The group general evaluation, faciliatated by Damian, showed that members are enjoying and benefiting from the meeting due to the standard of speakers; the friendliness and welcoming nature of all; and the willingness of members to step into roles vacant for the evening due to others not being able to attend. Suggestions for improvement included not racing through the business session, as we regularly do due to time constraints, to ensure the secretary has the opportunity to make notes.
Toastmaster Sharyn tracked down (pun intended) racing quotes and demonstated fine listening skills by slipping them into the program at most appropriate times. Jonathon as Sargeant at Arms for the night handled the job with ease, only showing at trophy time that perhaps Santa needs to bring him glasses.
Jonathon, Annette, Del and Leesa confidently replied to Monica's interesting table topics; after a very colourful Round Robin.
Nicole presented her second speech on
The Golden Number - very interesting content delivered with confidence. Kylie's speech drew upon personal experiences that resulted in a fear of public speaking. Dave, with
The First Industrial Revolution, once again impressed us with his memory for dates and details, completing his 5th speech from the advanced manual
Speaking to Inform.
Rachael highly recommended the movie
Red with a throrough and entertaining movie review.
Marlene won the raffle, with Leesa stepping into the role on the night - with a few away each meeting it is great to see others willingly taking on the challenge.
Welcome to two guests, Kerry and Lynda - we hope you enjoyed the meeting and come again. Welcome also to Damian who will be inducted at the next meeting - we are pleased to have another experienced Toastmaster join our ranks.
Trophies presented to:
Table Topics - Annette
Speech - Kylie
Evaluation - Annette
Personal Best - Nicole
Conribution - Sharyn
A reminder that there are only two more meetings for 2010 - Tuesday 23 November and Tuesday 14 December (Christmas dinner).
Kylie as VPPR welcomes all contributions for the newsletter by end November for distribution at the final meeting - by email please, as she is not able to attend meeting of 23 November.