After a few technical issues were sorted, the Meeting commenced with words of wisdom from Sargent-at-Arms Gokul. His good advice on a life lesson was to SMILE.
Gokul |
President Paul welcomed Guest Derrick, who was introduced by Narelle.
Arun took charge as Toastmaster and explained the reason for the theme. He quoted excerpts from the famous "I Have A Dream" speech by Martin Luther King Jr from 28th August 1963.
Arun |
A Toast was presented by Liz Wo. - "Dream Big, Start Small, but most of all, Start".
Liz |
Hazel |
Hazel introduced the Word - Reverie, meaning dreaming or meditation. Several Members were able to weave this word into their presentations.
Round Robin was also conducted by Hazel, who posed the question - What have you achieved through Reverie. That certainly provided some interesting responses.
Carmy and Peter D. presented Table Topics, all of which had a dream/reverie style theme. Participants were Trevor, Hazel, Liz, Gokul, Narelle and Marlene.
Carmy |
Peter D. |
Timers Leanne and Trevor gave updates as we moved between being ahead of time and a bit behind at various sections of the evening.
Evaluators of Table Topics were Paul and Jonathon. They both showed great observation of participants and comments on opportunities to improve were helpful.
Paul |
Jonathon |
An Educational Session by Tony was on the topic of Evaluation Contests including handouts. This will prove most informative for the upcoming Contests as well as helpful tips for use during Club Meetings for all Evaluators.
Tony |
Narelle presented a speech from Presentation Mastery - Lessons Learned. Her topic was "Imposter Syndrome" and was evaluated by Leanne.
Leanne |
Marlene gave a Tall Tales segment entitled "The Singing Cow" - yes, it was very humorous. This was evaluated by Dan.
Marlene |
Dan |
Show and Tell by Gokul showed his inventiveness with an impromptu speech about his 4WD adventure.
The Raffle was a highlight, provided by Trevor, and the lucky winner was Gokul.
Trevor |
David as General Evaluator, gave encouraging feedback and also areas to improve, all presented with humour and positivity.
David |
Best Speech: Marlene, Best Evaluator: Leanne, Best Table Topic - a tie with Trevor and Gokul; Most Improved: Narelle.
Narelle, Leanne, Trevor, Marlene and Gokul |
Reminder: Table Topics and Humorous Speech contests to be held on Tuesday 13th September.