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Friday, 1 July 2016

Club Officer Training Day

Don from DC Club with Steve, Marlene & Annette
Annette, Christiane & Steve with Don

It was tempting to skip  Club Officer Training on a cold winter morning. I have been VPPR so many times, and attended training each time - surely I knew all there is to know about the role?

Wrong! I'm glad I made the effort, because there is always something new to learn, and meeting old and new friends from other Toastmasters Clubs always fills me with fresh enthusiasm.

Besides, it was worth going for the scrumptious morning tea!

I pinched these photos from the Metro Facebook page

More photos from the Training Day on the Metro Division Toastmasters Facebook.

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Change Over Dinner 2016 "Go for Gold"

John T, Toastmaster of the Year & Nick, Most Improved Toastmaster
 Congratulations to John T, who was awarded Toastmaster of the Year as well as the 100% Attendance trophy. Congratulations also to Nick who was awarded the "Most Improved" trophy.

  Incoming Club Executive Officers 2016 - 2017

Meet the incoming executive team for the coming Toastmaster Year - and the out going executive with Area Director Kris. Can you spot the difference?"

Out going Executive Officers with Area Director Kris.
That's right! The roles have been shuffled slightly and two new faces added. We now have
Steve as President, Annette VPE, Christiane VPM, Marlene VPPR, Tim Secretary,  Jim Treasurer, Nick Sergeant at Arms and Kirsty Bulletin Editor. (Not in that order in the photos.)

 The theme  "Go for Gold."was used throughout the meeting by Toastmaster  John T,

John T

 and the table topics also followed the theme of "Go for Gold." Each respondent chose a topic for the next participant.


KIrsty W





Rose - Time Keeper

Area Director Kris inducted the incoming executive, and presented the Toastmaster of the Year award to John T, who had earned the most points during the year.

John T & Kris
And the Most Improved award to Nick.

Nick & Kris
Incoming President Steve delivered an inspiring presidential speech, which was also his tenth CC speech, earning him a Competent Communicator award. Congratulations Steve!

Everyone had brought books for the raffle and there were enough books for five lucky winners to choose 6 books each. There were still books left, so those who hadn't won a prize were able to take a book home.

Book raffle

Next meeting will be on the 12th July. The theme will be "Paint the Town Red."

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Meeting 969 "Winter"

The theme was "winter," but the atmosphere was warm and welcoming. Toastmaster Jim had prepared some interesting and amusing facts about winter to keep us entertained throughout the evening.

 S.A.A Nick

Sergeant at Arms Nick opened the meeting and read the Mission Statement before handing control to President John T.
 Leesa proposed a toast "To Liberty and Freedom."

Wordmaster Carmy chose the word "Hibernate."

Kirsty O presented her Icebreaker Speech, "I Heart Books" and told us how her love of books had influenced her life and her choice of career. It was evaluated by Tim.

Kirsty O

Christriane presented her second speech, "Personal Safety in Germany," and recounted the changes that she observed during her last visit to her family. Christiane's speech was evaluated by John T.


John T

Jonathon's speech "Thunderbolt" was an advanced project from the "Storytelling" manual. It was the story of the notorious Australian bushranger, Fred Ward, which Jonathon related with great animation. It was evaluated by Liz.


Liz also conducted the raffle - a vacuum flask, hot chocolate and a bar of chocolate, which was won by Leanne.

Supper time (provided by Annette T) provided an opportunity to mingle.

Thomas & Darryl
The business session was conducted by Rose.

The main business item was to elect a new Vice President Membership as Darryl has stepped down to allow himself to devote more time as President of the Peninsula TM Club of which he is also a member.

Christians was elected as V.P.M., which left the position of Sergeant at Arms open. Nick agree to continue as Sergeant at Arms for the coming year.

Table Topics Master Dave had some winter related questions for Leanne, Leesa, AnnetteW, Steve, Rose, Carmy, Marlene and Karen.


Annette W


 The topics were, "What do you like most about winter in Brisbane?"
"What don't you like about winter in Brisbane?"
"What is your favourite winter food?"
"How would you spend a cold winter evening?"
"What would you advise a Canadian visitor to Brisbane to wear in winter?"
"Where would you take a visitor?"
"Would you rather spend winter in Brisbane or Hobart?"
 "Would you rather spend winter in Brisbane or Cairns?"

They were evaluated by Darryl and Annette T.

Annette T

Grammarian Steve commennted on some good word usage.

Annette W tested our listening skills with her Listening Quiz.


Annette W
The General Evaluation was conducted by Wendy.

 Time keeper Karen reported that the meeting was running on time.

President John T closed the meeting and presented the awards to : Kirsty O (Personal Best,) Jim (Best Contribution,) Jonathon (Best Speech,) Marlene (Best Table Topic,) and Liz (Best Evaluation.)

Award winners 14th June 2016
Our Change Over Dinner will be on the 28th June. The theme will be "Go for Gold."
Be sure to let John T know by Monday 20th if you are coming. Jim can give you our account details if you wish to pay online or make a bank transfer. The dinner will be $30 but club members will be subsidised and will only need to pay $15.

We will be having our popular book raffle again. Please bring a book (or books) that you feel you can part with. It doesn't have to be new, as long as it is in good condition. Fiction or Non Fiction.  We'll raffle them in small bundles. The more books we have the more prizes we can offer.

If you don't have a suitable book to bring, there are plenty of Op shops around where you can find good books for a low price. Or visit the Lifeline Bookfest next weekend!