Who doesn't love books! That was the theme of the Meeting and many stories were told about favourite books, books from childhood and even books Members wished to publish.
Stand in Sergeant at Arms Monica opened the meeting and handed over to stand in President Steve.
It was his honour to induct new member Eileen into the Club. Steve informed members that Annette is progressing well after her surgery. Guests Andrea, Judy, Lee Anne and Trevor were welcomed. Tonight Lee Anne has signed up as a Member, so welcome to Sandgate Club.
Control was then handed to Toastmaster Liz who provided throughout the night the history of books over the past centuries. After a few program changes by stand in Education Vice President Nikki, the meeting continued. Nikki also took the role of Timekeeper.
Toastmaster Liz and Timekeeper Nikki |
Marlene |
A toast by Trish was followed by Word Master Eileen with the word NOVEL. It lent itself well to be used throughout the night, with both meanings.
Eileen |
Round Robin was conducted by Marlene - "If you could publish a book what would it be about?"
Everyone had a contribution of weird or wonderful ideas, which brought out their inner writer.
Prepared Speeches included Carmy with her Ice Breaker, evaluated by Monica.
Carmy and Evaluator Monica |
Sharyn was introduced by Steve and she gave an informative presentation on how to write a speech.
Sharyn |
Darryl presented his Contest Speech as a practice run, and all agreed it was very well polished. Jonathon mediated a group evaluation with tips or suggestions to tweak the speech to perfection.
Darryl's Speech "Cool, Calm and Collected" evaluated by Jonathon |
Nikki provided the times for the speeches, then the Evaluations took place. A raffle of Books and Candles (to read when the power goes out) was sold to all by Trish
Supper was provided by Gail, and fellowship was all encompassing.
Stephen based his Table Topics on books, and the session was enthusiastically embraced by the 8 participants. Trish with a Fairytale which describes her life, Trevor with a psychological disorder book, Gail with a limited edition from Lifeline Bookfest, Marlene had to find a book for men to read. Kirsty had to describe a book about her life, and Nikki a book about her passion. John had no problem suggesting a book which put him to sleep, and finally Jonathon had to add a saying to a book, it would be "Treat others how THEY would like to be treated".
Evaluators for this session were Paul and for the first time in this role Blake.
A Book Review segment was delivered by John about a thriller called "Thirteen."
John's Book Review Trish's Tips |
Trish gave tips for writing an introduction to yourself.
Show and Tell always throws up something different, and Jonathon delivered with 2 items bought in a Souk, against his better judgement. They were copper kettles - just what you need to carry in your backpack across the Middle East. Ah, the folly of youth.
Jonathon's Show and Tell |
Kirsty |
Grammarian Kirsty praised great word usage, word pictures, alliteration and captive phrases by all speakers, with a reminder also to avoid ums and ahs.
Gail continued with the Listening Quiz and had some very in depth questions for members.
General Evaluation had to be hurried as we were well behind in time. Karen reminded us that the first three seconds either capture your audience or loose your audience. It is called "the blink". She asked us all to think about our three second "blink".
Karen |
Best Speech - Darryl,
Best Evaluator - Blake,
Best Table Topic - Jonathon,
Most Improved -Carmy.