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Thursday, 11 March 2021

Meeting 1078 - Friendship

After welcoming Guests Graham, Ted and Joshua, plus brand new Members Tony and Edward, President Leanne handed control to Toastmaster of the Meeting, Gokul.


Gokul explained why he chose the theme of Friendship - as it held his values of kindness, honesty and loyalty, and in his opinion was one of the strongest bonds of all.

A Toast to “Friends” was given by Hazel.


Paul presented the word “Empathy” - and its derivatives Empathetic and Empathise. Gokul provided the most usage during the Meeting.

Round Robin segment as conducted by Monica with the topic “Tell us about a friend who meant something to you”; which all Toastmasters and guests could readily answer.


John T’s speech from “The Role of Mentoring” was introduced by Evaluator Darryl. The title was “The Mentor from Hell”.

John T.


Leanne’s Speech entitled “What Animal Are You” was introduced by Liz Wo. and evaluated by Tony.



Christiane kept control of the progress of the Meeting with regular timing reports.


Raffle by Monica promised that Money makes the World Go Around - so by participating in the raffle you could win money via scratchies. The lucky winner was Ted.



Table Topics:

Chris H. presented some challenging topics, which were evaluated by Gail and Marlene.

Chris H.


Participants were Paul, Darryl, Ted, Liz, Tony, Monica, Ed and Josh.

Liz Wo.



Leanne gave a presentation about Executive the role of Vice President Membership, for all to consider for the July changeover of Executive positions in the Club.

Listening Quiz was introduced by Gail with quick questions to test our listening skills throughout the Meeting.

Trish gave a full outline of the evening with the General Evaluation. Trish praised all participants and gave relevant feedback and practical recommendations in areas to elevate to a higher level.



Best Speech - Leanne; Best Evaluator - Tony; Best Table Topic - Paul, who also was awarded the Most Improved.

Leanne, Paul and Tony

In closing, Leanne reminded everyone to watch on Zoom the Moreton Division Contest this Saturday from 8am. Member John T. is representing our Club in the Humourous Contest.

Monday, 1 March 2021

Meeting 1077 - When We Were Kids

 Another hybrid Meeting with Trish, Liz We, Jonathon and Carmy on Zoom.

President Leanne welcomed guests Gaby, Tony and Edward, then presented Pathways Ribbons to Members for the following achievements. 

John T.

Liz We - Motivational Strategies Level 1

Jonathon - Effective Coaching Level 1

Darryl - Effective Coaching Level 1

Chris - Innovative Planning Level 1

Carmy - Visual Communication Level 1

John - Engaging Humor Level 1

John - Dynamic Leadership Level 3

John  - Presentation Mastery Level 4

John has also received his second Triple Crown from District 69.

Control was handed to the Toastmasters for the evening, Marlene.


The Toast by Chris H. was to "The End of Summer".

Word Master Darryl gave the Word "Mischievous" for use throughout the Meeting.

The Round Robin was hosted by Carmy. It was a continuing story of kids in the park.

All Speakers were challenged with the very noisy thunder and rain on the roof during these presentations.


Evaluator Leanne introduced Chris H. for his speech entitled "Learning About Leadership".

Chris H.

Liz We. was introduced by Trish, and the title was "First Steps".

Liz We.


Hazel introduced Christiane with her speech entitled "Arrr". 



An innovative approach to the Raffle by Gokul used his skills well. The winner was Christiane.


Gail presented Table Topics and participants answered on the Theme of "When you were a Kid":


Hazel - what did you like to do after school?

Gokul - what was your favourite meal?

Trish - most memorable birthday?

Carmy - what did you do on the weekend?

Liz We - favourite cartoon or comic?

Leanne - who was your bestest friend and why?

Evaluators Liz Wo. and Jonathon provided feedback.


Gail provided insights into the role of Vice President Education, and urged Members to consider taking on the role mid year.

Liz Wo. presented the segment "Show and Tell" with the board game Scrabble, albiet it an old battered version. It was a family favourite in her childhood and is still educating kids in the skills of vocabulary, spelling, counting, anagramming and strategy. 

Liz Wo.

Timer Paul gave updates on timing.

General Evaluation by John T. emphasized the 3 T's. Theme, Tone and Timing, are 3 important elements of a successful Meeting, and they were present tonight.

John T.

Awards: Best Speech Christiane, Best Evaluator Jonathon, Best Table Topic Leanne, and Most Improved Hazel.

Leanne, Hazel and Christiane

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Meeting 1076 - Books

 The Meeting was opened by acting Sargent-at-Arms Chris H. and control was handed to President Leanne.


Toastmaster Trish then welcomed all Members and guest Josh.


The Wordmaster Hazel gave a thorough explanation of the word "Narrative" and its derivatives for use throughout the Meeting. Liz We. was a champion in this task.


A Toast to "A Passion for Books" was presented by Liz Wo.


Gail introduced the Round Robin with the theme "Name a Book that changed your Life".

Gail then presented her set Speech from Pathways for - Present a Proposal. She was introduced by Evaluator Monica, and the title was "Own your Path".



Speech 2 was by John T. from Pathways with the objective - to Connect with your Audience. He was introduced by Evaluator Chris H. with the speech entitled "Shopping Strive with my Wife".

John T.

Chris H.

Timer Liz We. on Zoom did an excellent job of providing Speech times.

Liz We.

An Educational on Evaluations followed presented by Jonathon. Even though this was via Zoom, he had thoughtfully provided hand-outs to the physical Meeting to assist. 


The Raffle was presented by Marlene, naturally it was a collection of books, together with Chocolates to enjoy whilst reading! The winner was Gokul.


Supper was delicious healthy food provided by Hazel. 

Table Topics were delivered by Gokul, who chose topics which were related to books and were very effective for impromptu speaking.  Liz We. - Talk about a childhood book you loved, Marlene - Which character in a book would you become, Hazel - Don't judge a book by its cover, Chris D - If I wrote a book, Chris H - If you were left on an island which book would you take, and guest Josh also participated with the topic "This is my favourite book". Congratulations on stepping up to take your first role.



The Table Topics were evaluated by Darryl and Marlene.


An extremely brisk Business Meeting followed, chaired by John T. Such efficiency was well received as the Meeting was running behind time.

Leanne then outlined her role on the Executive and urged Members to consider taking on the President role from July this year.

Grammarian Chris D gave inciteful information about use of words and phrases for all Members to consider at future Meetings.

Chris D.

Trevor gave a most informative General Evaluation, filled with humour and valuable feedback.


Best Speech, John T, Best Evaluator, Darryl, Best Table Topic, Chris H, and Most Improved Chris D.

Chris D, John T, Chris H, Darryl