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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Meeting 872 "Success"

"Success" was the theme and it was a successful meeting. Harry was Toastmaster for the first time and kept the meeting running  smoothly.

June injected a touch of humour in her Toast.

Word master Jennine introduced the word "cantankerous."  It  was used by quite a few people during the  evening.

Round Robin Master John asked everyone to speak about the successes they have had.

Kerry's Table Topics were varied - Nicole was asked to  speak about her favourite season, Jennine topic was about overcoming obstacles, Robert's was about speaking a second language and Liz Wo spoke about a favourite pet.

The Table Topics were evaluated by Jonathon.

Leesa presented an entertaining speech about  a  trip she had made to New Zealand.
Liz We's speech was very topical. "What is Success."

They both had the full attention of their audience.
The speeches were evaluated by Dave and Marlene.

During a refreshing break, we enjoyed the supper provided by Robert 

Elizabeth conducted a second Round Robin and asked "Who in your life has mostly influenced your success?"

Grammarian Nicole congratulated those who had demonstrated good word usage and avoided  "Um's & Ah's" 

Our listening skills were tested in a rather chaotic session conducted by Trish.

Sharyn was the triumphant winner of the raffle donated  by Kerry. It was a block of chocolate  and a bouquet of sunflowers.

The meeting was competently evaluated by Annette, who had some helpful suggestions. 
President Sharyn congratulated Del on completing her Advanced Manual and presented her with her "Advanced Communicator  Bronze" badge.
Successful award winners for the evening were Jonathon, (Best Evaluation) Harry, (Best Contribution) Jennine (Best Table Topic) Liz We & Leesa (Tie - Best Speech) and Leesa (Personal Best.)

Our guests Amanda, Maureen and Terry said they enjoyed the meeting. Amanda and Maureen are going to join our club. Terry expressed an interest in joining later on. Proof that the meeting was a success!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Meeting 871 St Valentine's Day

Thanks to Sharyn for this write up. 

The first February meeting luckily landed on Saint Valentines Day!  Our Sergeant at Arms was busy, helpful and welcoming.  Toastmaster for the night, moi, had a few classic Valentine poetry pieces to share eg "My Princess  Life was always quite normal and sane...Now we've met and it's weakened by brain"   Karl Fuchs

Welcome to guests, Terry, Ernie, Maureen and Matt.

The word for the night was 'obfuscation'. Try saying that three times quickly....

For our first Round Robin, Inge, gave us background on Saint Valentine and asked us to share who had offered encouragement in your life.  Marlene  was mentioned as a great source of encouragement for our members.

Table Topics challenged the participants and the speeches were engaging.

Liz We

It was great to see Racheal, June and Meriel at the meeting.  Harry was Chairman for the Business Session and did a marvellous job, our Parliamentarian John's feedback mentioned Harry's flamboyant way with banging the gavel - it is very important to receive constructive feedback.Grammar wise, the minimisation of Ums, Ahrs, Yeah and 'you know' is improving.

All members were VERY attentive with their listening and they HAD to be with the quality of Leesa's questions.  The raffle, a romantic pot pouri of gifts and treats.......You had to be LUCKY to win that !!!

Del gave a thorough general evaluation of the meeting and the awards for the night went to Inge (Best Table Topic) Rachel (Best Evaluation) Harry (Personal Best) Trish (Best Speech) Sharyn (Best contribution).

Kylie we need you to give us another quick course on tips to improve photography skills. 
 Our thoughts and best wishes are with you Jonathon.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the next meeting.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

First meeting 2012

It was such a wet night, it's a wonder anyone turned up for our first meeting of the year. Some members were prevented by flooded roads, and a few arrived late because of transport problems, but about 14 managed to get there. We even had a visitor, Amanda.

As it was 2 days before Australia Day, the theme was "Australia." Nicole, in her  first time role of Toastmaster, kept the meeting running smoothly with interesting information and quotes between each segment.
There were many programme changes, with people enthusiastically volunteering to fill in where needed. 

In the absence of our Wordmaster, Harry rose to the occasion and gave us the word "Perspicacity" which means "shrewdness" or "clear insight." 

We had two Round Robin segments, where each member spoke for 30 seconds.
Annette's question was, "What part of Australia would you like to visit?"
In the second Round Robin, Robert asked, "What would have happened if Captain Cook hadn't made it to Australia?" Everyone found them both easy to answer. A couple of perspicacious people even managed to use the word of the evening.

Our Table Topicmaster was away, but Dave quickly thought of some appropriate topics for his victims, Marlene, Jennine, Leesa and Elizabeth. His topics all had something to do with Australia day or bad weather.

There was time for extra Table Topics, so Marlene called on Kylie, Robert, Harry, Annette and  Liz We to make up a story about the origin of Australian Song titles. "My Boomerang won't come back,"  "Tie me Kangaroo down," "The pub with no beer," "The road to Gunagai," and "The Pig Catcher's love song."

Dave filled in for the one of absent speakers by presenting an amusing poem "Old Sam," by Stanley Hollaway. This was evaluated by Annette.

A good Toastmaster is always prepared. There was another vacant speaking slot, which Harry filled in with an entertaining speech he'd had prepared for the following meeting. "The Zombie Apocalypse."  Liz We evaluated Harry's speech.

Sharyn's speech was titled "How to Attack." She surprised us by talking about how to put a large jigsaw puzzle together. It was evaluated by Marlene.

Liz Wo's raffle was very appropriate for the theme of the meeting. It was a folding chair with an Australian flag symbol on the back, a packet of lammingtons, a bowl and napkins with the flag symbol on them and ginger beer. Dave won the raffle. (Not fair - I had bought extra tickets!!!)

Jennine was Grammarian and Liz We filled in as Listening Master.

The meeting was finally evaluated by Kylie, who had some helpful suggestions.

Award winners for the evening were, 
Best Speech, Sharyn and Harry. (tie)
Best Table Topic, Annette.
Best Evaluator, Marlene.
Best Contribution, Nicole.
Personal Best, Harry and Nicole.
(Someone please correct me if this is not correct. I didn't write it down.)

Sharyn encouraged everyone to attend the Officer Training Day. This is open to all members, you don't have to be a club officer. Contact Treasurer Liz  if you would like to attend.

Don't forget there are 5 weeks in this month, so it is 3 weeks until our next meeting on the 14th February.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Christmas Break Up

We had lots of fun, a good dinner, plenty of table topics, games, and Secret Santa.

Merry Christmas Everyone! 
See you on the 24th January 2012.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Welcome to Guests

Guests are encouraged to attend club meetings, held on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at The Full Moon Hotel in Sandgate, at no charge. Meetings start promptly at 7pm, so please arrive by 6:45pm so we may welcome you beforehand. Further details can be obtained by contacting  (replace "AT" with @ )

We will be in recess until 24th January 2012. See you then!

Meeting 868 "Travel"

Toastmaster Liz Wo welcomed us on board and guided us through a fun filled meeting with the theme of "Travel."

Marlene presented the word for the evening, "peregrinate," which means to travel.  Everyone managed to use the word at least once during the evening.

Round Robin Master Dave asked us to each speak for 30 seconds on  where we would like to travel next.

June's Table Topics were also travel related, and asked Kylie, Liz We, Inge and Rhys to speak about the 7 wonders of the world, hot air balloon, travelling back in time, and a "TRAVLR" number plate.

The Table Topics were evaluated by John.

Robert presented his 5th speech, "Homer's Peregrinations" and told us what is involved in travelling with a guide dog.

Trish's speech was about her love affair with books. She displayed some of her favourite books, including the one she has had published, "Learning can be Fun." 

The speeches were evaluated by Kylie and Annette.

There was time for a second Round Robin. Leesa asked us each to talk about things that had gone wrong while travelling. There were many funny stories and nearly everyone spoke for more than the allotted 30 seconds. It was good to see our guests Andrew and Leonie taking part.

Rhys's raffle, drinking water bottles and a chiropratic treatment proved to be popular. It was won by June.

The evenings awards went to Kylie, for Best Table Topic and Best Evaluator, Liz for Best Contribution, and
Robert was Best Speaker and Personal Best.

This was our last regular meeting for the year. Our Christmas Break Up Dinner will be on the 13th December. If you haven't already done so, please contact Sharyn or Marlene  for payment details.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Meeting 867 Flower Power

We were pleased to have guests at our meeting - Roslyn and Alan from Carindale Toastmasters, and Greg from Bunya Toastmasters.

In the absence of our Wordmaster, Harry rose to the occasion and presented us with the word "Rubicon," He told us of Julius Ceasar's army crossing the Rubicon River and how the phrase "to cross the Rubicon" has come to mean passing the point of no return. A few people managed to use the word during the evening.

In keeping with the theme of the meeting, Round Robin Master Liz (also filling in at the last minute) asked "What is your favourite flower?"

Kerry also used the theme for her Table Topics, "What is your favourite perfume?" "Powerful Flower" (can't remember the exact topic,) "Childhood Memory of flowers" and "Roses are Red..." These were answered by Leesa, Jonathon, Dave and Nicole.

Jonathon presented his 5th speech, " A Strange Dream." The object of this project was to use gestures & facial expressions etc to convey the message, which Jonathon did extremely well.

Our second speaker was unable to be at the meeting, so Dave filled in with two entertaining poems, "The Lion and Albert: and "The Return of Albert."

Liz Wo presented an Educational Session on Impromptu Speaking. You can read most of the information Liz gave us in the excellent article she wrote last year for our blog. "Table Topics made Simple."

Toastmaster Annette followed this up with some extra Table Topics for her lucky victims, Jonathon, Liz, Harry and Dave. The topics had all been used for past contests and were, "If the shoe fits,"  "By Fair Means or Fowl,"  "Every which way but Loose," and "Through the Eye of a Needle."

 In the "Your Choice" segment, Inge read some inspiring quotes from Goethe and Helen Keller and explained what they meant to her.

Marlene's raffle (two books) was won by Sharyn and Dave.

General Evaluator Del found it hard to find points for improvement for the meeting.

New member Michelle was presented with her badge.

Award winners were Dave (Personal Best,) Jonathon (Best speech, and Table Topic)  Sharyn (Best Evaluation,) & Annette (Best Contribution.)

Next meeting will be the final one before our Break Up Dinner. Could everyone please bring their payment for the dinner to the next meeting.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Atomos - The Story Of The Atom - Toastmasters Speech 2

Which Statement Is True?

"The Entire Human Race Could Fit Into The Volume Of One Sugar Cube"


"I Am Superman"

Is this a trick question?

The Seriousness of Clowns - Toastmasters CC Project 2

This is SERIOUS! Clowns Are No Joke ...

This was speech 2 from the competent communication manual which is about organising your speech.