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Saturday, 23 January 2016

Scottish Night - Leesa's Photos

Thanks to Leesa for these photos.

Piper Campbell from Brewer's Supplies, Sandgate

Highland Fling
Liz & Sharyn

President John

Time Keeper Rose

Toastmaster Steve & Heather

Annette W

 GrammarianAnnette T

Darryl - Body Language

Sharyn & Liz

Speech by Rosanne

Supper time - John T, Campbell, Steve, Heather

Award winners - Annette W (Personal Best) Steve (Best Contribution,)
Rose (Best Table Topic,)Darryp & Rosanne (Best Speech. Tie.) 

Next Meeting Tuesday 9th February.

Scottish Night - meeting 958

 Steve, strong, brave and wounded Scottish night Toastmaster, ran the meeting with a highland fling and poetry....
Leesa (intense photographer) Annette (noting all the grammatical areas for improvement) Darryl preparing for a thoroughly entertaining speech.

Amanda and Jonathan fully embracing the 'slangevar' - good health, toast. Round robin had us all rolling our 'r's' and speaking lyrically with the Robert Burns poem 'To a Mouse'. Amanda won the Aussie raffle - mangoes and aussie flag items (courtesy of Maureen and sold by John)

 It takes a lot of gumption (word of the night - thanks Amanda) to play the bag pipes! Thank you Campbell for the variety of tunes to warm our hearts (he is usually in the brewers supplies shop at Sandgate - wonder if he wears the kilt there??)

AND for supper Scottish fare (shortbread and delicious Tunnock items)

Tunnocks  Tea Cakes
The product consists of a small round shortbread biscuit covered with a dome of Italian meringue, a whipped egg whiteconcoction similar to marshmallow.[3] This is then encased in a thin layer of milk or dark chocolate and wrapped in a red and silver foil paper for the more popular milk chocolate variety, with blue, black, and gold wrapping for the dark.

Caramel Wafers
The Tunnock's Caramel Wafer, correctly known as the Tunnock's Milk Chocolate Coated Caramel Wafer Biscuit, is a bar consisting of five layers of wafer, interspersed with 4 layers of caramel. The bar is coated in chocolate, made from cocoa and milk solids. The wafers are wrapped in red and gold coloured foil. Dark chocolate wafers, wrapped blue and gold, are also available

Thomas Tunnock Limited, commonly known as Tunnock's, is a family baker based in Uddingston, Lanarkshire, Scotland.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Meeting 957 Christmas Break Up Dinner

Our Christmas break up right was a lot of fun as usual. We had a lovely meal, Secret Santa and lots of Table Topics.

I'll let the pictures tell the story. Click on them for a larger size.

Happy Christmas Everyone! See you in the New Year. Because the 4th week in January is Australia Day, our next meeting will be a week earlier - on the 19th January.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Meeting 956 "Evaluation Workshop."

Area Director Kris & Marilyn
Special guests last meeting were Area Director Kris and Marilyn from Bunya Toastmasters.

Mahia & Marilyn
Also Mahia from Bunya Toastmasters. We were also pleased to welcome back Carmy, Kirsty and James.

Steve & Annette T
Kris presented Steve and Annette T with the perpetual trophies that they had won at the Area Conference.


Maureen presented a speech about "The Benefits of Water."  Although there were technical difficulties with the projector, she was well prepared and didn't let it distract from her presentation.

Sharyn's speech was titled "Seventy, Twenty, Ten." She gave some helpful tips on putting a speech together and showed how "prior planning prevents pesky problems."



Both speeches were evaluated by everyone during Marilyn's  Evaluation Workshop. while Tami took notes on the whiteboard.

Liz & Marlene -  Timers

Time for a break.  Supper time was a chance to socialise.

John T & Reza

Annette W & Roseanne

Jim & Leesa

Paul, Reza, Tami, Darryl, Tim H

Darryl, Rose & Paul

Lisa presented the  raffle which was supplied by Amanda. It was an assortment of items - chocolate, cushion etc. and was won by Leesa.
Kris was General Evaluator.


President John T presented the evening's awards to Marilyn (Best Contribution,) Paul (Best Table Topic,) and Maureen (Personal Best.

Award winners 24 Nov 2015
Next meeting on the 8th December is our Christmas Break Up Dinner. Don't forget to bring a Secret Santa gift to swap and something to put in our Christmas Hamper Raffle.

Gotcha, Tim!