium to work with their clients.


Trish has been a member of Sandgate Tostmasters for the past 20 years and has achieved great things during that time.

To find out more about Trish, visit her website,

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Meeting 948 "Winter"

The weather matched the theme of the evening. It was a cold night, but there was a warm welcome for our guests Louise, Annette, Brian, Cass and Michael.

Toastmaster Jim had prepared plenty of quotes and facts about winter and kept us entertained.


Paul also chose a quote to introduce his Toast to Winter - one from Edith Sitwell.
"Winter is the time for comfort,
for good food and warmth,
for the touch of a friend's hand 
and a talk beside the fire;
it is the time for home."
~Edith Sitwell

Word Master Reza chose the word "Hibernate." The first person to use it was our guest Cass.


Reza was also Round Robin Master and asked us all to describe the winter holiday of our dreams.

John T presented an uplifting speech "Empathy - Join the Revolution" and gave us some points on how to develop empathy.

John T
Rosanne's speech "Memories of Winter" was a delightful account of some of her father's experiences and escapades in Denmark before he emigrated to Australia.


Jean S presented her second speech, "Not so secret weapon." Jean used the projector to illustrate her speech.

Jean S

Sharyn and Dave read some poems about winter while Jean was setting up.

Maureen had Table Topics for Darryl, Nick, Paul and Steve.
They were, "A Time when you were Caught in Bad in Weather"
"Which do you like best - Summer or Winter?"
"How does the weather affect your attitude?"

and "Do you depend on a weather report, and how do you get it?"





Maureen also provided the raffle (as well as supper) The raffle was a bottle each of red and white wine.It was won by Steve.

Evaluators of the speeches and table topics were Dave, Peter , Liz and John S.




John S

Tammy's Listening Quiz resulted in some fines. 


Lisa was Time Keeper (for the first time), and Marlene was Grammarian. Sharyn conducted the General Evaluation.


Award winners of the evening were John S (Best Evaluation,) Jean S (Personal Best,) Jim (Best Contribution,)  John T (Best Speech,) and Steve (Best Table Topic.)

Award Winners 28/7/15
Next meeting will be on the 11th August (the night before Exhibitiion Wednesday,) with the theme "Show Time."

Don't forget to bring your CL Manual and get someone to evaluate your role.