Medals were polished...
the judges, the timers (Dan and Gail), tally counters (Liz We, Narelle and Marlene), sergeant at arms (Marlene and Trevor) as well as the contestants briefed...
so we are ready for the contest!
Gokul opened our meeting again reminding us of our mission statement.Fitting to the theme, he toasted to "Continuous Improvement" because the contests certainly bring out nerves we didn't know we had.
After 5 minutes of further evaluation preparation (i.e. writing up notes taken during Sue's speech), it was time for Christiane, Gokul, Hazel, David and Leanne to give constructive feedback to Sue's speech.
Sue commented in the supper break again how valuable the experience is as test speaker for the evaluator contest because of the various perspectives given by the contestants.The evaluator contest winners were:
1) Leanne
2) Christiane
3) Hazel
Then it was time for Dan to entice us with his raffle - and wow, we had a record sale. The lucky winner was Heidi.
Supper was provided by Leanne and Dan and it was a spread! It gave everybody the chance to gather around and network.
David, Arun and Christiane participated in it and ranked as follows:
1) Christiane
2) Arun
3) David
Before drawing the meeting to an end, Gail awarded achievement ribbons to new Pathways level completions: Narelle finished Level 1 in Presentation Mastery, Arun finished Level 3 in Dynamic Leadership and Trish finished Level 3 in Visionary Communication.
Sandgate Toastmasters would like to thank the judges Graeme, Di, Anne, Suresh, Mark and Kirsty for giving us their time to judge our contests. Thank you Trish for organising both contest nights.
We are looking forward to the next meeting on 25 October.