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Thursday, 27 January 2022

Meeting 1098 - Burns Night

 This was a Zoom Meeting owing to closure of our usual venue at the Brighton Wellness Hub.

Josh opened the Meeting and introduced President Trish. We were reminded of the Division Conference to take place on 19 March at Nundah. Member Liz We. was welcomed back to Australia and to our Club, if not in person just yet.



Toastmaster John T. then explained the Burns Night theme. Robbie Burns was known as the "Bard of Scotland".  He was a storyteller, poet, and wrote the famous "Auld Lang Syne" lyrics. His birthday was 25 January so the celebration is held in his honour each year.

John T.

Carmy proposed a toast to "Robbie Burns" .


The Wordmaster Chris gave us "Supper"  - referring to the meal partaken on on Burns Night. It was widely used all evening, as well as John explaining what comprised such a supper.


Round Robin topic by Hazel was "Who is your favourite storyteller or poet? Many varied answers included Billy Connolly, Pamela Ayres and Jeanne Robertson.


Gail presented Table Topics. Participants were Marlen, Tony, Josh, Carmy, Trish and Chris. The Evaluators were Liz Wo. and Hazel.



Set Speeches:

Arun's Speech "Staying Relevant in Changing Times" was evaluated by Marlene.



Leanne's Speech "Preparation is the Key" was evaluated by Paul.



Timer Paul kept that clock ticking and provided coloured backgrounds to signal times.

Tony evaluated Liz We's speech "What is Orange".


Liz We.

General Evaluation was presented by Trish, giving helpful tips for when holding Meetings via Zoom, which included how to emphasise hand gestures and choice of background. She congratulated all on an easy conversion to online Meetings.


Best Speech: Liz We.; Best Evaluator: Hazel; Best Table Topic: Carmy; Most Improved: Carmy.

The next Meeting with also be via Zoom.

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Meeting 1097 Christmas Break Up

 What a fun night our Christmas Break Up meeting was! There was so much laughter!

The Round Robin conducted by Dan "What was your worst Christmas gift?" was one of the funniest ever. 

Dan - Round Robin

Dana & Josh

Christane & Shane

We had a short speech by John which was a report on our successful District 69 50th Anniversary Dinner. 

John - Level 5 Speech
Tony - introduced speech

Trish conducted a heads or tails Christmas Trivia Quiz.  

Trish - Trivia Quiz

There was a Photo Quiz by Christiane, who had collected childhood photos of us all. 

Christiane - Photo Quiz

Who is it?
Can you guess?

And a Christmas Supper.

Lots of yummy food.

We had a Secret Santa and finished with Table Topics. 

Peter S



Peter D & Trish


Three lucky people won the Christmas Hampers.

We were completely "whelmed" by it all. There, I used Gail's word for the evening!

Merry Christmas Everyone! We'll be back on the 25th January 2022.

Those present - thanks to Shane for taking photo.

Friday, 3 December 2021

District 69 50 years Anniversary

 A Celebratory Dinner was held at Komo Function Rooms, Redcliffe, in recognition of 50 years since District 69 was formed.

Golden decorations

Hazel, Leanne, John T. Josh, Marlene, Liz and Peter

President Trish warmly welcomed dignitaries from District and other Clubs and control was handed to M.C. for the evening, Leanne.



Christiane provided the Toast to District 69, followed by a response by District Director Robert Green.



The Invocation was presented by Marlene.

To relax the mood a Round Robin based on the theme of "What did you win Gold for, or wish you could win Gold for". Many revealing aspects of Members and guests desires were disclosed.


Following a delicious dinner, Liz introduced Guest Speaker John Scouller, who is a Charter Member of Sandgate Club. John had many amusing anecdotes about the history and his involvement in all things Toastmasters.


John S.

A contest was held for Best Dressed (in Gold theme). The winner was Denise from Bracken Ridge Club.

Golden Girl Denise

John T. conducted Toppo's Toastmasters' Trivia Quiz to test our listening skills.

John T.

To round off the evening, Gokul was Table Topics Master with Gold themed questions.


Gail, Hazel and Chris

Robert, Trish and Peter



Liz, John T and Marlene

Leanne and John S.






A Group photo was taken for posterity.

Thank you to John T. for organising the event, as well as Leanne and many other Toastmasters who contributed to a successful evening.