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Thursday, 27 July 2017

Meeting 994 - "Phobias"

With a theme of Phobias, this meeting promised to be an interesting one.
President Annette was Toastmaster who provided the definition of the word together with many examples of phobias. Annette welcomed guests Daryl H and Lien, as well as Tamati and Clint.

Acting Sergeant-at-Arms Nick opened the Meeting.

A toast to Peace, inspired by Nelson Mandela Day, was proposed by Robyn.

Round Robin was introduced by Nikki, who put twist into asking for a suggestion for a movie title to describe our phobia.

Peter presented his Ice Breaker speech, entertaining us with his humour about stepping out of his comfort zone once he reached 50 years of age. His speech was evaluated by Paul.

Deb presented her second speech entitled "Science of Breath" and gave excellent examples of how important breathing correctly can be to our health and well-being. This was evaluated by Leesa. 

John gave us an Interpretative Reading from the Advanced Manual. His reading was entitled "I have a Dream" which was an excerpt from the 1963 speech by famous orator Martin Luther King Jnr.
Jonathon ably evaluated the speech.

The raffle was a play on words from Steve. Phobia was pronounced "Four Beers" and that was exactly what his raffle was, plus some other options in case of other phobias such as "fear of no chocolate in the raffle". It was won by Paul.

Steve with one of his "Four Beers"

After supper (provided by Leanne) Blake introduced his Table Topics. To suggest they were obscure and "out there" would be an understatement. Members were given two unpalatable options to choose from, and give reasons why. All 8 participants handled the challenge admirably, despite their fears and phobias of the subject matter.

                                                                                                    Gail our Timekeeper                                                                                    

Table Topics were evaluated by Liz and Christiane.

Darryl presented a Book Review for "The Happiness Trap" by author Russ Harris.

Tim, pictured below, provided the Grammarian segment, highlighting our correct usage together with how to avoid using the extended AND to connect sentences.

A presentation not seen for some time, that of "Soapbox" was provided by Liz with the subject of Technology - and what she hates about it.

Liz on her soapbox
Listening Quiz by Jonathon was challenging our listening skills.

Marlene provided the General Evaluation with many helpful suggestions for improvement.


Award Winners: Best Speech - John
                            Best Evaluation - Jonathon
                            Best Table Topic - Leanne
                            Most Improved - Blake

Winners are Grinners

      Next meeting   Tuesday 8th August.         

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Meeting 993 "Travel Adventures"

Congratulations to Christiane, Toastmaster of the Year!

Immediate Past President Steve with Toastmaster of the Year Christiane
Christiane was overseas when awards were presented at our changeover dinner, so Immediate Past President Steve had the pleasure of presenting Christiane with her Toastmaster of the Year trophy at our first meeting of the Toastmaster year.

President Annette
Our new Sergeant at Arms Chris called the meeting to order and President Annette welcomed everyone, including our first time guests Daryl H, Lien and Troy.

Nikki performed the role of Toastmaster of the Day for the first time and provided a lively commentary throughout the meeting.

New member Peter Dooley proposed the toast.

Wordmaster Carmy chose the word "Journey," which was used often during the evening.

Blake presented the Round Robin and invited us to tell what wonder of the world we have visited or would like to visit.

Blake & Peter

There were two Ice Breaker speeches. Zoe told us of events in her life that led her to become a lawyer.

Gail speech was "My Life in Education."


Jonathan presented a "Speaking to Inform " project and showed us how to breathe properly and obtain "better pitch, pace, pause and power."


Breathing exercise

The speeches were evaluated by Darryl W, Jim and John T.


John T

Annette M's raffle was a bag of items including, a travel pack, puzzle books, adult colouring book and colour pencils, wine and mints.

It was won by Zoe.
Annette M
After supper provided by Leesa,  Christiane conducted the business session. Some topics for discussion were our information stall at the Einbunpin Festival on the 30th July and celebrations for our 1000th meeting on the 24th October.


Robyn had prepared Table Topics for Peter,  Leesa, Deb, Nick, Chris, Annette M, Blake and Marlene.

Karen TT Master
Peter - travel to special event

Leesa - frightening travel experience
Deb - memorable travel experience

Nick - challenging adventure
Chris - what like to do

Annette M - bringing back memories
Blake - wild life tour

Marlene - choose travelling companion

Leanne and Karen evaluated the Table Topics.


Steve was Grammarian. Trish was Time Keeper.

Trish & Blake

Annette presented a General Evaluation of the meeting and gave some good points for improvement.


Winners of the evening's awards were Zoe (Best Speech,) Blake (Best Table Topic,) John T (Best Evaluation,) and Nikki (Most Improved.)

Award winners 11th July 2017

Next meeting  25th July. The theme will be "Phobias."

Friday, 14 July 2017

Remembering Anne

Members who were in our club before 1999 will remember Merv and Anne. They were both very active members who made a huge contribution to our club.   Sadly Anne passed away last week. A celebration of her life was held today and many wonderful stories were told of her exuberant personality, her warm smile and caring nature. 

Anne entered wholeheartedly into all our Toastmasters events, as you can see from these old photos.

Sandgate Toastmasters 20th Anniversary

That's Doris and John on the left, then Merv and Anne and Val. Anne had made all the decorations.

Anne is on the right.

Diamond Jubilee 99
Jennifer, Anne, Penne & Liz 

Goondiwindi 98
Penni, Anne, Merv, Liz, Trish.

Anne & Merv on the left

Area Conference in Gympie.
Edith, Anne, Merv, Trish Val, Liz, Penni Marlene