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Friday, 14 May 2021

Meeting 1083 "Mothers Day"

 We delighted to welcome back previous guests Ted and Arun and to be informed that they are both joining our club.

 President Leanne welcomed all to the meeting and passed control to Toastmaster of the evening, John.


John gave us some information on the origin of Mother's Day.
JP proposed a toast to "All mums." 

Hazel's Round Robin created some laughter as we were asked to speak about "The worst Mothers Day gift."

There were three prepared speeches. Josh presented his Icebreaker speech titled "I Quit, I'm out of Here!" He used a map as a visual aid to show where he and his wife had gone when they quit their jobs and travelled around Australia.


His speech was evaluated by Dan.


The second speaker Tony told how his job as an "asbestos hunter" took him deep inside the Reserve Bank and he became "Nearly a Billionaire." 

His speech was evaluated by Peter.


Marlene completed Level 2 of her Presentation Mastery path with her speech, "Some Things My Mother Taught Me."

It was evaluated by Hazel.


Dan who had been on called on to provide a raffle at short notice, produced a bag of goodies, including a bottle of gin and a scented candle called "Sitting on the Couch doing Nothing." It proved to be a very popular raffle and was won by Gail.

Timer keeper Leanne  announce that the meeting was running slightly behind time so the supper break was shortened, but still allowed us time to enjoy the delicious food that Trish had provided.

Gail was Table Topics Master and called on Josh, Peter, Tony, Dan, Marlene and Trish to deliver an impromptu  2 minute speech.


The topics were (paraphrased) 
1. How do you know your mother loves you?
2.What was your mothers favourite music?
3.What is one thing you could do to make your mother smile?
4. If your mother was a cartoon character who would she be?
5. What was the hardest thing you had to do as a mother? 
6. What do you do to thank your Mum for being your Mum?

The Table Topics were evaluated by Darryl and Carmy.


The Business Session followed chaired by Gail which included the Election of the new Club Officers for the coming Toastmasters year, (1st July 2021 - 30th June 2022.)

The elected officers are
President - John
Vice President Education - Marlene
Vice President Membership - Tony
Vice President Public Relations - Leanne
Secretary - Trish
Treasurer - Peter
Sergeant-at-Arms - Josh
Parliamentarian - Trish
Immediate Past President - Leanne

Grammarian Trish said there had been some filler words such as "Um" during the meeting and commended some of the members for their descriptive words and phrases.

Monica presented a General Evaluation of the entire meeting.


The evenings Awards went to Trish (Best Table Topic,)  Dan (Best Evaluation,) Marlene (Best Speech,) and Josh (Most Improved.) 

Award winners 11 May 2021

Next meeting Tuesday, 25th May.

Friday, 30 April 2021

Meeting 1082 "Boxing"

Two more new members! Our President Leanne inducted Dana and JP into our club. 

Leanne inducted JP and Dana

We were honoured to have a visit from our Area Director Kirsty, and Mark, who will be Area Director in the coming Toastmaster year (July 2021 - June 2022.) Another very welcome guest was Arun, a first time visitor and we were delighted to see Carmy back at our meeting.


Toastmaster of the evening Christiane had chosen Boxing as a theme, in honour of her grandfather who is a keen boxing enthusiast. 

Gail spoke about the upcoming Olympic Games in Tokyo and proposed a toast to " Australian Athletes."  

Word Master Josh chose the phrase "Weigh in" as the word for the evening. 


Ed introduced the Round Robin and asked everyone to tell of their greatest challenge.

The main event was the prepared speeches. The first speaker was  Peter who used a clever cartoon to introduce his speech "In Praise of Experts."   It was evaluated by Marlene.


The second speaker Leanne spoke about "My Three Groups of Mentors" which were her parents, teachers and friends. This completed Level 2 in Leanne's chosen path, "Effective Coaching."  It was evaluated by Tony. 


John was the third speaker. He presented a very animated "Untold Story of Captain Cook's voyage to Australia in 7 Minutes Flat." He performed all the roles of the characters in his story. It was evaluated by Trish.

The Untold Story


Leanne's raffle was in keeping with the theme - boxes! They contained mugs, warm socks, Mocha, Marshmallows, chocolates and scratch-its tickets. The lucky winner was Marlene. JP won a smaller second prize box.

Raffle prize

Time Keeper Hazel informed us that the meeting was slightly behind time and it was time to break for supper, which was provided by Marlene.

Time Keeper Hazel

Table Topic Topic Master Darryl didn't pull any punches with his theme related topics. Kirsty, Hazel, Narelle, Dana, Josh, JP and Ed rose to the occasion and presented creative mini-speeches.





The Table Topics were evaluated by Chris and Peter.

John presented an Educational session "A Guide to Giving a Toast."

Chris explained what is involved in the position of Club Treasurer.


Grammarian Carmy commented on evocative word and phrases that had been used during the meeting, including "rolling with the punches", "keyboard warriors", "ready to rumble", budgie smugglers" and "buzzle".

This was followed by an encouraging address from our Area Director Kirsty.


Gokul delivered a comprehensive General Evaluation of the entire meeting.


Champions of the evening were Leanne (Best Speech), Ed (Most Improved), Tony (Best Evaluation), and Dana (Best Table Topic).

Awards 27th April

Next meeting 11th May will have a Mother's Day theme.  Club Officer Elections will also be held.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Meeting 1081 - Werner Langer

 This Meeting was able to proceed during Covid Restrictions as Safe Social Distancing was observed.

Acting Sergeant at Arms Tony opened the Meeting right on time and handed control to President Leanne.

Leanne and Josh

Kylie and Dana

Guests Kylie and Dana and return guests JP and Narelle were welcomed, followed by the Induction ceremony for Josh.

Control was handed to Toastmaster for the Meeting, Peter. He explained the theme - who Werner Langer was and had also included some of his Artwork around the Room. Throughout the evening we learnt more about this local artist's contribution to the Sandgate community.


Josh gave the toast to "Community".


Wordmaster Ed gave us "Artfully" for use throughout the Meeting.

Round Robin was conducted by Christiane, with the topic "What was your best Artwork ever". This was a delightful lighthearted topic which enabled all to supply an answer, what an artful lot we are!


Leanne introduced Tony who spoke on "It's all Greek to Me".


Hazel introduced Gail whose title was "Anything but Cushy".


Evaluator Darryl introduced Christiane whose humourous speech was entitled "Indirectness in Australia".


Rafflemaster Gail - themed item again with a Paint by Numbers project, as well as Roses Chocolates. It was won by Gokul.


Timer Chris handled the job efficiently and with humour.


Monica introduced the Table Topics segment with humour and imaginative topics. It lit up vivid imaginations and many tall tales.


Speakers were - John T, Josh, Narelle, Ed, Dana and Liz.


These were evaluated by Trish and Marlene, who were both sympathetic to speakers with wise suggestions for future presentations.


A very time efficient Business Meeting was chaired by Gokul, who was totally in charge of the Session and conducted it with dignity and professionalism.


Christiane gave us insights into her Executive role as Secretary, in preparedness for the upcoming Executive changeover.

Grammarian Hazel in her presentation highlighted the cream of speech tonight. She was prolific in her observations of all segments. 

General Evaluator of the entire Meeting was conducted by Liz.


Awards: Best Speech: Christiane, Best Evaluator: Trish, Best Table Topic: Liz, Most Improved: Christiane.

Trish, Christiane and Liz

Next meeting 27th April.