The new Executive took charge of their roles and Josh called the Meeting to order. President Trish welcomed guests Kylie, Natalie and Bernadette. Then new Member Peter's induction was conducted and Executive position badges were presented.
Josh |
Trish |
Toastmaster Tony took control and had many and varied (and humourous) snippets about the ancient and modern Olympics. This kept keen interest between segments and enlightened our knowledge of the Games.
Arun present the Toast - to "All Olympians", and paid tribute also to those who work behind the scenes.
Arun |
The Word of the night was of course "Olympian", and interesting information about the word was prepared by Narelle (who was absent) and presented by Christiane.
Christiane |
Table Topic segment was handled very ably by Monica. Christiane, Josh, J.P, Arun, Gail and Trish all answered the topics which gave the speakers the opportunity to speak for or against.
Monica |
Gail |
These were evaluated by Dan and Leanne.
Dan |
Leanne |
Speech 1 by Ted was his Ice Breaker, and was titled "Colour my World". Gokul was the evaluator.
Ted |
Gokul |
The Raffle was sold to us by Christiane, and the winner was Marlene.
Timer Darryl was kept on his toes keeping us on time, and did an admirable job.
Dana presented Speech 2 entitled "It's not My Fault". This was evaluated by Marlene.
Dana |
Marlene |
Speech 3 by Christiane entitled "Too many Taxing Tasks at Tomi" was evaluated by Liz.
Liz |
JP for the first time presented the Grammarian segment, and found many gems of speech used during the Meeting.
JP |
The General Evaluation was very ably presented by Hazel. It was very thorough and well balanced with praise and areas which in her opinion could improve. This was her first time in the role of General Evaluator.
Hazel |
Awards: Best Speech - jointly by Dana and Ted, Best Evaluator - jointly by Dan and Liz, Best Table Topic - Christiane, Most Improved - Arun. Gold medal winners all!
Christiane, Arun, Dan, Liz, Dana and Ted |