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Thursday 7 May 2015

Meeting 942 "Moving out of one's comfort zone"

Welcome to our new member Jean S, who was inducted last meeting. Her mentor will be Dave
Jean S inducted by President Nicole
Many members took a step out of their comfort zone and performed a role for the first time.
 Rose was Toastmaster for the first time and was well prepared.

Rose - Toastmaster
As it was just after Anzac Day, Steve proposed a toast to "The Anzac Spirit."

Wordmaster Liz introduced the word "Strive" and kept tally of those who strove to use the word.
Liz - Wordmaster
Jean C was Round Robin Master for the first time and her topic was "Getting out of your comfort zone." Everyone had an uncomfortable experience to relate.

Table Topics Master Rosanne created scenarios beginning with "A knock on the door" for Tim, Leesa, John S and Annette.





Dave, stepping in for our second Round Robin, quickly thought of topics for Sharyn and Amanda.


Reza evaluated the table topics. It was his first time in the role.


Darryl presented his 4th speech, titled "Show and Tell." It was evaluated by Annette.

John S presented a moving "Tribute to the Anzacs."

Leesa's raffle was a terrarium.
 It was won by John S
John S

Tim and John T co-chaired a lively Fun Business Session. The motion was that "at meetings of Sandgate Toastmasters Club, male members be required to wear a tie and buttoned up shirt and that female members wear a dress of appropriate length as determined by the Sergeant of Arms."

The motion was defeated.

 Chairmen Tim & John T  (& Jean)

Point of order! Trish

The Business Session was evaluated by John S.

Terry kept us on time.

Time keeper Terry (also Amanda & Peter)
Leesa and Nick were another tandem team with their lisening quiz.

Leesa and Nick

Grammarian Sharyn suggested how to prevent the "Um's and Ah's " from coming out.

The General Evaluation was presented by Marlene and Pam. It was Pam's first time in that role.

The evenings awards went to Lisa (Personal Best,)Darryl (Best Speech), Annette (Best Evaluator,) Sharyn (Best Table Topic,) and Rose (Best Contribution.)

Winners  - meeting 942
 The club wished Annette all the best  when competing in Table Topics at the coming District Convention..

Saturday 18 April 2015

Meeting 941 "The 80's"

CC Nicole with Area Gov Jenny
Congratulations to Nicole on completing the 10th speech project and achieving her Competent Communicator Award!

Marlene, Sharyn, Sharyn, Jenny
The theme of the meeting was "The 80's - fron INXS to Excess." Some members dressed in bright colours that were popular in the 80's. 

We were pleased to have a visit from our Area Governor Jenny. 

Sharyn was Toastmaster

 New member Lisa read the mission statement.
Toast _ "Men at work"
Jean C proposed the Toast.

Nick gave us the word, "Chill."

Round Robin Master Pam (who was also Time Keeper with Roseanne) asked what we had an an excess of.  Chocolate was high on the list;

Reza's Table Topics were  about the 80's - and were answered by Terry, Darryl and Jim.

They were evaluated by Steve.

We heard an inspiring speech by Nicole. 
An entertaining speech by Peter.
And a moving speech by Jonathon.

The audience was rapt.

Rapt audience

Speech evaluators were Rose, Harry and John T.

John T

The business session was chaired by Dave.

The main item on the agenda was the District Convention, to be held on the May Day weekend at Maroochydore.

Jim's raffle - a cute teddy bear was popular and was won by Jean S.

Jean S won the raffle
Darryl gave his Grammarian report and Annette had some good advice in her General Evaluation.


The evening's awards went to John T (Best Evaluator,) Nicole (Personal Best,) Darryl (Best Table Topic,) Sharyn (Best Contribution,) and Jonathon (Best Speech.)

Winners, meeting 941

Friday 27 March 2015

Meeting 940 "Trial of the Easter Bunny"

Did the Easter Bunny break the Good Food Code and do so wilfully? This was the question posed to the jury of a mock trial at our last meeting.

Easter Bunny Marlene
Judge Trish, Steve, Jean
Prosecution Lawyer Dave

Roseanne - Govt. Official

Maureen - Dietician

Tim - Dentist

Sharyn - Mother of obese child
Liz - concerned parent
John T - Defence Lawyer
Amanda - small shop owner
sworn in by Bailiff  Pam
Reza - Humpty Dumpty

Annette - Mother Bunny
Leesa - 7 year old child

Jury - John S, Darryl & Terry 

Not Guilty!

Bunnies Marlene, Annette, Rose

Trish, John T Sharyn
Awards went to Trish, (Best Contribution) John T, (Personal Best) & Sharyn, (Best witness.)

Jean and Nicole

New member Jean was inducted by Nicole.

General Evaluator Steve

Listening Quiz - Jim

Leesa's raffle - Chadonnay, Chocolates and Candy Egg was won by Sharyn, John T and Annette.

Our guests were Ajit, Jack, Mark and Gemma.  We hope to see them again next meeting.