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Saturday, 26 July 2014

Meeting 926 "Winter"

Jonathon presenting his 10th speech

Congratulations to Jonathan on completing the Competent Communicator Manual!  Jonathon's final speech in the manual was titled "Your Last Day" If you knew this was going to be your last day on earth, what regrets would you have? What would you have done differently? Have you found joy - or have you brought joy? It was an inspiring speech with a challenge for us all. At the completion of the speech, Jonathon received a standing ovation.

Trish evaluated Jonathon's speech.

We always have good meetings - but some of our meeting seem to really sparkle. I think this was one of them.
We were delighted when one of our past members, Rose walked in. She received an enthusiastic welcome. Our other guest Tim, who had been to the previous meeting, had made a special effort & driven a considerable distance to attend.

In deference to the theme "Winter," President Nicole wore her warm scarf and beanie when she opened the meeting.
Leesa was Toastmaster and kept things moving along.


Word Master Dave had chosen the word "Suserration," meaning a whispering or rustling sound. Annette, Trish, Liz Wo, John T and Leesa managed to use the word during the evening.

Round Robin Master Amanda asked, "What makes you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside?" Some of the responses were,  hot curry, motivational movies, a cruise, the movie "Frozen," $135 whisky, pets, sincere compliments, grandchildren, cuddling on the couch, etc.

Maureen had Table Topics for D'sley, Amanda, Darryl, Peter, Terry and John S, all with a winter theme.
They were evaluated by Liz Wo.


John S

Liz Wo

Pam presented her second speech, titled "Sticky Consultations." She told us about some of her amusing experiences as a cake decorator and the unreasonable expectations and demands of some of her customers.


Pam's speech was evaluated by Marlene (that's me), after some confusion when she read out the objectives for speech 3 instead of speech 2, which made the introduction almost as long as the speech. 

Some advanced Toastmasters like to repeat the basic Competent Communicator Manual to hone their skills. This is what Annette is doing. She presented the first project in the book "The Ice Breaker"" with a speech "Growing up in Brighton." Many of us who grew up in the same era were able to identify with Annette's speech.

John T evaluated Annette's speech


John T
Inge kept everyone in suspense as she groped into a big bag, and after pulling out layers of newspaper, revealed the raffle prize - a set of Country and Western CD's and a fleecy rug. It was won by Trish, who was just as thrilled with the bag as she was with the contents.

Inge's raffle
Nick assisted  Sergeant at Arms Pam by collecting the votes.

Malcolm, Jim, Nick
Malcolm revealed himself as the Mystery Toastmaster and commented on the friendly welcome from everyone.

Grammarian John S commented on our use of language and the prevalence of "Ums."
General Evaluator Nicole had some commendations and helpful advice.

Awards went to Trish (Best Evaluator,) Peter (Best Table Topic,) Leesa (Best Contrubution) Jonathon (Best Speech,) and Pam (Personal Best.)

Trish, Peter, Leesa, Jonathon, and Pam
Winners 22nd July 2014
The next meeting will be on the 26th August, which is a contest night.

Our 40th Anniversary is on the 12th August & will be a special catered event.

Friday, 25 July 2014

Coming events

Would you like to judge Toastmasters Contests? Or if you are entering a contest,  find out what the judges will be looking for? Come along to the judges Training Day. 30th August. HACC Training Room, Hamilton Rd, Chermside.

Click for larger size

It's not too early to register for the Area 8 Conference on the 1st November. Eventide Health Campus, Brighton. (Formerly known as the Eventide Auditorium.)

Click for larger size

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Catching up with old Friends

Bing, Narda, Annette, Lenore, Marlene

Remember our old frends, Bing, Narda & Lenore? Annette and I joined them recently to celebrate Bing's 30 years in Australia

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Metro Club Officer Training 2014/2015

Sandgate's new Club Officers, gaining points for our DCP, we are a keen, mean and awesome team.

I attended the VPM session and enjoyed the 'speed dating' at the beginning, it built great rapport between the participants and was fun and entertaining. Thank you to Monica for her informative session. Thanks also to Kevin who was the group photographer.


Friday, 18 July 2014

Overcoming My Fear - Toastmasters Icebreaker Speech

This speech has been a long time coming ... in fact, it all started back in 1999 when an article about Sandgate Toastmasters in the Bayside Star newspaper inspired him to overcome his fear and become better at public speaking.
In 2008, he nearly made it once again to a meeting ... but now in 2014, there's no stopping him.
"I'm raw, I'm green, but I'm enthusiastic and energetic! And I'm ready to get up that learning curve. Just being here, I feel like I've won half the battle" 

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Meeting 925 8th July "Vive La France."

President Nicole

Our new president Nicole handled her new role with great aplomb. She opened the meeting then proceeded to inducted club officers Sharyn and Marlene who had not been present at the Changeover Dinner.
Marlene was also presented with her 20 year badge and 100 percent attendance award.

Timekeeper keeper Terry looked very French in his beret. (Sorry, I didn't get a photo.) He was assisted by D'sley who was performing the role for the first time.

Round Robin Master Inge asked us for our favourite quote. They ranged from amusing to profound.

 Amanda had prepared pictures of popular tourist attractions in France as a theme for her Table Topics.
They were evaluated by Annette.

Darryl presented his Ice Breaker speech and spoke about his long-time fear of public speaking. He hid his fear very well. Trish evaluated Darryl's speech.

 Jim's speech was an entertaining story about losing a bag containing all his money, keys and important documents while holidaying in France. It was evaluated by Jonathon.

John T
John T presented a speech  about  "Mythconceptions" and explained why some common held beliefs are just myths. It was evaluated by John S.

The Business Session was capably chaired by Dave.


Maureen's raffle was popular. Can't remember who won it!

General Evaluator Sharyn and Grammarian Liz We had some helpful suggestions.


Our guest Tim said he had enjoyed the meeting and we are looking forward to having him back next time.

Nicole presented the evenings awards to Darryl (Best speech and Personal Best) Maureen (Best Table Topic) Marlene (Best Contribution) & Jonathon (Best Evaluation.)

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Mythconceptions - (A Speech From The Entertaining Speaker's Manual)

There are many myths out there that are so ingrained that we don't question them ... but as John warns, you need to be careful what you believe.
This speech was from the Toastmasters entertaining speaker advanced communication manual.

The 5 Mythconceptions ...

1 - We are not chronically dehydrated and don't need to spend money on bottled water
2 - The chastity belt never existed
3 - Vikings didn't wear horned helmets
4 - You can indeed drown in the dead sea
5 - Men can wear either boxers or briefs because there's no difference

However, there is one myth that is true ... Bald men make better lovers

Thursday, 3 July 2014

First Executive meeting

Liz W, Liz Wo, John T, Jim & Nicole

Our new president Nicole lost no time in calling a meeting of the club executive officers to discuss plans for the coming year. Our 40th Anniversary Dinner on the 12th August was high on the agenda, also our information stall at the Einbunpin Festival on the 27th July.

Our new VPE John T had some ambitions plans and ideas for future meeting programmes. Enthusiasm was running high and it promises to be a good year.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Trophy Winners

Annette, John T & Nick
Congratulations to our trophy winners, Toastmaster of the Year Annette,  Outstanding Achiever John T & Most Improved Toastmaster of the Year, Nick.

The Trio were presented with their awards at the recent Changeover Dinner.

Monday, 30 June 2014

Changeover Dinner - Out of the Box

"Out of the Box" was the theme, and judging from reports, it was an out of the box evening!

Congratulations to our special award winners, Toastmaster of the Year Annette, Special Achiever John T and Most Improved Toastmaster Nick. I hope to have a photo of them soon.

There was another award  - for 100 percent attendance. You can see the irony, can't you - I wasn't able to attend and receive my award, or take photos, because I had a fluey cold.

Thanks to Liz We, who took these photos.

Toastmaster Dave

John S had a tricky Table Topic for John T

Table Topic for Trish

And one for Terry

Past Area Gov Denise inducted SAA Pam

Treasurer Jim

Secretary Liz Wo

VPE John T

President Nicole

Parliamentarian John

Bulletin Editor Trish

Some of our new Executive Team