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Wednesday 28 August 2024

Meeting 1158 "The Beauty of Horses"



President Helen welcomed our 6 guests - Robert, Madonna, Nick, Sophie, Madeline, and Steve. Then switching to her role of Toastmaster of the evening, she explained that August is the month when horses in Australia have their official birthday, so she had chosen "The Beauty of Horses" as the theme for the meeting. 

Russell proposed a toast to "Spring," which was appropriate because it was a very warm evening.


Word Master Paul presented a challenge: to use horse related idioms.  This was combined with a new segment introduced by Christiane - Stress Reliever. A rolled-up newspaper was handed around and each person used it to thump the table in front of them as they told what annoyed them. This caused much laughter as everyone including guests told of their pet hate, while using a horse idiom, such "horsing around," "high horse," "putting the cart before the horse," etc.

Shaun using Stress Reliever

Amy presented her Ice Breaker speech, "My Reality Slap" telling of a moving personal experience. 
It was evaluated by Marlene.


The second speaker was Peter, who used Van Gogh's painting "The Good Samaritan" to illustrate his speech. It was impossible to take a clear photo of Peter as he took on the actions of each character in the story.

Van Gogh's painting

Shaun evaluated Peter's speech. George was a Timekeeper. 


John T's speech, titled "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." was evaluated by Arun.

John T

Speech 4 was by Gail H, titled "Start them Young," and was an entertaining journey into the past.
It was evaluated by Paul.

Gail H

 In the absence of a Raffle Master, Christiane raffled Twenty Dollars. It was won by Gail H.

After a delicious supper, supplied by Gail W, John T and Marlene, the meeting continued with a Table Topics session presented by Gail W.

Gail W

Her Table Topics were:

1. What are your favourite physical features of a horse and why? (Russell.)
2. What is a common activity that people do with horses. (Madonna)
3. What is your favourite breed of horse and why? (Shaun.)
4. What is your favourite horse from history? (Helen.)
5. What is a memorable experience you have had with horses. (Peter.)
6. What are the reasons that people find horses good companions. (Robert.)
7. What do you find attractive about a horse? (Marlene.)
8. What would you say if your partner wanted to have a horse? (Arun.)

There were some very funny answers.

The Table Topics were evaluated by Christiane and Trish.

Russell presented a "Who am I?" segment, with a series if hints until several people guessed that it was Sigmund Freud.

Narelle conducted a General Evaluation of the entire meeting.

Award winners for the evening were Peter (Best Speech,) Amy (Most Improved,) and Shaun (Best Table Topic and Best Evaluation.)

Award winners 27th Aug 2024

Next meeting on the 10th September will be a Table Topics and Humorous Speech contest meeting.

We are very sorry to say goodbye to Shaun who is relocating.  He has contributed greatly to our club and will be missed.


Wednesday 14 August 2024

Meeting 1157 "Clubs"

 It was a rainy night, but we were cosy in the salubrious room in the RSL hall.

President Helen proposed a toast "To those who stand behind the club." She also handed out awards to members who had completed levels in Pathways. (Our educational system.)

Narelle - Level 2, Shaun - Level 1, Helen - Level 1, and Trish - Level 4 + Level 5.

"Salubrious" meaning health giving or pleasant was the word of the evening chosen by Narelle, and there was much laughter as our members endeavored to use the word. 

 Toastmaster Will kept the evening running smoothly, with encouraging remarks to each participant.


Round Robin Master Amy asked whether we liked or hated the rain. This led to many entertaining answers - and an opportunity to use the word "Salubrious."

There were two Ice Breaker speeches.

In his speech "My Diverse Work History - and How it Shaped Me," Russell shared some of his experiences working on oil rigs and finally working with people with mental health problems.

George, in his speech "Sink or Swim" told of his love of canoeing and demonstrated various safety devices.


Other speeches were by Peter and Marlene.

Peter told the familiar story "The Return of the Prodigal Son" and explained the features of Rembrandt's famous painting of the story.


Rembrandt's painting


In keeping with the meeting's theme of "Clubs," Marlene spoke about her 40 years involvement with the Sandgate World Vision Club.

Evaluators were John, Gail H, Christiane and Trish.



Tracey was Timekeeper. 


Helen's raffle, a meat tray from her local butcher was popular and members queued for tickets. It was won by George.

Helen's raffle
Meat Tray Raffle

Helen selling raffle tickets

Supper was provided by Christiane and Narelle.



Gail's Table Topics were based on the current Brisbane "Ekka" and the Olympics.

1. What is your favourite Olympic sport to watch? (Russell.)

2.What would you like to see at the 2032 Olympics? (Amy.)

3.Do think the Brisbane River is suitable for a swim marathon? (John.)

4. Do you intend to go to the Ekka? (Marlene.)

5. Is the Ekka worth the money? (Peter.)

6.What is your favourite food at the Ekka? (Trish.)


Narelle presented a "Who Am I? segment with a series of clues. It wasn't until she played a recording of the voice that several people guessed it was Waldorf from the Muppets. 

Narelle had been kept busy all night collecting votes and counting the times the word "Salubrious" was used. She finally revealed that Helen had beaten Trish (who usually wins.) Helen had used the word 26 times while Trish used it 24 times.


Shaun presented a detailed General Evaluation, commending what had been done well and offering suggestions for improvements. He reminded us to clap until a presenter reaches the lectern and to pay attention to handing over control.


President Helen presented the awards to the evening's winners. Trish (Best Table Topic,) John (Best Evaluation,) George (Most Improved,) and Russell (Best Speech.)

Winners 13 Aug 2024

Next meeting 27th August.

Speech contests 10th September and 8th October.

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Stall at Einbunpin Festival

Every year our club conducts a Toastmasters information stall at the Einbunpin Festival in Sandgate.

Thank you to all our club members who assisted with setting up our stall, chatting to visitors during the day and packing it up at the end of the day.

Special thanks to Christiane who coordinated our team.

Many people stopped by to find out about Toastmasters. We hope they will visit our club at our next meeting on the 13th August in the Sandgate RSL Hall at 12 Burnett Place where they will receive a warm and friendly welcome.

Some of our helpers
Christiane, Shaun, Arun, Peter & John

Christiane and Paul. Marlene in background.

Thursday 25 July 2024

Meeting 1156 "Einbunpin"

 What is Einbunpin?  What does the word mean?

Einbunpin Lagoon, Sandgate

It is the name of a beautiful lagoon in Sandgate, and it was the theme for our meeting because next Sunday Sandgate will hold its annual Einbunbin Festival and the area will come alive with performers, music, crafts etc.

Wordmaster Marlene explained that the lagoon was named by a German missionary Christopher Eipper in 1840. "Ein" is German for "A" and "Bunpin" is the name of a reed with an edible root that was used by the Turrbal and Gabi people who lived there. 

Members were challenged to use the word during the meeting, and Jonathon as Toastmaster easily won.


It was a "Draw" meeting. Everyone had to be prepared to fill any role that they drew from the container that Christiane had organised.

Arun proposed the Toast "To all those who came to the meeting on a cold night." (Might not be his exact words.) Although it was a cold night, the RSL Hall is quite cosy. 

Round Robin Master Paul asked, "What is your favourite festival?" Many were mentioned including Riverfire, Warana, Holi, Writers Fest, and an intriguing family festival held in Jonathon's garage! (You'll have to ask Jonathon!)

There were four prepared speeches. Carmy told a heartwarming story titled "Han's Coming Home" about two young Thursday Island boys.

Christiane (as reserve speaker) spoke about the planning and organising that was involved in our clubs recent 50th Anniversary Dinner. 


Arun presented a motivational speech titled "My Big 5 Strategies" in which he told how he had overcome problems and achieved his dreams.

John T had some good tips in his speech "How to Get Along with Almost Everyone."

John T

Speech Evaluators Narelle, Helen, Paul and Jonathon had some helpful commendations and suggestions.



Christiane was kept busy during the meeting. As well as speaking and timing, she brought the raffle which consisted of a do-it-yourself Christmas Advent calendar, coffee, coffee plunger and special pen. The lucky raffle winner was Helen.


Supper was provided by Gail and Jonathon. 

Supper - loved the brownies!

Marlene's Table Topics took the form of a role-playing session. Helen took the part of a visitor to our information stall at the Einbunpin Festival and Paul used his impromptu skills to tell her about Toastmasters.

Arun's role was a person who had once tried Toastmasters and Christiane encouraged him to come to our club and try again. 

Tracey played the part of a newcomer to the area who was looking for friends. Jonathon convinced her to come to Sandgate Toastmasters.

Helen and Paul
Arun and Christiane


Table Topics Evaluators were John T and Gail H.

John T
Gail H

Tracey had everyone guessing with a "Who am I?" segment. It wasn't until she mentioned the Year 2000 Olympics that we guessed it was Cathy Freeman.

Gail H took to her soapbox and expressed how she felt about the electronic scooters that clutter the footpath and endanger pedestrians.

Helen had some helpful comments as General Evaluator.

The evenings awards went to Jonathon and Tracey - tie (Best Table Topic,) Narelle (Best Evaluation,) Arun (Best Speech) and Carmy (Most Improved.)  

Award winners 23rd July 2024

Next meeting - 13th August. (3 weeks away this time because there are 5 Tuesdays in July.)

We will be at the Einbunpin Festival this Sunday 28th July.