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Sunday, 28 August 2016

Meeting 974 Humorous & TT Contests

Congratulations to the place getters in the contests last meeting. We heard some funny speeches in the Humorous Speech contest. Darryl came first with his tale about an incident with a mango tree, Annette T spoke about an eventful cruise and came second. Jim's speech about a Career choice earned him Third place.
 Humorous Contest - Jim (third) Annette (Second) Darryl (First)

 The Table Topic contest was well represented. The topic was "One moment in time." Annette T won first place, Steve second and Christiane third.

Table Topics Contest - Annette (First) Steve (Second) Christiane (Third)
 Photos were not allowed during the contest, but here are some of the contestants being intervieved afterward.

Annette T

Contest Toastmaster Liz with Dave


Jim with Contest Toastmaster Steve

Some of the audience

Supper Time

Jim's raffle (2 bottles of wine) was won by Annette W.

Jim's raffle
Annette W

Thanks to the judges who gave their time.

Rose, Rod & Jenny

Next meeting  13th September - still another week away, because there were 5 Tuesdays in August.

The Evaluation and International Speech contests will be held on the 27th September. More contestants needed!

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Meeting 973 "Trains"

Who else but train buff Dave to perform the role of Toastmaster of the day?

Dave's train

S A A Nick called meeting to order

Annette W's speech  - Longevity
Nick's speech - Sandgate Jetty

Carmy's speech -AQ Bus
Annette T evaluated Annette W's speech

Liz evaluated  Nick's speech
Steve evaluated Carmy's speech

Jim's raffle
Wendy- Time Keeper

Trish - Chairman
Leanne - Table Topics Master

Steve - train sound
 Dave -  TT I think I can

Trish - TT Train to Canada
Steve - TT Train journey

Liz - TT All Aboard
Christiane TT -  Famous Train

Annette T - TT Eavesdropping
Kirsty O - Grammarian

Tim - Listening Quiz
Christiane - Joke

Darryl - General Evaluator

Award winners
Dave, Nick, Annette W, Liz & Rose

Thanks to Rose for taking photos in my absence.

The next meeting on the 23rd August will be our Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest night.

Einbunpin Festival 2016

As usual, we conducted a Toastmasters information stand at the recent Einbunpin Festival.

Jim & Mr M

Annette W, Marlene, Jim, Christiane

Steve coordinated our stall and was assisted by Jim, Nick, Leesa, Annette T, Wendy, Dave, Rose, Christiane, Marlene  and Annette W  - as well as our hairy friends, Charlie puppy and Mr M.
Thanks to Darryl and Leanne for providing us with a table and chairs.

We met some interesting people.
Steve with Town Crier

Pack up time
Jim and Nick assisted Steve in setting up the tent, keeping it steady throughout the day and packing up when the Festival was over.

It was a successful event and we received contact details for over 16 potential visitors to our meeting

It was good to relax when it was all over.

Thanks to Leesa for some of the photos.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Meeting 972 "Up in the Air"


President Steve
Toastmaster Liz

It was Steve's first meeting as our new president.

The theme was "Up in the Air" and everyone was in high spirits. Toastmaster Liz had prepared snippets of information covering hot air balloons, aeroplanes, and space travel.

Kirsty W
 Kirsty W  spoke about  planes that have gone missing and proposed a toast to the brave pilots who continue to go up in the air.

Karen had a challenge for us with her word "polymath," which is a person who knows a lot about a lot of subjects. 

Darryl during Round Robin
Tim's Round Robin topic was "What was your most memorable experience up in the air?" Some people got carried away with the topic.

There were two prepared speeches.

Christiane had recently performed a thorough research before buying  a new heater, and in her speech, "This is a warm up," she explained how different types of heat work and why she bought a radiant heater.

Annette T used a range of facial expressions, body language and vocal variety to tell about an encounter with the law in her speech, "Innocent"

The speech evaluators were Rose and Darryl.


Leesa was Time Keeper.

Supper time - provided by Kirsty W

 Jim's Table Topics followed the theme. "Up in the Air." The lucky participants were Kirsty O, Karen, Nick, Tim, Steve, Dave Annette W, and Leesa.

Kirsty "Worst flight experience"
TT Master Jim

Karen  " looking down from air"
Nick "most exciting trip"

Tim "sky diving"
Steve "hot air ballon"

Dave "magnificent men"

Annette W "up in the air"
Leesa "fly like a bird"

The Table Topics were evaluated by Reza and Nick.


Grammarian Annette said the use of language during the meeting was exemplary but she had counted many um's and ah's - particularly during the Round Robin.

Kirsty O collected some fines with her Listening Quiz.

Kirsty O
Steve told a joke about a plane missing an engine.

In the absence of a third scheduled speech, Dave delivered an impromptu  review of a book he has enjoyed, "The Invention of Nature," by Andrea Wulf.  about German Naturalist Alexander Von Humboldt.


Marlene's raffle, a bottle of wine and chocolates was won by Annette T.

Steve had some good points for improvement in his General Evaluation.

 The award winners of the evening were Liz (Best Contribution,) Rose (Best Evuation,) Annette T (Best Speech,) Nick (Personal Best,) and Steve (Best Table Topic.)

Winners 26 July 2016
Next meeting 9th August. The theme will be "Trains."

See you at the Einbunpin Festival next Sunday. 31st July.