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Friday, 26 June 2020

Meeting 1062 Change Over. "Change of Hats"

It was time to "change hats" as our new club officers were installed for the coming Toastmasters year, which commences on the 1st July.  Out-going president Gail welcomed our new Area Director Kirsty as well as first time guests Emma and Lisa.

 Gail was pleased to announce that our club had earned President's Distinguished status. (The highest award.)
Congratulations to J.P. and Gokul on completing their Competent Communicator programme, and to Christiane  who has earned her Competent Leader and Advanced Leader Bronze awards.

Control was passed to Toastmaster Liz, who conducted the meeting from her home in the UK.  Liz had many interesting snippets about hats to share throughout the meeting.

Liz (UK)
Incoming Sergeant-at-Arms Dan read the mission statement.

As an invocation, Trish read an inspirational poem, "Believe in Yourself."

John T proposed a toast to Toastmasters International.

Christiane presented the first round of Table Topics, with some challenging topics for Annette, Hazel Paul, Peter, Trish , Leesa and Darryl.

Hazel - "Who do you take hat off to?"
Paul -"All hat and no cattle" 

Peter - What is the feather in your cap"
Darryl - "Pull rabbit out of hat."

Jonathon had topics for Dan, Monica, John T, Marlene, and our brave guest Lisa. 


Monica - "Can you trust a man in a hat?"
John T - "Are cowboys sexy when they wear a hat?

Lisa - "Are hats more important than shoes?"

J.P. and Monica were time keepers.


Gail presented her out-going president's address with a recap of some of the highlights of the past year.
The yearly club awards were announced. The Toastmaster of the Year award which is based points accumulated for educational progress, participation in club events, etc was awarded to Gail and the Most Improved award went to Casey, who has shown amazing progress during the year as well as excellence in her duties as club secretary.  Congratulations Gail and Casey!

Induction of club officers for the coming year was conducted by in-coming Area Director Kirsty.

The new club officers are:
President: Leanne
Vice President Education: Gail
Vice President Membership: Annette
Vice President Publicity: Marlene
Secretary: Christiane
Treasurer: Chris H
Sergeant-at-Arms: Dan
Parliamentarian: Trish

Our new president Leanne presented an inspiring in-coming president's address.

Chris conducted a raffle, the prize was a Coles voucher and the lucky winner was Marlene. Yay!

Chris D
Please note it will be 3 weeks until the next meeting, because there were 5 Tuesday in June. Next meeting will be on the 14th July. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Meeting 1061 "Purple"

What a meeting! We heard 2 Icebreaker Speeches, 2 CC completion speeches, and inducted a new member. Congratulations, Competent Communicators Gokul and JP, and welcome to new member Hazel!

We were also pleased to welcome a guest, Eric.

Our president Gail took on the role as Toastmaster for the evening. She shared some interesting stories about the origin of the colour purple. She also performed the induction ceremony of new member Hazel.  Hazel's mentor will be Casey.

Darryl proposed the toast, since Vaughan (who had been scheduled) was having technical problems.

The Word Master was Hazel. She said that to her, purple is a spiritual colour, so she chose the word "Spirit." It was used frequently during the meeting.

The Round Robin topic, presented by Trish was "What is your favourite colour and Why?" Blue appeared to be the favourite of many. Can you guess Trish's favourite colour?


Annette presented her Pathways Icebreaker speech. Although Annette has been a Toastmaster for many years, this was her first speech in the Pathways programme. She took us on a journey of her years as a Toastmaster.

Another Icebreaker speech was by Jakob. It was titled "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  He explained that he is bored in jobs that don't challenge his love of learning.


Gokul and JP each presented their 10th speech in the Competent Communicator Manual, and earned the title of "Competent Communicator."

Gokul's speech was titled "We are Project Managers" and JP's speech was "What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger."

 Speech evaluators were John, Monica, Christiane, Peter and Carmy.



Time keeper was Chris H.

Chris D was Table Topics Master. He had  purple related topics for Dan, Monica, Liz Wo and Jonathon.


The Table topics were evaluated by Liz (UK) and Marlene.

Liz (UK)
Leanne chaired the Business session. Some of the items under discussion were the proposed amendments to Toastmasters Bylaws, Our Change Over meeting and arrangements for face to face meetings in the future.

Grammarian Trevor commented on word usage during the meeting and Screen Master Paul commented on the positioning of participants onscreen.

Casey delivered a thorough General Evaluation on the entire meeting.

The evenings awards went to  Christiane (Best Evaluation,) Jonathon (Best Table Topic,) Jakob (Most Improved,) and JP (Best Speech.)

Award winners 9th June 2020
Our Change Over will be held next meeting, when the new club officers will be installed for the coming Toastmaster year. ( 1 July 2020 -  30 June 2021)   Visitors welcome.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Meeting 1060 "Music."

We were delighted to have some visitors at our online meeting. We were joined by Dagmara and Julian from the UK, and Philomena who had visited previously when we were able to meet in person at The Full Moon Hotel, and Hazel, who is joining our club and will be inducted next meeting. Yay!



 President Gail congratulated John T on completing another level in Pathways.

Toastmaster Trish kept the meeting flowing and had some wonderful quotes about Music. A favourite  quote was "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything." Plato.

Jakob proposed a toast to the Gympie Music Muster. He explained that Gympie was his home town and the Muster has been a huge musical event for the past 40 years.

 Word Master Gokul introduced the word "Fiddle," which as well as a musical instrument, it can mean "to touch or fidget something in a nervous way, or to cheat, defraud, or falsify. (figures, data or records.)"

We are One
Round Robin Master JP presented us with the words of a popular Australian song "We are One, We are Many" with the invitation to either sing it or to tell what the words brought to mind.

Our first prepared speech was presented by Chris D. It was his first speech, the Icebreaker Speech and he told how he had emigrated to Australia from Malta. 

The speech was evaluated by Casey.

Chris D

Peter also presented an Icebreaker speech. It was his first speech in the Pathways programme, although he has already given speeches under the old system. Peter managed to convey information about himself as he compared the old manuals with the new Pathways and made us laugh.

Leesa evaluated Peter's speech.

Leanne's speech "Discovery" was a Pathways project, "Understanding your Leadership Style." She even broke into song during the speech.

It was evaluated by Monica.

 Carmy speech was titled "Leading the Bus Team" and spoke about taking Autistic children on the school bus.

Trevor evaluated Carmy's speech.

Dan conducted the Table Topics session and called on Jonathon, Christiane, Darryl, Trevor, Gokul  and Jacob to deliver a 1 - 2 minute impromptu speech.                                                                                        
 Time keeper Liz UK
The topics (parphrased) were:

"What musical artist, dead or alive would you like to see?"
"What music or song makes you happy?"
"What music or song would your friends say describes you?"
"Who would you get to sing the soundtrack of your life"
"What music or song reminds you of your childhood?"
"What music or song makes you want to dance?"

The Table Topics were  evaluated by John T and Gail.

John T

Jonathon gave us some helpful tips on how to structure a speech or presentation.

Jonathon's Tips
Christiane mounted her Soapbox and told how she feels about the law requiring bike riders to wear a safety helmet.

Liz reviewed a book she has enjoyed, "My Cousin Rachel" by Daphne du Maurier which she said was "enchanting and disarming."
Vaughan found out who had been paying attention with his Listening Quiz.

Grammarian Marlene commented on the clever use of alliteration and the "ums" and "aahs" during the meeting.


Screen Master Darryl had some observations and commendations for those presenting on screen.

Annette gave a general evaluation of the entire meeting. One of her suggestions was for those conducting the Table Topics session to take note of who had answered a table topic in recent meetings, because some members hadn't had a topic for some time.

A poll was taken for the award winners for the evening. The results were...
Best Table Topics: Jakob and Jonathon (tie.)
Best Evaluation: Casey
Most Improved: Chris D
Best Speech: Peter (not in the photo, he'd already left.)

Next meeting will be on Tuesday 9th June. Visitors will be welcome. Just email us for the online link.