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Thursday, 25 May 2023

Meeting 1128 "The King's Coronation"

Congratulations to Arun on completing Level 5 (The highest level) in his "Dynamic Leadership" path with his inspiring speech, "Challenge your Limit." 


Other speakers were Helen, who earned her standing ovation with her Icebreaker speech "The Way Forward" and Trevor with his speech "Are You Cut Out to be an Entrepreneur?" 


Evaluators were Gokul, Trish and Paul.



Q. "Who is strong enough to move the King's castle?" A. "A chess player."

Q. "When is a King like a piece of wood?" A. "When he's a ruler."

Toastmaster Narelle kept the jokes coming during the meeting, providing plenty of laughs.

She also conducted the Round Robin, asking "Where were you when King Charles was crowned?

Although most of had watched at least some of the ceremony, Trish was the only one who had watched all of it. Trish also managed to use John's word of the evening "Majesty" or "Majestic" more times than anyone else.

Paul conducted the raffle with the prize of a bottle of special Bundaberg Rum. (Supplied by Dan.)

Supper time was an opportunity to catch up  with one another. Sorry, I didn't get a photo of the lovely spread provided by Gail and Helen. It was good to see Tom back for a second visit.

Liz and Trish at supper time

The Table Topics prepared by Paul, had a royal theme. 

"Is all the pomp and pageantry necessary?" answered by Marlene.

"All those jewels - can they be real?" Trevor.

"What kind of a king do you think Charles will be?" Narelle.

"Would you have liked to grow up as a prince or princess?" Arun.

"If you could be any royal, who would it be?" Trish.

"What food would you choose for the coronation?" Helen

"What do think Princess Di would have thought of the coronation?" Liz.

"Was the coronation worth the millions spent on it?" Gokul.

Evaluators were Gail and John.


For Show and Tell, Marlene showed a miniature teapot commemorating the coronation of King George V and Queen Mary.

Grammarian Trish commented on the words during the meeting and Liz gave a General evaluation of the entire meeting.


The evenings awards went to Helen (Best Speech) Liz and Trish -  tie (Best Table Topic)
Trish (Best Evaluation) and Arun (Most Improved.) 

As there is a fifth Tuesday this month, we will have an extra meeting next Tuesday 30th May with the theme "The Joy of Youth." It will be a Lucky Dip meeting - roles (other than the speeches) will be drawn on the night. Don't miss it!

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Meeting 1127 "Friendship"

"Friendship" was an appropriate theme for a Toastmasters meeting, because Toastmasters is a great place to find friends. 

Gail, as stand-in president, welcomed our guests, Area Director Suresh and first time visitors Fiona, Catherine and Tom.


Toastmaster of the day Arun, explained the benefits of clapping and was rewarded with an enthusiastic applause. Arun also shared some wonderful quotes about friendship throughout the meeting.

Marlene proposed a toast to "Friends."

Gokul presented the word of the evening "Amity" which means friendship - usually between nations.

Suresh conducted the Round Robin Warm Up asking "Who is your best friend and why?"


There were three prepared speeches, all from advanced speakers.  Liz's speech "Do you know Me?" was from the "Know you Communication Style project"

John speech was "Lessons learned through Toastmasters", and was from the "Leading in your Volunteer Organisation" project.

Tony's presented a speech from the Effective communication path. "Contestant Junkie."


These three are all advanced, confident speakers.

New members and visitors need to remember that most of us are not like that when we first join Toastmasters!

Evaluators were Jonathon, Hazel and Helen.


Trevor provided the popular raffle prize which was won by lucky Arun. (I really wanted those pigs!)

Supper was provided by Gokul and Marlene. 

Trevor conducted the Table Topics Session, calling on Gokul "Something you didn't tell your mother", Gail "Something you were recently afraid of", Trish "Can you climb trees?" Suresh "What is sweet in your life?" Marlene "How long do you want to live?" and Jonathon "Long Live the King."

Evaluators were Chris and Helen.
Dan was Time Keeper.



Trish chaired a business session and Election of Club Officers which resulted in the following positions to take effect from the 1st July.

President: Gail H
Vice President Education: Liz We
Vice President Membership: Arun T
Treasurer: Peter D
Secretary: Chris H
Sergeant at Arms: Helen P.

Grammarian Gail commented on the use of words during the evening and Narelle gave a General Evaluation of the entire meeting.

Gail presented John with a certificate from Toastmasters International for completing Level 5 in the Presentation Mastery path.

John and Gail - Level 5 Certificate.

The evenings Awards went to Tony (Best Speech) Marlene (Best Table Topic) Helen (Most Improved) and Jonathon (Best Evaluation.)

Award winners 9th May 2023

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 23rd May. There will also be an extra meeting on the 30th May - a Lucky Dip meeting.

Thursday, 13 April 2023

Meeting 1126 - "Trophies, Ribbons and Awards"


If a theme is introduced by music, entertainment will be in overabundance.

Leanne made sure we felt awarded the entire meeting with snippets of her achievements interlaced with human success.

Gokul called the meeting to order by welcoming our special visitor (his previous mentor) and disappointingly without a dad joke.

Paul opened the meeting with an excess of information of upcoming activities within Toastmasters. He then had the privilege to award achievement ribbons: Arun finished Level 4 in Dynamic Leadership, while John was presented with two ribbons: completing Level 3 in Visionary Communication and accomplishing Level 5 (the highest level and first for our club) in Presentation Mastery. 

Toastmaster Leanne didn't get us just clapping along to the selected music, but made sure we were aware of the deluge of encouragement in the song.

She called on Gail for the program changes which was only one change in presenters.

Jonathon reminded us in his toast to take the time to reflect and we toasted "To our success".

Gail gave us a plethora of synonyms for the word of the evening: plethora. She also gave us example sentences and the original meaning. It was used extremely well - with Trish emerging as the clear winner.

The Round Robin led by John gave us not only a chance to speak of our superabundance of our triumphs, but also to show off one trophy, ribbon or award. It was so encouraging to see the surplusage of talent in our club.

Next, it was time for our prepared speeches:

  1. Christiane spoke about her plentiful encounters with mentors in her speech titled "Expect the Unexpected" (Engaging Humour path, Level 2, project 3: Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring) Liz gave her stratospheric feedback in the evaluation.
  2. Tony utilised technology with "Are We Ready?" (Effective Coaching, Level 2, project 1: Understanding your Communication Style) to demonstrate the AI revolution we are in the middle of. It was evaluated by Marlene with chockablock admiration of technology.
  3. Trish provided us with a handout to demonstrate her surplus on activity on websites in her speech "Your brand in social media" (Visionary Communication, Level 4, elective project: Building a Social Media Presence). Helen evaluated the glut on social media presence of Trish.

It was time to call on our heart strings to get ample tickets sold (and Jonathon did this very well). He gave us two categories we would fall into: rewarding ourselves for achievements or commemorating our "significant other" for still being with us.

Arun was called on to give us the timers report for the first half where he told us about our exorbitant use of time.

During the supper break, we were able to buy raffle tickets, indulge the goodies provided by Helen and Chris as well as catch up on the immeasurable news of the fortnight.

The second half of our meeting started with Table Topics (those impromptu speeches). Rosie had selected boundless topics related to the theme (acceptance speeches) and called on:

  1. Narelle - Give a mini-educational on how NOT to win the Table Topics ribbon: ask for the question halfway through your mini speech; make a conclusion, but then keep going; admit to cheating by utilising ChatCPG incorporated within glasses
  2. Chris - Mr Sandgate of the year: high rises for Sandgate
  3. John - Safe driver award: always looking out for the police and break hard
  4. Paul - Life as the Table Topics trophy: biggest wish is to go home with the winner for 2 weeks
  5. Darryl - Symbols of achievement: a statue for his trophy wife

The Table Topics were evaluated by Trevor and Gokul who both weren't lacking praise as well as points of improvement suggestions.

While our Sergeant at Arms Gokul collected the votes, Leanne shared extravagent triumphs of humanity.

Afterwards, we had the treat of listening to Darryl who asked our club to be a sounding board of his humorous speech he will enter into at the District Level. Paul led the group evaluation.

Then Dan presented his take on his role as Vice President Membership, followed by Chris presenting on the benefits of being Secretary. You will hold the key to ... (the name tags).

It was Dan's turn again: This time to give us feedback as the general evaluator.

Raffle master Jonathon asked visitor Darryl to draw the lucky winner (Gokul). The question if Gokul chose category one (himself) or two (his wife) will need to be established at the next meeting.


In closing, Paul reminded us of the District Conference starting 28 April as well as the club officer election at our next meeting (and nominations needing to be made prior).

He then presented the awards to:

Best Speech - Trish

Best Evaluation - Helen

Best Table Topic - John & Narelle

Most Improved - Helen


Sandgate Toastmasters will meet again on 9 May. (There will be no meeting on 25 April.)

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Meeting 1125 - "Greece"

You don't have to be picky when  touring six weeks through Greece, since you will find the best lamb dishes everywhere.

Trish gave us many more interesting facts about Greece (even composed in a one-page summary) and encouraged us all to take the long flight to visit.

The meeting was called to order by our Sergeant At Arms Gokul (with no Dad joke) before Paul opened the meeting and welcomed Area Director Suresh as visitor.

Trish explained why she selected Greece at the theme (and was dressed appropriately: Greek purple T-shirt) when she recalled the six weeks adventure with her high school friend and partners 40 years after graduation.

Gail H gave us the program changes not requiring painstaking care as there was only had 1 slight change.

Afterwards, Trish called on Gail W to give us the toast. Gail W used very vivid word pictures to describe Greece with calling the toast to "Contributions from Greece".

Unfussy Chris presented the word of the evening (prepared by Rosie): persnickety. It allowed us to use it in our Round Robin and Table Topics which brought on lots of laughter.

The Round Robin was presented by Helen who allowed us one week of travelling through Greece with her as the finicky tour guide and recounting our many highlights. There were some choosy travellers complaining about the stairs, a few pleasant personification of Greek philosophers and gods as well as celebrating Greek traditions like plate throwing and lamb grazing.

We then moved into the prepared speeches:

  1. Peter took us on a journey with "The 330 bus" (Innovative Planning path, Level 2, project 2: Connect with Your Audience) where he educated us about the many benefits of bus travel. It was evaluated by laid-back Christiane.
  2. Marlene spoke about her encounters with April Fools Day in her speech titled "A Timely Warning" (Engaging Humour path, Level 1, project 2a: Evaluation and Feedback). Tony was her cultivated evaluator.
  3. John brought along a prop in his speech "My Communication Onion" (Visionary Communication path, Level 3, "Develop a communication plan project") when he peeled away the layers explaining the various interactions with people in his life. It was knowingly evaluated by Gokul.

Thereupon, Gokul was called back to the lectern enticing us to buy raffle tickets giving us the chance to find a flavour as diversified as people on the planet.

It was Gail H's turn to give us the timings of the first half before we went into our supper break.


During supper we not only were able to buy raffles from Gokul and devour quiche and sweets provided by Hazel and Leanne, but it was a time to catch up on the news.

The second half of the meeting started with Table Topics. Narelle as Table Topic Master gave topics to:

  1. Hazel - What would be the best way to travel to/from and around Greece? After considering scooters, she decided to walk everywhere.
  2. Helen - Greeks are known for smashing plates, have you ever had a time when you wanted to smash plates. Yes!! Everytime hubby and her visit Bunnings as well as sometimes in her interaction with her kids.
  3. Suresh - Goddess Athena is a patron of Greece, who is your goddess? Lakshmi (giving money) celebrated during Diwali.
  4. Christiane - Would you rather go to a Greek or Italian restaurant? Greek!! You can't top lamb with tzatziki sauce.
  5. Chris - Greece grows one third of the world's olives. Do you like olives? As a fastidious eater, he does now with green olives stuffed with feta being his favourite.
  6. Gail W - What is you favourite Greek monument, person or place? Blue seaside as well as columns.

Those impromptu mini speeches were evaluated by Paul and Leanne.

After Gokul collected the final votes (with Trish expanding on the facts about Greece), Suresh addressed our club and congratulated us to a strong membership and having achieved distinguished club level, but most of all called on us how we can give back to Toastmasters.

Three reviews of the executive roles followed:

  1. Christiane - Vice President Public Relations ("Postings on Facebook allow you to be organised and creative.")
  2. Peter - Treasurer ("Don't use the wrong credit card")
  3. Gokul - Sergeant At Arms ("If you want to speak at every meeting, this is your role")

Chris's feedback on using "persnickety" called on Trish as the winner (16 times). If we wanted to be picky and divide this number by her overall speaking time, we need to congratulate Helen for using it three times. 

Arun gave us the general evaluation prior to Gokul asking Suresh to pick the winner. The raffle went to Arun.

In closing, Paul awarded the trophies to:

Best Speech - Peter

Best Evaluation - Leanne

Best Table Topic - Christiane

Most Improved - Gail W

Our next meeting is on 11 April.

Monday, 20 March 2023

Moreton Division Conference - "Dreams & Ambitions"

Four Sandgate Toastmasters members gave up their Sunday (sleep in) to attend and help out at the Moreton Division Conference on 19 March.

After a succinct council meeting, we were able to move into the four contests with briefings preceding. Trish as Assistant Chief Judge kept everybody aware what was expected during the various briefings. 

It was also possible to watch the contests via Zoom which some members took the opportunity to follow along.

First, Di chaired the International Speech contest in which we heard from

  • Steve - "My Suit of Armor"
  • David - "Just do it"
  • Kate - "Broken to Brilliant"
  • Madonna - "Not So Normal"

Gail was one of the timers. 

The trophies went to:

  1. Steve
  2. Kate
  3. Madonna





The Humorous Speech contest was next, chaired by Tony. He gave us some Dad jokes one-liners to loosen up our laugh muscles.

We then heard from:

  • Joel - "Running on Empty"
  • Kris - "Just Let it Go"
  • Beck - "Three Little Words"
  • David - "Kamikaze Wind"

Gail and Christiane were timers.

The placegetters were:

  1. Beck
  2. Kris
  3. David


The third contest was the Table Topics Speech contest which was chaired by Lorraine. 

The topic "I saw it with my own eyes" was answered by Ray, Lucy, Bruce and Barbara.

The trophies went to: 

  1. Barbara
  2. Lucy
  3. Bruce







For our last contest (Evaluation Speech), we first heard from Lisa with her speech titled "My Swamp Donkey".

It was evaluated by Toto, Heidi, Jason and Steve.

The judges voted for:

  1. Steve
  2. Jason
  3. Heidi







Afterwards, the raffle draw was awarded.

Sandgate Toastmasters would like to thank the members for attending and helping in the various roles. 

They also would like to congratulate all winners and wish them all the best at the District 69 conference on 28-30 April.

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Meeting 1124 - "New Caledonia"

It might be a triviality, but don't expect great coffee in New Caledonia. 

Hazel shared many more facts and history tit-bits about the country she recently visited. Those attended are considering those lithium shares from there.

Our stand-in Sergeant At Arms Chris read the mission statement and then amused us by giving us "French" jokes.

Stand-in President Gail H opened the meeting and welcomed guest Hayley. She also had the pleasure to hand a new name badge to Rosie.

Hazel gave us the reasons of selecting New Caledonia and told us also about the convicts' history.

Gail H firstly gave us the program changes, then presented the toast to "People of New Caledonia and the Pacific Islands".

Trish presented the word of the evening as being "Cliché". She told us that the word has French origins and its meaning plus encouraged us to avoid clichés during the evening. In the following, all clichés will be in italic if they couldn't be avoided.

The Round Robin led by Rosie gave us ample opportunity to incorporate platitudes (both in word as well as making them) and the fortunately/ unfortunately story went from kite surfing over packing your travel bags to planes going down. There was lots of laughter as we discovered who not to go on journeys with.

Afterwards, we moved into the prepared speeches:

  1. Narelle revisited her imposter syndrome and shared with us how short- and long-term goals help to overcome it in her speech titled "Success inventory" (Presentation Mastery path, Level 2, project 1: Understanding your communication style). The speech was evaluated by Christiane.
  2. Arun's project (Dynamic Leadership path, Level 4, elective project: Managing a disruptive audience) was not so much about the speech as to demonstrate how to keep your audience engaged and deal with distractions (phones, comment interjections as well as gossiping). Arun managed well to encourage us to "Be a lifelong learner to stay relevant" in spite of many hard stares and call outs. Trish congratulated Arun for dealing with the rowdy members (which themselves felt out of place since Toastmasters meetings are a place of listening and respecting the speaker).

Paul made connections in his raffle to New Caledonia in that it was French and his items had some loose relation. He sold us.

Chris gave us a succinct timers report (and kept us on our toes during the whole meeting).

We used the supper break to buy raffles, consume the cake and dips provided by Trish and Arun, respectively, as well as catch up what has happened in the last fortnight.

The Table Topics were given by John. He called on:

  1. Helen - Did you know that I once ... lived overseas, went to school to Malaysia and endured the smell of a durian

  2. Paul - If I gave you $1000 and told you that you had to spend it today, what would you buy? Piece of jewellery (for his wife) and a nice dinner for both of them

  3. Rosie - If you could be a famous person who would you be and why? Legal secretary Donna (from a show) because she is so confident

  4. Gail W - If there was a biopic about your life, would it be a comedy, drama, action or romance and what actor would play you? Action movie since it would play how she became a ballet teacher; Gail W would play herself

  5. Peter - If you knew that you could not fail, what would you want to do? Become the prime minister to stamp out tax avoidance

  6. Tony - If you were a piece of paper, how would you like to be used before you are being disposed? Canvas for a talented(!) painter

The impromptu speeches were evaluated by Tony and Marlene.

While our Sergeant at Arms collected our votes (for the awards at the end of the night), Hazel gave us nine facts we should be aware of before visiting New Caledonia.

Paul presented on his executive role as President and told us of his leadership responsibilities. He also conveyed the many rewarding privileges the role gives him which he promptly demonstrated: He inducted our two new members into the club and had Helen and Gail W repeat after him their obligations. Mentors for the new members are John and Christiane, respectively. Welcome Helen & Gail W - we hope you will embrace the Toastmasters culture and enrich our meetings (see above, they both did already)

Gail H also presented on her executive role: Vice President Education. She listed the many benefits of her role and reported what she has learnt over the year. (It is the third time she is carrying out this role).

Christiane presented a new segment: Two truths, one lie. She recounted three short adventure stories, but was busted by many members.

Trish reported on the word usage and encouraged us again to think about the buzzwords we use without even realising.

Peter gave us a concise general evaluation since we were running overtime.

After Chris' final timers report, Paul asked Hayley to draw the raffle. The prize went to Helen.

In closing, Paul reminded us of the upcoming Division Conference on Sunday.

He presented awards to:

Best Speech - Narelle

Best Evaluation - Trish

Best Table Topic - Tony

Most Improved - Helen